
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一次性还贷款合同bullet contract
一次性还贷款策略bullet strategy
一类资tier 1 capital
一级资primary capital
三年成收回规则three-year cost recovery rule
上市材料副copy of listing material
上市材料文copy of listing material
下方保downside breakeven
下行保downside breakeven
下跌保downside breakeven
不偿还金债券irredeemable debenture
不偿还金债券irredeemable bond
不动产投资信托股投资REIT equity investment
不受欢迎的资流人undesired capital inflow
不受监管的资市场exempt market
不变成standing cost
不变流动资permanent working capital
不变的机会成constant opportunity cost
不可控成uncontrollable cost
不可比产品成cost of non-comparable products
不实资fictitious capital
不应征税的股non-assessable capital stock
不能收回金的证券unredeemable security
不能随意使用的资capital tie-up
不附资增值出售的股票不包括公司按股权比例分配给股东的红利新股ex capitalization
与股收益率结合的相对强度relative strength combined with ROE
专门的与基的交易技巧special vs. basic trading skill
世界股基准系列World Equity Benchmark Series
业主股proprietary equity
业主资statement of proprietor's capital
中介成intermediation costs
中国资市场China Capital Markets
中文译审核工作小组Chinese Translation Review Working Group (香港联交所)
企业资投资business capital expenditure
优先可赎回加息股证券一种可转换优先股,可实行强制转股preferred redeemable increased dividend equity securities
优先股回购累积股preferred equity redemption cumulative stock
优先股累积回购股preferred equity redemption cumulative stock
优先股赎回股preferred equity redemption stock
优先股赎回股票preferred equity redemption stock
优先股股preferential capital
优先股转为普通股的资capital from conversion of preferred stock to common stock
优先股转换而来的实收资paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock
优先资preferred capital
优先赎回加息股证券一种可转换优先股,实行强制转股preferred redeemable increased dividend equity securities
优化资结构optimize capital structure
估算成count the cost
估算成estimating the cost
估算成appraisal cost
估算的成imputed cost
估算的资价值imputed capital value
估算的资流量imputed capital flow
倒手买卖成round trip transaction costs
借人资debenture capital
借人资outside capital
借人资external capital
借人资borrowed funds/money
借人资一公司债券loan capital-debenture
借用资回报return on capital employed
借贷成cost of borrowing
借贷成borrowing base
借贷资interest bearing capital
分割式资信托split capital trust
分割式资投资split capital investment
分层股指数stratified equity indexing
分批成计算系统job costing system
分拆单售债券息票零息债券最常见的类型,1985 年由美国财政部开始发行Treasury STRIPS
分摊的成absorbed cost
分散固定成spreading fixed cost
分期偿还金式抵押贷款constant amortization mortgage
分期偿还固定金式抵押贷款constant amortization mortgage
分期偿还浮动利率serial floating rate note
分期还债券serial bond
分步成process costing
分组股抵押贷款grouping equity mortgage
分配成益处distribution cost advantage
分配的成distributive cost
创业成start-up cost
创业资start-up capital
创业资seed capital
创业资vulture capitalists
创业资支出initial capital outlay
创始资seed money
初期资initial capital
利差净成net cost of spread
利润保profit breakeven point
利润对股东自有资的比率ratio of profit to stockholder's equity
利润资capitalization of interest
利用中国庞大资市场take advantage of the huge capital market in China
利用的资capital employed
利益地化localized interest
到期息大额还清balloon payment
到期偿还meeting principal
到期偿还债券meeting bond interest and principal
包含协同与成削减including synergies and cost cuts
合伙股partnership stock
合伙账partnership book
合并所得资capital from consolidation
名义金额nominal principal amount
名义上的nominal principal
后备股reserve share capital
售货成cost of sale
售货成cost of goods sold
在中国资市场中占有显著地位occupying a prominent place in China capital market
在中间阶段进行直接股投资direct equity investment at mezzanine stage
在外流通的股总额outstanding issued share capital
备查back up copy
备用back up copy
备用成回收体系alternative cost recovery system
复合资结构除普通股及债券外,还包括认股权证、可转换公司债、可转换特别股等形成的公司资本结构complex capital structure
外国基利率foreign prime rates
外国资capital alien
外来资capital from outside resource
外汇资金账户foreign exchange capital account
外部投人资outside venture capital
外部投资资external venture capital
外部风险资outside venture capital
多元资结构公司multiple capital structure company
多国公司产权/股multinational equity
多层次资市场multi-layer capital market
大宗生产成bulk-line costs
大摩资指数Morgan Stanley Capital Index
大盘股票基比率base rates for large stocks
大股东侵占上市公司资encroachment upon capitals of listed companies by major shareholders
大股东占用的上市公司的非经营性资listed companies' non-operational capital occupied by major shareholders
大量印刷的招股书样bulk print proof prospectus
大量投人资highly capitalized
天然资natural capital
天生资natural capital
小资基金microcap fund
小资市场美国纳斯达克small cap market NASDAQ, USA
小额资交易shoestring trading
尚未清偿的名义notional principal outstanding
市场冲击成market impact cost
市场基面分析师market fundamentalist
市场技术基建设market technology infrastructure
市场时机成market timing cost
市场资market capitalization
希腊资市场管理委员会Greece Capital Market Commission
带手机和笔记电脑赴现场工作的人remote office home office
开业成set up cost
开办成setup cost
开发资development capital
异己的资capital alien
弥补成cost of cover
一销量一利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
与市价孰低原则the lower of cost and market
与市场价孰低法low of cost or market
与市场价孰低法在资产负债表中,披露有价证券投资价格时,在投资成本与市场价两者中选价格低者进行公布lower of cost or market
交割delivery against cost
交替置换cost tradeoff
价与市场价孰低计价valuation at lower of cost or market
/价格作用机制cost/price dynamic
会计数据基础cost accounting data base
会计规则cost accounting regulation
低效cost inefficiency
关联性概念concept of cost relevancy
关联租金cost-related rent
冲销cost offset
函数交点cusp point
分摊活动contributing cost activity
利润率profit-to-cost ratio
加利润定价法cost-plus pricing
加成定价法cost plus pricing
加成本百分比cost plus percentage cost
吸收cost attach
和市价孰低法cost or market whichever is lower
和管理会计师协会Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
和运费cost and freight
和风险配置allocation of costs and risks
回收期cost recovery period
基准制cost basis
增加cost addition
外溢spillout of costs
差别cost difference
差额cost variance
或低于成本的原则cost-or-less principle
投人cost input
收人配比原则principle of matching cost with revenue
效益分析cost benefit analysis (CBA)
效益比率cost benefit ratios
方法cost approach
暗码交易商用cost mark
核算与定价政策costing and pricing policy
消化cost absorption
的可变性variability of cost
的差异性discrepancy of cost
的相关性relevance of cost
的组成component of cost
积累cost accumulation
结转cost carried forward
结转cost carried down
绩效cost performance
计人cost absorption
计价法cost approach to value
计算calculation of cost
计算手册cost manual
评估指标cost assessed target
运用cost application
递减法则law of diminishing cost
通知书cost memo
附加cost attach
集合cost pool
风险cost risk
成交量position self
成长型资组合growth portfolio
或有资contingent capital
持有成holding cost
持有成carrying charge
持有的债务与股holding debt versus equity
持续披露材料的副copy of ongoing disclosure material
按其成计价valuation at cost
按单位成计算unit cost basis
按历史成编制的报表historical-cost statement
按固定成on cost
按成估值valuation at cost
按成平均投资dollar-cost averaging
按成要素计算at factor cost
按成计值value at cost
按成计算库存股的出售价格disposal price of treasury shares cost basis
按投人资的资本额in capacity of contribution of capital
按股金额计算票数one-dollar one-vote
按资总值by market capitalization
收人和最大股的时效权prescribed right to income and maximum equity
收人担保债券还付息准备金reserve for revenue-bond-debt-service
收人股基金income-equity fund
收人资revenue capital
收人资capitalization of income
收人资化方法income capitalization approach
收回全部成full cost recovery
收回全额成full cost recovery
收条正original receipt
收益曲线yield curve notes
收益率敏感资yield sensitive capital
收益股基金income equity fund
收益资capitalization of earning
收益资化评价法capitalization of income method of valuation
收购与开发成acquisition and development costs
收购净资产价值超过成excess of net assets acquired over cost
收购成buying cost
收购资acquisition capital
明细成line item costs
最优资结构optimal capital structure
最低资金要求net capital requirement
最低资额规定minimum capital requirement
最初资primary capital
最基的谨慎标准minimum prudential standards
有价股marketable equity
有价股证券marketable equity security
有形资visible means
有形资visible capital
有形资real capital
有投票权的股voting equity
有投票权的资voting capital
有效利率成effective interest cost
有效货币资virtual money-capital
有效资市场efficient capital market
有重点的资结构分析pro forma capital structure analysis
有限合伙资金成cost of limited partner capital
服从监管所承受的成regulatory burden
期权成option cost
期权的时间成time cost of options
未交纳资uncalled capital
未付款的股unpaid capital
未付款股unpaid stocks
未付股unpaid capital
未充分利用成underutilization cost
未兑现的银行cashier's order outstanding
未分配的资利得和股息undistributed capital gain and dividend
未发行的股unissued shares capital
未发行的股unissued capital
未发行股capital stock unissued
未变现的资unrealized capital
未定经营资working capital suspense
未实现资损益unrealized capital gain or loss
未平均化的资利润率unequalized profit rate of capital
未归人成unabsorbed cost
未收回成净额net uncovered cost
未收回的cashier's order outstanding
未收缴股capital uncalled
未来的债务还付息额future service payment
未签字版unsecured copy
未被分摊的成unabsorbed cost
未被成吸收的成本unabsorbed cost
未认购的股账户unsubscribed capital stock account
未资化的利息uncapitalized interest
末期息大数付款balloon payment
・伯南克Ben S. Bernanke (2006年2月接替格林斯潘任美联储主席)
人交易principal transaction
人指令principal order
位主义localized interest
位制度standard system
公司的交易部门proprietary trading desk
公司资产与负债描述description of our assets and liabilities
利和principal 和 interest 的缩写P&I
周指令在证券交易所中,指令下达后本周如不执行就自动失效的交易指令week order
周有效委托good-this-week order
周有效指令good-this-week order
证券交易周有效指令good-this-week order
国信托资产domestic trust
国市场home market
土偏重投资行为学,侧重投资于本地home biased
土全球化的global + local
土投资homeland investment
地上市local listing
地业务domestic concern
地交易交割domestic trade settlement
地交易结算domestic trade settlement
地价格price loco
地公司domestic corporation
地利率local interest rate
地利益localized interest
地市场home market
地开户机构local account carrier
地开户行local account carrier
地投资domestic investment
地投资者domestic investor
地散户投资者domestic retail investor
地注册银行locally incorporated bank
地登记机构注册的股份share on local register
地监管机构home regulator
地结算local clearing
地股local stock
地股domestic share
地股票交易domestic stock transaction
地规则local content regulation
地货币local currency
地金融界local financial circle
地银团local syndication
地银行透支overdraft by local banks
地预期理论local expectations theory
垒打一种冒险的投资方式,使投资者在较短时期获得明显的收益home run
币计价price in domestic currency
年到目前为止year to date
年度截至现在为止本年1月 1日至今天year to date
年度最佳企业融资交易corporate finance deal of the year
年度最佳债券公司bond house of the year
年度最佳项目融资交易project finance deal of the year
店账户our account
本金和利息principal and interest
息分售国库券本金票Treasury principal strips
息分售政府证券息票Treasury coupon strips
息分离债券stripped bond
息分离抵押支持证券stripped mortgage-backed securities
息分离收人stripped income
息剥离抵押担保证券stripped mortgage-backed securities
息和debts plus interest
息均付清payoff the principal and interest
息总计sum total of the principal plus interest
月有效委托good-this-month order
月有效指令good-this-month order
due on demand
note of hand
current maturity
期业绩current performance
期产生利率current production rate
期信贷额度swing line
期发行current issues
期回购收益yield to current call
期市场价格current market price
期年收益率running yield
期息票债券current coupon bond
期收人current income
期收益current returns
期收益率running yield
债券期收益率current yield
期沉淀值current sinker
期经营费用current operation expenditures
期结算价格current settlement price
期股利current dividend
期负债current liability
期贷款existing loan
期风险承担current exposure
the present law
banker's order
promissory note (PN)
comprador's order
票付款人payer of promissory note
票出票人maker of promissory note
票收款人payee of promissory note
行账户nostro account
行账户house account
质上per se
per se
身利率own rate of interest
身市场own market
身能迅速生息还本的贷款self-liquidating loan
通知由本交易所负责解释interpretation of the notice resides in the Exchange
principal, interest, taxes, and insurance
principal money
金价值principal value
金份额担保抵押债券交易中收取本金的部分active tranche
金使用权可动用信托资产本金满足信托受益人之需invasion power
金保护与股权联系票据principal-protected and equity-linked note
PAC 金债券PAC PO principal-only bond (仅需支付本金)
金利息总计compound amount
金、利息、税金和保险principal, interest, taxes and insurance
金安全性safety of principal
金总额gross principal value
金损失loss of principal
金政府债券corpus treasury receipt (政府债券的本金为收益来源的零息债券)
金数量债券的面值或贷款的账面值principal amount
金整笔偿付capital sum
金汇率关联证券principal exchange-rate-linked securities
金的最初交换initial exchange of principal
金的最终交换final exchange of principal
金还款期payment window
金金额principal sum
标准成计算法standard costing
标普债务基评级Standard and Poor's underlying rating
标的股票的原价格price of underlying stock
次级股subordinated capital
次级资mezzanine capital
次要债务金偿还principal payments on junior debt
欧洲股交易公司European equity house
欧洲资市场Euro-capital market
清算成clearance cost
生利资quick capital
生息资interest bearing capital
人账户交易trade on one's own account
由下而上的股管理方式bottom up equity management style
由生产要素价格决定的成explicit cost
由调控资所产生的量化约束quantitative constraints generated by regulatory capital
电子文soft copy
真实利益成true interest cost
税后成after-tax cost
笔记电脑laptop PC
第一类资first tier capital
缴人资aid-in capital
缴人资总额total paid-in capital
缴足股fully paid share
缴足股paid-up capital
缴足股full-paid stock
脆弱的基fragile fundamentals
营运资周转额turnover of working capital
营运资资金循环working capital cycle
营运资statement of working operation
调回资从国外repatriate capital
调控资regulate capital
调整后的原成adjusted original cost
调整资结构的建议recapitalization proposal
谨慎投资成标准prudent investment cost standard
负债股debt equity ratio
负营运资negative working capital
负资negative carry
贡献资股票发行的总面值dedicated value
贡献资股票发行的总面值dedicated capital
财产收购成cost of asset acquisition
财务基因素financial based materiality
财政资fiscal capital
财政资finance capital
账目综合基算法basis of consolidation
账面nominal principal
货币保收益型存款currency linked deposit
货币流动资monetary working capital
货币资capital in money form
贬值的成depreciated cost
购人的币票据home currency bill bought
贴现债券的资收益capital gain on discount bonds
贷款金金额amount of principal of the loan
贷款公司基利率finance house base rate
适合列为金的项目items applicable to principal (or to income)
适销的股marketable equity
逃避资充斥世界各地,无特定用途的流动资金refugee capital
逆向成inverted capital
选择资化比率的方法methods of selection of capitalization rate
选择转人下期或选择成计人方式choosing between carryover and cost basis
通知债券还call a bond
通知即付的资call capital
通知即缴股callable capital
造成亏的交易loss-making trade
销售成cost marketing
锁定成lock in costs
锁定资tying up capital
阶梯成stepped cost
阶梯成stairstep cost
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