
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
征值dominant eigenvalue
征向量dominant eigenvector
作用的基组合fundamental combination of actions
全国基风压力分布图basic wind distribution drawing for the whole country
冲洪积黏性土地基基承载力basic bearing capacity of alluvial and diluvium clayey soil
地基基承载力basic bearing capacity of subgrade
地基基承载力basic bearing capacity of foundation soil
地震基烈度basic seismic intensity
地震基烈度basic intensity of earthquake
一致substantial agreement
代号fundamental code
体系principal system
假定fundamental postulate
假定basic assumption
fundamental force
功能fundamental function
单位elementary units
单位basic units
参数essential parameter
参数basic parameter
变量basic variable
周期base period
图式basic pattern
地震烈度fundamental seismic degree
容许应力basic allowable stress
尺寸basic size
尺寸basic dimension
应力basic stress
应力primary stress
建设投资额sum of capital construction investment
建设拨款appropriation of capital construction
建设程序program of capital construction
建设贷款loan for capital construction
建设费cost of capital construction
建设费capital construction cost
建设费cost of fundamental construction
承载力basic bearing capacity
振型fundamental mode
振型fundamental vibration mode
操作base operation
方法basic approach
方法fundamental method
术语fundamental term
条件basic condition
条文basic provisions
标准basic criterion
格式basic format
水准点basic benchmark
水文数据basic hydrologic data
河宽basic width of river
烈度basic intensity
特征fundamental characteristic
理论fundamental theory
的组合basic combination
的组合fundamental combination
研究fundamental research
组合basic combination
结构primary structure
荷载primary load
规范elementary specifications
规范basic specifications
规范fundamental specifications
elementary solution
计算公式basic computing formula
设备base apparatus
设计要求basic design requirements
词汇basic word-stock
词汇basic vocabulary
stock rail
钢轨principal rail
钢轨basic rail
basic term
频率fundamental frequency
风压值value of basic wind-pressure
风压值basic wind-pressure value
屈服的基情况fundamental case of buckling
岩石地基的基承载力basic bearing capacity of rock subgrade
工厂焊缝基容许应力basic allowable stress of shop welded seam
工程成cost of a project
建筑资building capital
弹性稳定性的征问题eigenvalue problem of elastic stability
影印photo-offset copy
道路协会Japan Road Association
有效版valid edition
征值方程eigenvalue equation
征值问题eigenvalue problem
征向量latent vector
this article
构关系constitutive relation
构定律constitutive law
构方程constitutive equation
质区别essential difference
capital principal
函数sample function
正态基变量normal basic variable
残积黏性土地基的基承载力basic bearing capacity of residual clayey soil
水准记录level notes
相关基变量correlated basic variable
砂类土地基的基承载力basic bearing capacity of sandy soil
碎石类土地基的基承载力basic bearing capacity of crushed stone subgrade
简缩abridged edition
简缩abbreviated version
经纬仪记录transit notes
统计样statistic samples
荷载的基组合fundamental combination of loads
设计的基要求basic design requirements
设计的基要求basic requirements for design
试验样test sample
超静定基体系statically indeterminate principal system
野外记录field notes
钢材的基容许应力basic allowable stress of steels
铁路钢桥的基材料basic materials of railway steel bridges
静定基体系statically determinate principal system
预算成计算estimated cost account