
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
书、报等的copy (份、册、部)
万利big profit with small money
收据book of receipts
一个好的协议应用符合逻辑的次序阐明各种基条款和条件A good agreement is the one the essential terms and conditions of which is set forth in logical sequence
一元之利和the accumulated amount of 1 yuan
一元的利和the compound amount of 1 yuan
一定成之转轴pivoting on constant cost
一定成的最高产值maximum output for a given cost
一批工作成job cost
一方违约时,另一方有权取消协议The other party shall be entitled to rescind the agreement in default on one party
一次性收购成one-time acquisition costs
一比一复制hard copy
一般成一效益模式general cost-benefit models
一般资general property tax
上升的边际成cost rising marginal
上述各项规定在协议终止后仍属有效The above-mentioned stipulations will survive termination of this agreement
上述定义将适用于合同,除非上下文另有要求The above-mentioned definitions shall apply to this contract except where the context otherwise requires
上面是他们寄来的投资成分类细目Above is a breakdown of investment costs they posted to us
变资支出expenditures of constant variable capital
不加缴股nonassessable capital stock
不动资金non-factor services
不动产资real estate capital
不变成constant cost (fixed cost)
不变成产业constant cost industry
不变机会成constant opportunity cost
不变的平均变动成1阶段phase of constant average variable cost
不变资价值constant capital value
不可储存成non-storable cost
不可储存的成the non-storable cost
不可变现的成the non-convertible cost
不可控制之成noncontrollable cost
不可控制的成the non-controllable cost
不可议付的副non-negotiable copy
不可转换的成non-convertible cost
不可转让的提单副non-negotiable copy of bill of lading
不可避免契约性固定unavoidable contractual fixed cost
不居住在国的船主non-resident shipowner
不明显租金成implicit rental cost
不易管理成uncontrollable costs
不欢迎的资流入the undesired capital inflow
不流通资amount of capital immobilized
不生产的资dead capital
不生息的资dead capital
不能列入存货的成the non-inventoriable cost
不能列入存货的成non-inventoriable cost
不能复原的成irrevocable costs
不能控制的成uncontrollable costs
不能自由运用的资capital tie-up
不还公司债irredeemable debenture
不需要的资流入undesired capital inflow
不需高额成的最佳技术best available techniques not entailing excessive costs
与决策方案有关的成the cost relevant to alternative choice
与纽约赫林公司所签代理合同,经双方同意,将于月底失效By mutual consent, the agency contract with Hailing Co., New York, will cease to exist at the end of this month
企业的资账户firm capital account
企业资enterpreneur capitalist
刀具加工模具制造tooling cost
分批供应的成的控制control of order filling cost
分批成specific-order cost system
分批成计算batch costing
分摊之固定成apportioned fixed cost
分摊成apportion cost
分摊成allocate costs
公司公债分期还办法serial redemption
分类成制度classified cost
分组成a group cost system
分配投资资ration investment capital
包迹成曲线envelope cost curve
各式各样的标sundry specimen
各方均受协议条款的约束Each part shall be bound to the terms of this agreement
合同影印photostatic cope of contract
合同文text of a contract
合同文the text of a contract
合同正negotiable copy of contract
合并成combined cost
合成货币位制composite legal tender system
合理降低成reasonable cost down
两国以上协约发行的位货币convention money
同等成线与同等产量线相切tangency of isocost line & isoquant
名义资nom. cap nominal capital
名义资的保持学说maintenance of nominal capital theory
后勤保障成logistics cost
后期资主义制度post-capitalistic system
经商set oneself up in business
备付外债息的财政信托账户fiscal trust accounts for payments of principal and interest of external bonded debts
备抵基存量缺额allowances for deficiency in base stock
备査副memorandum copy
备用复a backup copy
备用股stand-by equity investment
金银the bimetallic standard (制)
multiple standard
位制the bimetallic standard
位制a bimetallism double standard system
位制double standard
位国double standard country
位货币the bimetallic money
位货币制度a bimetallic monetary system
compound amount (compound sum)
利系数compound factors
附..复写的副carbon copy (to)
复利利和compound sum
复利利和compound amount
复制再生产the reproduction cost
复印an exact duplicate
复合结构complex capital structure
复合保点图解multiple breakeven chart
复合式成制度a multiple cost system
复杂资结构complex capital structure
复置成replacement cost
将准备金正式转为资formal capitalization of reserves
将利润汇回transfer home the profit
将投资利息滚入金的信托基金accumulation units
经营on a shoestring
经营the retail business
小型样抽样分布常态the normality of sampling distributions of small sample
小贩资the retail capital
小额slender means
市价成a market-to-cost method
市政府要求公司为地震幸存者提供食物The city government requisition-ed food from our company to feed the survivers from the earthquake
开办成promotional cost
开发成developing costs
开发成cost of development
开拓成developed cost
开有行存款账户的通汇银行depositary correspondent
开有行存款账户的通汇银行depository correspondent
意味着成的提高purport the increase of cost
cost, insurance and freight
价格cost price
cost value
一产量一利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
一产销量平稳cost-volume diagram
一利得分析cost-benefit analysis
一利润一数量分析cost-profit-volume analysis
一收益评估cost benefit assessment
一效用分析cost-utility analysis
一效益宏观经济分析macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis
一数量一价格分析cost-volume-price analysis
一数量一利润分析中的安全边际margin of safety in cost-volume-prof it analysis
一销售额一利润分析中心的安全幅度margin of safety in cost-volume-profit analysis
上涨险cost inflation risk
不变工业constant cost industry
不变工业的长期平衡long-run equilibrium in constant-cost industry
与价格差额cost price differential
与市价孰低的规则rule of cost or market
与市价孰低估价法the valuation at cost or market
与收入配合match cost with revenue
与收益cost and benefit
与收益分摊cost and benefit sharing
与收益分析input-output analysis
与生产力比率cost productivity ratio
与经营效益分析cost and operational effectiveness analysis
中心cost pools
中心主任cost center manager
习性cost behavior (analysis, 分析)
交替损益cost trade-off
original cost
价值cost of value
价值说cost theory of value
价格差额cost price differential
-价格比率cost-price ratio
价格结构cost price structure
价格膨胀cost inflations
价格螺旋型上升cost price spiral
会计准则说明statement of cost accounting standards
会计师cost keeper
会计循环制度cost accounting cycle system
会计标准委员会Cost Accounting Standard Board
会计的自动化automation of cost accounting
估价valuation at cost
估价基础cost valuation, basis
估算关系cost estimating relationship
估计cost estimates
估计公式cost-estimating relationship
估计的精确度accuracy of cost estimates
、保险、到内河运费价cost, insurance, freight inland
、保险加空运费价,空运到岸价C. I. F. plane
、保险加空运费价,空运到岸价cost, insurance freight by plane
、保险加运费条件,到岸价格条件cost, insurance and freight terms
、保险费加运费价,到岸价格cost, insurance and freight
保险费加运费价格、折扣和交货期都是我们想了解的CIF prices, discounts, and delivery schedule are what we want to know
、保险费、加运费净价,到岸净价C. I. F. net (无佣金)
、保险费、加运费净价,到岸净价cost, insurance, freight net (无佣金)
、保险费、运费加佣金价,到岸价加佣金价cost, insurance, freight and commission
、保险费,运费加佣金及利息价,到岸价加佣金及利息cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
、保险费、运费加关税价cost, insurance, freight, duty paid (C. I. F. duty paid)
、保险费、运费加利息价,到岸价加利息cost, insurance, freight and interest
、保险费、运费加利息及目的港费用cost, insurance, freight and port of destination
、保险费,运费加到岸条件C. I. F. landed terms
、保险费,运费加到岸条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
、 保险费,运费加战争险价,到岸价加兵险费cost, insurance, freight and war risks
、 保险费、运费加汇费价,到岸价加汇费cost, insurance, freight and exchange
、保险费、运费和一切进口费用价,到岸价加通关费C. I. F. cleared
、保险费、运费和一切进口费用价,到岸价加通关费cost, insurance, freight cleared
、保险费、运费、汇费及目的港价cost, insurance, freight exchange and port of destination
、保险费、运费至轮船吊钩下交货价cost, insurance, freight under ship's tackle
、保险费、运费至轮船舱底交货价cost, insurance, freight ex ship's hold (C. I. F. ex ship's hold)
、保险、运费目的港名称cost, insurance, freight named port of destination
、保险、运费、手续费和利息、到岸价格加佣金及利息价cost, insurance, freight, commission, and interest
信息报告cost information report
分录簿cost journal
分摊cost allocation (rate, 率)
分摊circulation of cost
分摊中的逐项减少次序the step-down order in cost allocation
分摊贡献cost-sharing contribution
分析the cost analysis
分析的假定assumptions of cost analysis
分类账operating ledger
分配原则allocation cost principle
分配矩阵公式the matrix formulation for cost allocation
分项来源origin of cost items
-利润分析cost-benefit analysis
制度的设置installation of a cost system
削减cost cut
加保险cost and insurance (价)
加保险费和运费的净价cost, insurance, freight net
加值cost markup
加利cost plus
加利契约cost plus contract
加利润cost plus a profit
加利润合同cost plus profit contract
加利润定价法cost plus pricing
加固定附加费价cost plus fixed fee
加固定附加费合同cost-plus fixed fee contract
加定价法cost-plus pricing practice
加成定价cost plus pricing
加成定价法cost plus pricing practice
加成计价cost plus
加费用合同cost-plus contract
加费用合用cost-plus contract
加运费cost and freight (价)
离岸加运费价cost and freight
加运费价cost and freight
加运费价格目的港名称cost and freight named port of destination
加运费保费、 加保战争险货到付款CIFW payment upon arrival
美国加速回收制accelerated cost recovery system
加项cost additions
cost card (片)
卡片cost card
参数cost parameters
及技术鉴定分析cost-performance analysis
及收入的增减率cost and income gradient
及经济情报系统cost and economic information system
变动changes in cost
变化分析cost-sensitivity analysis
变更条文cost variation clause
和收入的定差cost and income gradient
和收益流量stream of cost and benefit
和盈利costs and returns
和经济信息系统cost and economic information system
和经济情报系统cost and economic information system
回收制cost recovery basis
回收原则cost recovery basis
回收原油cost recovery crude
回收指数cost recovery index
回收法cost recovery method
回收结转cost recovery carry forward
无价的因素cost factor (of no value)
固定资产会计的基础cost basis (in fixed asset accounting)
增加cost push
或市价孰低法at the lower of cost or market
定率法折旧method of fixed percentage on cost
定率法折旧depreciation by fixed percentage of cost
对价格的关系relation of cost to price
对象cost objective
差异分析cost variance variation analysis
差异分析cost variance analysis
差异报告cost variance variation statement
差异报告cost and variance statements
差异调整disposition of cost variance
差额cost differences
差额cost difference
law of cost
情报cost information
折旧cost less depreciation
指数a costing index number
指数index of working cost
按收益分allocation of costs to revenue
控制cost control (figure, 数字)
控制法cost control system
控制的决策理论研究decision theory approach to cost control
推动型通货膨胀cost-push inflation
推动式通货膨胀cost-push inflation
推动通货膨胀的学说cost-push theory of inflation
推动通货膨胀论theory of cost-push inflation
推进通货膨胀inflation of cost push
提高型通货膨胀cost push inflation
支出cost outlay items
收入关系cost-returns relation
收益估计cost-benefit estimation
收益比较cost-benefit comparisons
-效果分析cost effectiveness analysis
-效果分析cost-effective analysis
-效果分析方法cost-effectiveness-analysis method
效率指数cost efficients index
效用分析cost-utility analysis
效益cost benefit
效益估价cost-benefit evaluation
效益分析cost and benefit analysis
效益分析cost-effectiveness analysis
效益分析cost benefit analysis
效益分析方法论cost effectiveness analysis methodology
效益哲学cost-benefit philosophy
效益基准方法cost-effective basis method
效益基准贡献cost-effective basis contribution
效益效率比cost effectiveness ratio
效益法cost and effectiveness method
效益研究cost effectiveness study
-效益研究cost-benefit study
效益计算cost-benefit calculation
效益评估cost and benefit appraisal
-数量-盈利研究cost-volume-profit studies
商人用的暗码cost mark
最优化指导小组Cost Optimization Steering Team
最小化cost minimization
最小的要素组合least cost combination of factors
服务的损益cost service trade -offs (抉择)
权衡cost trade-off
标准计算法standard cost system
检査点check point
模型cost pattern
模型cost model
比较法minimum cost rule
活动cost behavior (analysis, 分析)
流程假定cost flow assumption
流程图表cost flow diagram
流程观念的会计cost flow concept of accounting
流量cost stream
单位cost rate (per unit)
的加价a markup on cost
的变动change in cost
的变动性cost variability
的归属cost attach
的技术分析the engineering analysis of cost
的要素component of cost
的连续分配法continued distribution of charges
的逻辑logic of cost
积聚cost pools
tax on cost
管理联合协会Joint Cost Management Societies
结构the cost structure
绝对差异absolute difference in cost
耗损cost depletion (法)
行为与价格政策cost behavior and price policy
补偿均等原则homogeneity of cost
表列cost schedules
表列的参数parameter of cost schedules
表列的经验或实况研究empirical studies of cost schedules
观察cost observation (测)
库存按计价法cost method (of inventory pricing)
计划与鉴定cost planning and appraisal
计算单位costing unit
计算形式type of cost accounting
计算方法cost-finding techniques
计算法cost system
计算表cost statement (analysis, 分析)
计算规程cost manual
cost theory
cost accounting
cost account
、运费加佣金cost, freight and commission
、运费加保险价cost, freight and insurance
、运费及佣金cost, freight and commission
、运费及保险cost, freight and insurance
、运费和保险费价,到岸价格cost, freight and insurance
递减工业decreasing cost industry
递减工业decreasing-cost industry
递减律law of decreasing cost
递增法则law of increasing cost
递增的产业increasing-cost industry
通胀cost-push inflation
通过单cost memo
配合收益的原则cost-matching-income principle
销量利润关系cost-volume-profit relationship (graph chart, 图表)
企业比较阶梯cost ladder
降低cost reduction (program, 方案)
降低率rate of cost reduction
降低金额amount of cost reduction
项目cost items
项目选择selection of cost centres
成熟成ripening cost
指定的资the subscriber capital
按成at cost
按成加成及再出售价计算法cost-plus and resale method
按成的性质分类the natural classification of cost
按成编制预算cost-based budgeting (budgets)
按成要素计算的国民生产总值gross national products at factor costs
按成计收货价bill the shipment at cost
按成计算库存股的出售价格disposal of treasury shares on cost basis
按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同协议的执行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfillment of this agreement
按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同协议的执行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfilment of this agreement
按照协议,一切权利、特权、权力和豁免权属于债权人委员会Under this agreement, all of rights, privileges, powers and immunities shall belong to the creditors' committee
按照协议的条款,租赁者应承担大楼的修缮费The tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to the building pursuant to the provisions of this agreement
按班轮装卸条件的成、保险费加运费价cost, insurance, freight liner terms (C. I. F. liner terms)
按要素成计算的国民生产总值GNP at factor cost
按资额推算的利息imputed interest
按边际成作价marginal cost pricing
按边际成定价论theory of marginal-cost pricing
按边际成形成价值论theory of marginal-cost pricing
搀水的股份资watered capital
搁死资locked-in capital
搁死资tied-up capital
搁死资locked-up capital
最低平均成lowest average cost
最低应缴股额开业股本minimum subscription
最低总成lowest total overall cost
最低成与估算明细表least cost and estimating schedule
最低成估算与日程安排系统least-cost estimating and scheduling system
最低成估计minimum cost estimating
最低成使用期minimum cost life
最低成分析minimum cost analysis
最低成分析least cost analysis
最低成法则minimum cost rule
最低成的组合least cost combination
最低成规划minimum cost programming
最低成路线least cost route
最低生产成lowest production cost
最低资源成the minimal resource cost
最低资源成minimal resource cost
最低预期资回收率hurdle rate
最佳的资形成率optimum rate of capital formation
最初成original cost
最初资initial capital
最基的生活保障minimum-means of subsistence
最大成maximum cost ratio
最大经济发现成maximum economic finding cost
最小成least cost methods
最新修订recent modification
最终资the terminal capital
最终进货成method of price of last purchase
最近成the recent cost
最适资结构optimum leverage
3 月 3 日所送报盘有效时间到周末为止The offer sent on March 3 still holds good before the end of this week
有关成差异成本relevant cost differential cost
有关的利益和成relevant benefits and costs
有形资the tangible capital
有形资tangible capital
有形资tangible goods
有形资tangible assets
有成效率的cost efficient
有成效的成核算the successful-efforts costing
有收益的资active capital
有效现金成effective cash cost
有时候,一些建筑物是照一次总付合同及成加佣金合同建造的Sometimes buildings are built under lumpsum and cost-plus contracts
有资be in funds
有资in funds
有选择的资增长selective capital increase
有选择的资增长the selective capital increase
有选择的资增长简写为SCIselective capital increase
有限数额成finite cost
服务部门的成的分配allocation of service department costs
兼治be tackled both on the surface and at the root
标准成the target cost
标准成差异的处理disposition of standard costs variances
标准资the subscriber capital
植物标botanical specimen
理想银the fiat silver standard
理财及其管理成financing and administrative cost
调整产量、成和价格之间的关系cost-price-output adjustment
调整后的期收益adjusted current earning
调整后的基价格adjusted base price
调整后的购置成the adjusted acquisition cost
调整后采购成adjusted acquisition cost
调整性资移动the accommodating capital movement
企业 调整资recapitalization
调节资regulate capital
退回a refund annuity
退还股的红利capital returned to stock-holders in dividends
适用的国法的法规rules of the applicable national law
逃避资the refugee capital
选择性成discretionary cost
销售保图表sale break-even chart
销售成cost of sales (account, 账)
销售成信贷cost of marketing credit
销售成指数marketing cost index
销售的主要成prime cost of sale
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