
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing 机座 | all forms | in specified order only
三段式定子机座-section frame
三段式定子机座three-piece frame
下半机座lower half frame
不分瓣机座unsplit frame
全封闭机座totally-enclosed frame
八角形机座octagonal frame
八角形分半机座octagonal split frame
机座inner cage
机座inner frame
内外机座型发电机double casings generator
内外机座型发电机double framed generator
分瓣机座split housing
分瓣机座multi-segment frame
分瓣机座split frame
励磁机底座exciter base
半保护型机座semi-protected enclosure
机座型发电机double framed generator
发电机机座generator housing
发电机机座generator casing
叠片机座building stand
叠片定子机座laminated stator frame
可沿轴向抽出的机座end shift frame
可移动的机座end shift frame
圆形机座all-around frame
圆形机座-round frame
圆形机座round-shaped frame
圆形不分瓣机座round-shaped nonsplit frame
圆形分瓣机座round-shaped split frame
圆形整体机座round unitary frame
圆筒型机座电动机tube type motor
机座outer casing
机座outer frame
机座out frame
外定子机座outer stator frame
外定子机座outer stator casing
多瓣机座multi-segment frame
多边形机座polygon frame
定子机座stator housing
导磁机座field frame
导磁机座magnet frame
带散热肋的机座finned frame
带散热肋的机座ribbed frame
带肋机座ribbed frame
带肋机座finned frame
底座安装型电动机foot mounted motor
座式发动机erected engine
座式发动机base-plate engine
座式轴承电动机bracket bearing type motor
座式轴承电动机pedestal-bearing motor
开启型机座open-type frame
开启型机座open frame
整体机座single piece frame
整体机座integral frame
整体机座mono frame
整体机座one-piece frame
整体机座电动机single frame motor
整体铸造机座monoblock casting frame
整铸机座integral casting frame
整铸机座cast integral frame
整铸机座single piece cast frame
有散热片机座ribbed frame
有散热片机座finned frame
未接地机座unearthed frame
机座stator seat
机座stator yoke
机座内膛frame bore
机座刚度stiffness of frame
机座制造区fabrication area of frame
机座number of base
机座frame size
机座外径external diameter of frame
机座尺寸frame size
机座尺寸frame dimension
机座底脚frame foot
机座悬挂型电动机frame suspended motor
机座挠度frame flexibility
机座接口frame parting line
机座接口frame joint
机座接合线frame joint
机座接缝frame parting line
机座接缝frame joint
机座散热筋frame rib
机座frame beam
机座水压试验frame hydrostatic test
机座泵压试验pressure test of stator frame
机座环板frame ring
机座的安装底脚frame mounting feet
机座housing cover
机座直径frame diameter
机座肋条frame beam
机座肋条frame rib
机座背部frame back
机座表面冷却式电动机fan cooled air-over motor
机座装配assembly of frame
机座装配图assembly drawing of frame
机座贯通螺栓frame through bolt
机座轴向长axial frame length
机座长度frame length
机座height of frame
机架底座bracket base
框形机座skeleton frame
气密型机座gas-tight type frame
氢密封机座hydrogen-tight frame
焊接机座fabricated frame
焊接机座welded frame
电动机机座motor case
电动机机座motor shell
电动机机座motor sheath
电动机机座motor frame
机座short frame
磁性机座magnet frame
磁性机座field frame
磁电机座magneto block
空心散热筋机座hollow ribbed frame
箱式机座box type frame
箱式机座电动机box-frame motor
箱式机座电动机box type motor
箱形机座box type construction
箱形机座box-frame type
箱形机座电动机box-frame motor
箱形机座结构box-frame construction
组合机座joint frame
组合机座building-up frame
肋形机座finned frame
肋形机座ribbed frame
薄壳机座shell type frame
机座steel frame
钢板机座steel plate frame
钢板焊接机座plate-welded frame
铸钢机座cast steel frame
铸铁机座cast iron frame
铸铝机座cast aluminium frame
机座long frame
防噪声机座noise-proof frame
防爆机座unexplosive frame
防爆机座flameproof frame
防爆机座flameproof enclosure
防爆机座fire-proof enclosure
防爆机座fire-proof frame
防爆型机座explosion safe frame
防爆型定子机座explosion safe stator frame
防虫害机座vermin-proof frame