
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing | all forms
一年成one-year cost method
产业的地化localization of industry
产品成高、质量差、无销路的企业enterprises turning out costly, low-quality and unmarketable products
仓储总成净额total net holding cost
仓储成warehouse cost
价值为审计value-for-money audit
价值为审计VFM audit
价值为审计value for money audit
会计帐accounting entry
作准文authoritative text
作准文authentic text
债务还付息debt service
制定最低成计划least cost scheduling
协定范model agreement
历史成惯例historical cost convention
原始成initial cost
原始成up-front cost
合同范contract template
员工的地化localization of employees
商业commercial paper
固定成行业constant cost industry
体格检查basic medical examination
协议basic agreement
员工core staff
备考基本方式basic pro forma
工作周base workweek
工资率basic salary rate
市场结构basic market structures
建设费用capital cost
建设预算capital budget
建设预算investment budget
数据background information
文件Basic Documents
文件basic instrument
模式basic pro forma
票据basic instrument
职位core post
薪酬base salary
薪酬base remuneration
薪酬base pay
要求basic requirement
basic solution
实际成费用real costs
平均变动成average variable costs
总成方法aggregate cost method
价值cost value
价格cost value
函数cost function
功能cost function
回收原则principle of cost recovery
回收原则cost recovery principle
回收措施cost recovery measures
效益分析cost-efficiency analysis
效益比率cost-benefit ratio
核定制cost measurement system
节制措施cost containment measure
降低的行业decreasing cost industry
所有权成cost of ownership
折衷文compromise text
搜寻成search cost
摩根士丹利资国际全球国家指数All Country Index
摩根士丹利资国际全球国家指数MSCI All Country Index
收回全部成full-cost recovery
时间成time cost
最低成时程least cost scheduling
国化法律indigenization laws
地费用in-area expenditure
地雇佣local hire
性状况state of nature
组织总规则general rules
组织总规则General Rules of the Organization
权威文authoritative text
权威文authentic text
变异数sample variance
平均值之分配the distribution of sample means
平均值的平均数average of means of samples
量的最优分配optimal allocation of sample size
确认书副confirmation copy
等产量 -等成曲线isoquant-isocost curves
管理成优势regulatory cost advantage
纯文电子邮件plain text e-mail
经营资operating fund
自然资主义natural capitalism
计划成planned cost
计划成planned costs
内流capital influx
内流capital inflow
增值capital appreciation
差额capital budget
差额investment budget
性资产定价模型这是一种连接有价证券的预期收益与潜在风险的等式capital asset pricing model
支出帐户Capex Account
支出帐户Capital Expenditure Account
流入capital influx
设备capital equipment
资产capital assets
赠与capital grant
赠款capital grant
预算investment budget
长期成曲线long run cost curves
间接成indirect costs
国职工non-local staff
地招聘人员staff members recruited from outside the local area