
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 机座 | all forms | in specified order only
机座成形机seven-stand forming mill
机座热轧带钢机组seven-stand hot steel strip train
机座辊弯机seven-stand forming mill
万能式精轧机座universal finisher stand
万能式精轧机座universal finishing stand
万能式轧机机座universal mill stand
机座轧机three-stand mill
三辊可逆式机座three-high reversing stand
三辊式机座three-high stand
三辊式机座three-high rolling stand
三辊式开坯机座three-high cogging stand
三辊式开坯机座three-high bloomer
三辊式粗轧机座three-high roughing stand
三辊式精轧机座three-high finishing stand
三辊式轧机机座three-high mill stand
下滑座式凸轮压力机bottom slide cam press
下滑座式拉延压力机bottom slide drawing press
下滑座式深拉压力机bottom slide drawing press
不可调机座non-adjustable stand
中间机座pony-roughing mill
中间机座run-down mill
中间机座intermediate stand
中间开坯机座intermediate bloomer
二辊可逆式机座two-high reversing stand
二辊式精轧机座two-high finishing mill stand
二辊式精轧机座two-high finishing stand
二辊式轧机机座two-high rolling mill stand
二辊式轧机机座two-high mill stand
传动机座drive stand
机座无扭轧机8-stand no-twist mill
冷压机座cold-press bed
冷轧机精整机座cold finisher
冷轧机精轧机座cold finisher
刚性机座stiff stand
刚性机座stiff stand
初轧机座cogging-down stand
初轧机座blooming stand
初轧机座cogging stand
初轧机座breakdown mill
初轧机座blooming mill stand
剪切机机座shear frame
机座single stand
机座斯特克尔轧机single-stand Steckel type rolling mill
机座轧机single stand mill
单独传动机座individually driven stand
卷取机支座coiler stand
压机机座press bed
去鳞机座descaling stand
机座double stand
机座串列式轧机two-stand tandem mill
机座轧机double-stand rolling mill
机座轧机two-stand mill
机座轧机double stand rolling mill
双卷开卷机支座double-headed coil stand
双轴承座弯辊轧机double chock bender mill
双轴承座弯辊轧机double-chock bender mill
发动机座engine bed
发动机座engine base
可换机座change stand
可逆式机座reversing rolling stand
可逆式粗轧机座reversing roughing stand
可逆式轧机机座reversing rolling stand
可逆式轧机机座reversing mill stand
台座式点焊机pedestal spot welder
台座起重机abutment crane
同主机座紧配的立辊轧机轧边机close-coupled edger
机座串列式轧机four-stand tandem mill
机座连续式带材冷轧机four-stand tandem cold strip mill
机座连续式带材冷轧机four stand tandem cold strip mill
机座连续式轧机four stand tandem mill
机座连轧机four-stand continuous mill
四辊可逆式机座four-high reversing stand
四辊可逆式机座four high reversing stand
四辊式机座four high stand
四辊式机座four-high stand
四辊式机座4-h roll stand
四辊式机座four-high mill stand
四辊式机座four high mill stand
四辊式粗轧机座four-high rougher stand
四辊式粗轧机座four high rougher stand
四辊拉坯机座four-roll withdrawal set
四辊拉坯机座four roll set
备用机座emergency stand
备用机座spare stand
机座带钢轧机multistand strip mill
机座轧制multistand rolling
机座连续式轧机close continuous mill
宽展机座spreading stand
宽展机座broadside stand
宽展机座broadside mill
小压下量轧制机座dummy stand
小车式机座car-type stand
工作机座working stand
工作机座reduction mill
平整机座temper mill
平整机座planishing stand
平整机座dressing stand
建筑型钢轧机机座structural stand
开卷机座pay-off stand
开坯机座breaking down stand
开坯机座cogging-down stand
开坯机座reduction mill
开坯机座cogging stand
开坯机座breakdown stand
开坯机座轧辊getting-down roll
开坯机座轧辊breakdown roll
V 形座的板带卷运输机V-shaped coil carrier
成品机座finisher stand
成品机座planishing stand
成品机座finishing stand
成品前机座leading stand
成品前机座的轧辊leader rolls (横列式轧机的)
横列式轧机成品前预精轧机座的轧辊pony rolls
成品前预精轧机座的轧辊leader rolls
成品前预精轧机座leader stand
成形机座forming stand
拉伸辊机座set of withdrawal rolls
拉坯辊机座set of withdrawal rolls
拉拔机机座drawbench bed
拉辊机座set of withdrawal rolls
拉辊机座withdrawal-roll set
斜座起重机angle crane
无扭精轧机座no-twist finished stand
无机架机座housingless stand
无牌坊机座housingless stand
机座上横梁top-mill separator
机座上横梁top-housing separator
机座下横梁bottom mill separator
机座下横梁bottom-mill separator
机座底架bed frame
机座弹跳springing of stand
机座横梁mill separator
机座自动更换系统automatic stand changing system
机座间带钢压力机interstand strip press
机座间张力interstand tension
板材轧机机座plate mill stand
槽形机座gap bed
【压】 模座侧送料压力机muzzle-loading press
模座侧送料压力机muzzle-loading press
横列式交替二辊型钢轧机的预精轧成品前机座leader stand
水平机座horizontal roll stand
活套轧机机座repeater (【技】围盘:在横列式轧机上,用活套的方法将轧件由一机座引导至另一机座,或由一孔引至另一孔的装置。)
热压机座hot press bed
理想刚性机座ideal rigid stand
瓦垄机座corrugating stand
瓦垄板轧机机座corrugating stand
电动机座motor stand
空轧机座dummy stand
空转机座idle stand
立轧机座edging stand
立辊轧机机座vertical roll unit
立辊机座edger mill
第二架粗轧机座pony roughing stand of rolls
粗轧机座roughing stand
粗轧机座roughing-down stand
粗轧机座上轧制pony roughing
粗轧成型机座rough shaping stand
粗轧成型机座shaping stand
精整机座planishing stand
精轧机座finishing mill
精轧机座finishing stand
精轧机座finisher stand
脱鳞机座descaling stand
薄板轧机机座sheet mill stand
跳式三辊机座jumping three-high stand
轧机机座roll stand
轧机机座rolling mill stand
轧机机座roll mill stand
轧机机座mill stand
轧机机座换辊侧roll change side
轧机机座更换小车mill stand changing car
轧机机座的弹跳弹性变形mill springing
轧机机座的弹跳弹性变形mill spring
轧机机座进出口水平导向辊billy roll
轧机机架轨座housing base
轧机轨座mill shoe
轧管机机座pipe-mill stand
轧管机机座pipe-mill rolling stand
轧辊机座stand of rolls
轧辊轴承座压【夹】紧机构roll chock clamping mechanism
轧辊轴承座压紧机构roll chock clamping mechanism
用于轧制锭、板坯或厚板侧面的轧边机座edger mill
轧边机座edger mill
轨梁轧机机座structural stand
轨梁轧机精轧机座rail-finishing mill
进给机座push mill
送进机座push mill
钢板轧机机座plate mill stand
钢梁轧机机座beam mill stand
钢梁轧机机座structural stand
闭式机座closed stand
除鳞机座descaling stand
预精轧机座pony-roughing mill
预精轧机座的轧辊leader rolls
齿轮座机体pinion housing