
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
产品生产制造cost of goods manufactured
人力和成估计manpower and cost estimate
传送帧版transfer frame version number
低成一次使用运载火箭low cost expendable launch vehicle
低成助推技术low cost boost technology
低成布撒器low-cost dispenser
低成惯性制导系统low cost inertial guidance system
低成战术成像仪low cost tactical imager (美国军用技术试验卫星)
低成模件式航天器low-cost modular spacecraft
低成空中目标low cost air target
低成精确杀伤low cost precision kill
低成综合导航系统LOCI NS low cost integrated navigation system
低成自主攻击系统low-cost autonomous strike system
低成自主攻击系统Low Cost Autonomous Attack System
低成进入太空cheap access to space
低成靶机low cost air target
作业成activity-based costing
分析breakeven analysis
倍频稳定机振荡器frequency-multiplier stalo
全寿命成估算life cycle cost estimate
全寿命成效益分析life cycle cost benefits analysis
全部分配成fully allocated costs
其他直接成other direct costs
内部损失成internal failure cost
分析基单元essential elements of analysis
分组基码流packetized elementary stream
初始成initial cost
前庭体性错觉vestibule-proprioceptive illusion
前期成front-end cost
加工成tooling cost
单位生产成unit production cost
感觉original perception
参数成评估模型parametric cost modeling
双样分析two-sample analysis
双重机振荡器double local oscillator
双频double local oscillator
发动机bare engine
发射emission capability
发射成费用launch cost
可比成proportional cost
吸附adsorption capability
固有征值proper value
地理参考基文件geographic reference base file
业务量模型baseline traffic model
事件集set of elementary event
云状basic cloud formations
传输单元basic transmission unit
作战计划basic operation plan
例子ground instance
供应商basic supplier
信息单位basic information unit
basic component
割集fundamental cut set
功能basic function
primary area (数据)
原理cardinal principle
可靠性basic reliability
周期fundamental period
命中能力basic hit capability
图像文件basic imagery file
图形元素primary graphic elements
fundamental circle
地图制图系统basic mapping system
地址reference address
basic version
basic type
型过氧化氢basic hydrogen peroxide
多普勒方程basic Doppler equation
多路控制器basic multiline controller
大圆primary circle
大圈primary great circle (作为坐标参照的大圆圈,如赤道)
天体测量学fundamental astrometry
天文常数fundamental astronomical constant
天文点fundamental astronomical point
存储模块basic storage module
存取basic access
安全系数basic safety factor
实时执行程序real-time executive, basic
实践base practice (完成项目管理某一特定目标所需要的最基本过程)
射击单位basic fire unit
射击诸元basic firing data
射击诸元basic figures
工作能力basic operational capability
库存管理base stock control
一次应力primary stress
弹性模量primary modulus of elasticity
情报basic intelligence
basic component
战斗单位basic element of combat
战斗单位basic combat unit
战略basic strategy
战略单位basic strategic unit
截击几何图形basic intercept geometry
指控系统basic command and control system
探测单元basic sounding unit
控制程序basic control program
效应primary effects
方位cardinal direction
星表fundamental catalogue
显示装置basic display unit
本征噪声比basic intrinsic noise ratio
构件basic component
构型primary configuration
标准数据系统elemental standard data system
模型fundamental model
模式fundamental mode
root segment
比例尺general scale
比例尺basic scale
汇编语言basic assembler language
测量方法fundamental method of measurement
点防御水面导弹系统basic point defense surface missile system
物质primary substance
现象实验fundamental phenomena experimentation (美国空间站上进行验证和发展现有科学理论的实验)
电气标准fundamental electrical standards
的胶粘结构工艺技术primary adhesively bonded structure technology
码流elementary stream
磁化曲线normal magnetization curve
程序支援系统basic programming support
系统baseline system
索引顺序存取法basic index sequential access method
线路品质测试basic assurance test
组成部件单元building block
一级结构primary structure
编码器basic encoding unit
网络elemental network
自动化检定设备basic automatic checkout equipment
自动检验设备basic automatic check-out equipment
航向cardinal heading
装药base charge
解矩阵fundamental-solution matrix
设施base installation
设计评审baseline design review
访问basic access
诸元basic data
质量basic weight
跃迁fundamental transition
辅助远程信息处理支持系统basic additional teleprocessing support
辅助远程信息处理系统basic additional teleprocessing system
输入输出系统basic input-output system
通信中心Base Communications Center
速率接入basic rate access (访问)
速率接口primary rate interface
重力点basic gravimetric point
阵地basic position
阵地作战basic field operation
飞行轨迹航迹net flightpath
天文astronomical background
天然辐射natural radioactive background
失效故障failure cost
完全分散式成fully distributed costs
完全样complete sample
完工成偏差variance at completion
完成成估算estimated cost at completion
实现系统软件的基语言basic language for implementing systems software
实际成actual costing
实际标准成actual normal system
导弹质失效missile nature failure
寿命周期成life-cycle cost
寿命周期成估算life cycle cost estimate
寿命周期成效益分析life cycle cost benefits analysis
小样理论small sample theory
属性样attribute sample
工作完成的预算成budgeted cost of work performed
工程成engineering cost
已完成工作实际成actual cost of work performed
广义征值问题generalized eigenvalue problem
弹道导弹成研究ballistic missile cost study
循环loop body
快速调谐机振荡器fast-tuned local oscillator
性能与成评定performance and cost evaluation
性能成评定performance and cost evaluation
性能的样均值sample mean of performance
总计划成total program cost
costs, life, interchangeability, function and safety
与作战效能分析cost and operational effectiveness analysis
估算评估cost estimation
估算关系式cost estimation relationship
估算关系式cost estimating relationship
估算模型cost estimation model
费用偏差cost variance
费用函数cost function
分担合同cost-sharing contract
分析策略评估cost an a lysis strategy assessment
分解结构cost breakdown structure
分配观cost assignment view
利润比benefit cost ratio
加固定价格cost plus fixed price
加固定酬金合同cost-plus-fixed fee contract
加固定附加费cost plus fixed fee
加奖励合同cost-plus-incentive contract
加奖励金合同cost-plus-incentive-fee contract
加奖金合同cost-plus-award-fee contract (不同于固定价格的合同)
加成定价法cost-plus pricing
加成本百分比cost plus percentage of cost
可靠性折中分析cost-reliability trade-off
合同cost contract
实报实销合同cost-reimbursable contract
容量系数cost capacity factor
费用指数cost index
控制计划cost control program
效率指数cost performance index
效益分析法cost benefit analysis method
效益比cost-effectiveness ratio
效益评价cost-effectiveness evaluation
费用模型cost model
管理cost engineering
结构模型constructive cost model (一种软件)
补偿合同cost-reimbursement type contracts
设计design to cost
设计design for cost
趋向cost trending
-进度控制系统cost/schedule control system
/进度控制系统准则cost/schedule control system criteria
-进度控制系统规范cost/schedule control system criteria
/进度状况报告cost/schedule status report
进度状态报告cost schedule status report
/进度计划与控制系统cost/schedule planning and control system
驱动因素cost drivers
截尾样censored sample
技术成评审technical cost review
有限公司Laben S.P.A. (意大利)
按成和全寿命费用设计design to cost/life cycle cost
按成设计design to cost
描述符基地址寄存器descriptor base register
效益成benefits cost ratio
代换textual substitution
和图表系统uplink text and graphics system
和图表系统text and graphics system (美国航天飞机上的)
数据text-based data
结束符end of text character
业余无线电爱好者卫星Japanese amateur satellite
中央标准时Japan central standard time
仿真技术学会Japan Society of Simulation Technology
信息处理协会Information Processing Society of Japan
卫星Nippon satellite
卫星公司JSAT corporation
卫星系统有限公司Japan Satellite Systems Inc.
国立天文台National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
国际问题研究所Japan Institute of International Affairs
地球观测卫星Japanese earth observation satellite
地球遥感卫星Japan Earth remote-sensing satellite
天文学会Astronomical Society of Japan
宇宙开发事业团National Space Development Agency of Japan (已并入日本宇宙航空研究开发机构)
宇宙航空研究开发机构Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (2003年由原日本宇宙科学研究所 ISAS,国家航空航天实验室 NAL 和宇宙开发事业团 NASDA 合并而成)
宇宙航空研究开发机构空间探索中心JAXA Space Exploration Center
宇航航天学会Japan Astronautical Society
实验性快中子增殖反应堆Japan experimental fast-breeder reactor
实验舱Japanese experimental module (计划与美国空间站连接的)
实验舱遥控机械臂系统Japanese experiment module remote manipulator system
工业标准委员会Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
帝国国防军Japanese Imperial Defense Force
广播协会Nippon Hoso Kyokai
广播卫星Japanese broadcast satellite
微重力中心Japan Microgravity Centre
微重力实验室microgravity laboratory of Japan
教育电视有限公司Nippon Educational Television Company Ltd
数据处理协会Nippon Data Processing Association
无线电有限公司Japan Radio Co Ltd (JRC)
机械工程师学会Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
极轨平台卫星Japan polar-orbit platform satellite (日本对地观测卫星)
极轨道平台Japanese polar orbiting platform
海上自卫队Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
火箭学会Japan Rocket Society
火箭工业协会Japan Rocket Industry Association
环境管理协会Japan Environmental Management Association
电子光学实验室Japan Electron Optics Laboratory
电子通信工程师学会Institute of Electronic Communication Engineers of Japan
电报电话公司Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (NTT)
电气东芝航天系统有限公司NEC TOSHIBA Space Systems Ltd. (NT-Space, 日本)
电离层探测卫星Japanese ionospheric sounding satellite
电离层探测卫星又名 Ume JITJapanese ionospheric sounding satellite
电视网公司Nippon Television Network Corporation
研究与开发公司Japan Research and Development Corporation
科学技术厅KGC Japanese Science and Technology Agency
科学技术情报中心Japan Information Center of Sciences and Technology
空中自卫队Japanese Air Self-Defense Forces
空间利用促进中心Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center (JSUP)
空间应用促进中心Japanese Space Utilization Promotion Center
空间活动委员会Japan's Space Activities Commission
联机情报系统Japan on-line information system
自卫队Japanese Self-Defense Forces
自卫队Japanese defense force
航空宇宙工业会Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies (SJAC)
航空电子工业有限公司Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd. (JAE)
航空航天公司协会SHNKUK (日本,拉丁字母缩写)
试验模型-试验逻辑模型-受压部分JEM Japanese Experiment Module-ELM Experiment Logistics Module-PS (Pressurized Section, 空间站模型)
试验模型-试验逻辑模型-受压部分JEM -ELM -PS (Pressurized Section, 空间站模型)
软件保障环境Japanese software support environment
载人航天系统公司Japan Manned Space Systems Corp. (JAMSS)
通信促进组织Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan
通信卫星Japan communication satellite
通信卫星Japanese communications satellite (日本国内通信卫星)
遥感技术中心Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC)
防卫厅Japan Defence Agency
飞机制造公司Japan Aircraft Mfg Co. Ltd.
最低全寿命周期成lowest life cycle cost
最低成估计算与调度系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
最低成设计/航天运载火箭minimum cost design/space launch vehicle
最低限度基应急通信网文电处理方式message processing mode
最低限度基设施minimum essential facilities
最小成投入least cost input
有效载荷成payload cost
植物woody plants
体坐标系body fixed coordinates (固联于飞行器上的坐标系)
体感受性刺激proprioceptive stimulation
体极迹渐近线polhode asymptote
体稳定卫星body-stabilized satellite
体稳定姿态控制系统body-stabilized attitude control system (航天器的,即三轴稳定姿态控制系统)
体聚合物mass polymer
体黏度bulk viscosity
初子午线prime meridian
初子午线primary meridian
初子午线first meridian
压容积orthobaric volume
压密度orthobaric density
原码primitive code
国水域home waters
国水域home water
雷达home chain (第二次世界大战期间美国在东海岸部署的雷达配系)
土发射和力量运用项目force application and launch from CONUS
监控local control and monitor
地交换载波local exchange carrier
地信息处理local information processing
地区域网络local area network
地区导弹系统local-area missile system (舰艇防御)
地发令local commanding
地回路操作home loop operation
地处理机local processor
service地多点分配系统local multipoint distribution system (业务,一种宽带无线接入方式)
地多重访问local multiple access
地循环local loop
地成批处理local batch processing
地振荡器local oscillator
地数字报文交换local digital message exchange
地无线环路wireless local loop
地材料indigenous material
地电话local telephone
地资源local resource
地静止标准local standard of rest
背景污染background pollution
背景辐射background radiation
底亮度background brightness
底噪声电平background noise level
底场background field
底计数background counts
umbra (太阳的)
影食umbral eclipse
特征向量latent vector
特征latent root
特征根估计latent root estimation
征值characteristic value
征吸杂工艺intrinsic gettering technology
征填充因数intrinsic fill factor (太阳电池的)
征效率intrinsic efficiency
征模糊intrinsic ambiguity
征转换效率intrinsic conversion efficiency (太阳电池的)
征载流子intrinsic carrier
性周期序列essentially periodic sequence
性奇点essentially singular point
性非负矩阵essentially non-negative matrix
local oscillator
local oscillation
振信号local oscillation signal
local control
星系团local cluster of galaxies
振荡器local oscillator
机反馈local feedback
计算机的机方式native mode
机科研舱local scientific survey module
计算机的机语言native language
色涂料clear dope
质失效inherent weakness failure
杂乱amorphous background
标准样standard sample
pattern book
中值sample median
中心距sample central moment
信号sampled signal
协方差sample covariance
均值的方差variance of the sample mean
均方列联sample mean-square contingency
平均值sample mean
排序时间sample sorting time
操作系统sample operating system
数据量度sampled-data measurement
方差的方差variance of sample variance
sample segment
相关函数sample correlation function
确定性sample certainty
空间密度sample spatial density
误差error of sample
长度sample length
每磅有效载荷发射成payload cost per pound
注入锁定振源injection locked local oscillator
活动基成评估技术activity-based costing
测量样measurement sample
涡流基分布elementary vortex distribution
version number (传送帧和虚拟信道数据单元)
独立成估算independent cost estimate
独立样independent sample
理论首件成theoretical first unit cost (第一件产品的预测成本)
生产成费用production cost
生物战剂标采样biological agent specimens collecting
生物技术标温度控制器实验biotechnology specimen temperature controller (国际空间站上的)
电子阻止electronic stopping power
直接运行成direct operating cost
研制开发development cost
程控机振荡器programmed local oscillator
稳定stalo-stable local oscillator
稳定振稳定度stalo stability
稳定机振荡器stable local oscillator
空腔稳定型机振荡器cavity-stabilized stalo
空间站运行成估算模型model to estimate space station operations costs
笛卡儿基矢量Cartesian basis vector
简化构方程reduced constitutive equation
系统身产生的电磁脉冲system-generated electromagnetic pulse
系统基设计评审system baseline design review
绝对成absolute cost
网络基文件系统network basefile system
美国土之外outside continental U. S.
美国土各集团军CONUS armies
美国土各集团军司令CONUS army commanders
美国土地面站CONUS ground station (导弹预警卫星地面站)
框架scripted architecture (一种仿真开发方法)
自动成估算automated cost estimates
自然底辐射natural background
计划工作预算成budgeted cost or work scheduled
计划成分析与评估program cost analysis and evaluation
计划采购单位成program acquisition unit cost
计算机基操作machine elementary operation
评价可靠性的成优化系统cost optimizing system to evaluate reliability
质量成quality-related costs
效益return on capital employed
赛洛合金Cerrobend (美国一种铅、铋、锡、镉合金)
超文传输协议hypertext transfer protocol
超文标记语言hyper text markup language
过去的成核算historic cost accounting
运行成operating cost
运载器成launch vehicle cost
选择项目selected item list
递减成decreasing costs
锁相振源phase-locked local oscillator
锁相机振荡器phase-locked stalo
长期成与短期成本long-run cost and short-run cost
阻止stopping power
原矩阵imprimitive matrix
征增益extrinsic gain
征材料extrinsic material
非基变量nonbasic variable
非基变量属性nonbasic variable attributer
非经常性成non-recurring cost
项目成管理project cost management
风洞wind tunnel noumenon
风洞wind tunnel body
飞行器体坐标系vehicle body coordinate system
驱动机终端单元actuation local terminal unit
高成卫星capital satellite