
Terms for subject Electronics containing 机动的 | all forms | in specified order only
与计算机接口的自动绘图仪machine for automated graphics interface to a computations
主从机械手的磁带传动master to slave tape drive
交流换流器供电的电动机alternating current converter-fed motor
从电网直接起动的电动机motor directly starting from network
具有下降速度特性的电动机dropping response motor dropping speed motor
功率因数等于1的电动机all-watt motor
发动机的汽缸cylinder barrel
向电动机供电的支路motor branch circuit
美国喷气发动机通用核子公司的工业用堆aerojet general nucleonics industrial reactor
在海水中工作的电动机sea-water flooded electric motor
基于计算机的自动化computer-based automation
定子和端盖组合在一起的电动机bonded motor
已校正的发动机的测试calibrated engine testing
带减速齿轮的电动机gear motor
带整流系统的双动力机车dual-system chopper locomotive
带有电刷的电动机brush-riding motor
带离合器的电动机clutch-type motor
带靠背轮连接的电动机clutch-type motor
异步化的同步电动机asynchronized synchronous motor
强迫风冷的电动机forced air cooled motor
成套设备的电动机[含全部附件]complete sets of motor
持续运行的电动机long-hour motor
整流器馈电的电动机rectifier-fed motor
无换向器的电动机commutatorless motor
无整流子的电动机commutatorless motor
无轴的电动机shaftless motor
有三排转子槽的电动机motor with three rows of slot on rotor
有串励特性的电动机motor with series characteristic
有减速装置的电动机motor with reduction gear
有吸收势垒的分枝随机游动branch random walk with absorbing barriers
有复励特性的电动机motor with compound characteristic
有并励特性的电动机motor with shunt characteristic
有星形减速齿轮的电动机motor with planetary reduction gear
有补偿的感应电动机compensated induction motor
有补偿的推斥式电动机compensated repulsion motor
有补偿的线性感应电动机compensated linear induction motor
未来汽车的机电系统可能包括自平行停车、电子线控制动和取代液压系统的机电伺服系统Future mechatronic systems on automobiles may include self-parallel parking, electronic brake-by-wire and replacement of hydraulic systems with electromechanical servo systems
机动的power operated
机械传动的power actuated
热力发电机组的冷态起动cold start-up of a thermal generating set
热力发电机组的热态起动hot start-up of a thermal generating set
电动机构的手动操作manual operation of motor-drive mechanism
电动机驱动的励磁机motor-driven exciter
电厂的机动性[可控性]plant flexibility
皮带传动的绕线转子电动机belted wound-rotor motor
直接配有 Rambus 总线通道的动态随机存取存储器direct Rambus dynamic random access memory
直接配有Rambus 总线通道的动态随机存取存储器direct Rambus DRAM
穿过离心机的流动flow through centrifuge
自动按给定变率升降负荷的机组ramp-loaded unit
自动控制用的计算机程序computer program for automatic control
蓄电池充电的电动机-发电机battery charging motor-generator
计算机化的自动系统测试机computerized automatic systems tester
计算机化的自动评价技术computerized automatic rating technique
计算机操作的自动测试系统computer operated automatic test system
说明书上对冲击钻微机自动控制系统的硬件构成及软件设计进行了详细的解释The instruction pamphlet gives a detailed description of the hardware configuration and software design of the microcomputer-based automatic control system for the impact drill
转动天线的电动机aerial turning motor
软速度特性的电动机dropping response motor dropping speed motor
逆变器电流控制的感应电动机inverter current controlled induction motor
防止发电机转为电动机运行的保护装置motoring protection
高度灵活机动的highly flexible