
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
一次性成non-recurring cost
不良质量成poor quality cost
业主成分析cost of ownership analysis
主带小行星样返回main-belt asteroid sample return
主成master cost
主要成建议系统major cost proposal system
式图纸book form drawing
产品到组件产品成product to unit product cost
产品支援部成/计划控制系统product support division cost/schedule control system
传输成transmission cost
估计的实际成estimated actual cost
低成低空分配器low cost low altitude dispenser
低成发射飞行器low cost launch vehicle
低成巡航导弹防御low cost cruise missile defense
低成微型巡航导弹low cost mini cruise missile
低成惯导系统low cost inertial
低成拦截器low cost interceptor
低成效率因素cost effective factor
低成机翼low cost wing
低成模件航天器low cost modular spacecraft
低成模拟试验台low cost simulation testbed
低成燃烧室研制计划low cost combustor development program
低成空中巡逻运载器low cost loitering carrier
低成空中靶子low cost air target
低成系统办公室low cost systems office
低成航空训练器low cost aerial trainer
低成飞机low cost aircraft
低成飞行制导low cost flight guidance
低成高效飞行cost effective flight
作业单位成work unit cost
作业记录operations record book
销售数break even point (指飞机制造厂需出售到足以回收生产投资的飞机架数)
先进的文管理系统advanced text management system
先进的版和管理系统advanced text and management system
兑付飞机相关操作成cash airplane related operating cost
全日航空公司全日空All Nippon Airways Co. Ltd
全生命周期成through life costs
全风险估算成total risk assessing cost estimate
其他直接成other direct cost
其他采购成other procurement cost
净客运成net passenger cost
分配的基飞机primary aircraft assigned
分配的成管理系统distribution cost management system
分配的成管理系统distributed cost management system
利用基准技术进行成优化cost optimization utilizing reference techniques
制造与成收集系统manufacturing and cost collection system
制造和成状态fabrication and cost status
制造和成状态系统fabrication and cost status system
制造和成系统fabrication and cost system
制造和成计划fabrication and cost schedules
制造材料成报告系统manufacturing material cost reporting system
前庭体性错觉vestibulo-proprioceptive illusion
剩余寿命周期成remaining life cycle cost
功能成小时报告functional cost hour report
加权延迟总成weighted total delay cost
单位成设计design to unit cost
单位采购成unit procurement cost
历史成核算history cost accounting
历史飞机采购成档案historic aircraft procurement cost archive
原始基重量original baseline weigh
参阅副see copy
发动机履历engine logbook (属于随机交付文件,是发动机使用、维护、修理的依据和质量控制的基础,记载发动机的验收、使用、维护和改型及废止的各种信息,供发动机承制方、使用方及维修方共同使用)
发动机性能记录engine performance log book
只读存储器基输人-输出系统read only memory basic input/output system
只限this week only
合同成数据报告contract cost data report
合同版contract revision number
后勤供应成logistic supply cost
后勤供应成分析logistic supply cost analysis
后勤保障分析记录logistic support analysis records
吨英里直接成direct ton-mile cost
周期、质量、成与服务time, quality, cost, service
周期,质量成,服务time, quality, cost, service
地面故障记录ground trouble log book
备件成报告spares cost reporting
备件成系统spares parts cost system
外场工作记录field book
多版非相似软件multiple-version dissimilar software
制造部Auburn fabrication division
成本管理系统Auburn cost management system
蒙皮和梁制造控制Auburn skin and spar manufacturing control
财务图表系统Auburn finance graphics system
完成后评估成estimated cost at completion
完成工作实际成actual cost for work performed
完成成cost at completion
完成的工作预算成budgeted cost of work performed
定成设计design to cost
实际成报告actual cost report
实际承担成actual cost incurred
实验样experimental specimen
客户成利益customer cost benefit
X 射线底辐射X-ray background radiation
小行星样asteroid sample
履历专门检査technical log special inspection
工作包人力和成计划work package manpower and cost plan
工程估计和成engineering estimating and cost
工程成减少建议单engineering cost reduction suggestion sheet
工程成建议engineering cost proposal
工程成建议书engineering cost proposal
工装成控制指令tooling expenditure control order
平均单个产品成average unit procurement cost
平均单位采购成average unit production cost
年节约成yearly spares cost
并列版parallel version
库存成管理系统inventory cost management system
库存成评估系统inventory cost estimating system
座英里成seat mile cost
座英里直接运营成direct seat-mile cost
快速调谐机振荡器fast tuned local oscillator
性能、可靠性、成performance, dependability, cost (衡量产品质量三要素)
性能、可靠性、成衡量产品质量三要素performance, dependability, cost
性能和成评估performance and cost evaluation
总体成管理total cost management
总成管理total cost management
总投资成total investment cost
总操作成total operating cost
上限cost upper bound
下限cost low bound
与生产率研究cost and productivity study
与经济信息调查cost and economic information survey
与进度报告cost and schedule report
与重量改进计划cost and weight improvement program
交互cost interaction
优势cost advantage
会计手册cost accounting manual
会计标准cost accounting standard
估算系统cost estimating system
保险费加运费价cost, insurance and freight
、保险费、运费和手续费cost, insurance, freight, and commission
、保险费、运费和捐税cost, insurance, freight, and charges
信息报告cost information reports
信息检索系统cost information retrieval system
信息系统cost information system
偏差cost of deviation
元素cost element
冲击cost impact
分析成本评估cost analysis/cost estimating
分析改进组cost analysis improvement group
分解结构cost breakdown structure
分配系统cost distribution system
加奖励cost plus incentive
加奖励酬金cost plus incentive fee
加奖励金cost plus award fee
加奖金合同cost-plus-award-fee contract
加权cost weighting
加鼓励费cost plus incentive fee
参数cost parameter
变化cost variance
和劳工分配系统cost and labor distribution system
和实际效果分析cost and operational effectiveness analysis
和营运效益分析cost and operational effectiveness analysis
和计划cost and schedules
和设计控制系统原则cost and schedule control system criterial
和进度控制系统cost and schedule control system
和需求定义研究cost and requirements definition study
因子因素cost factor
增加cost increase
增长cost growth
定义阶段cost definition phase
定向资源评估cost oriented resources estimating
审核委员会cost audit board
控制程序cost control program
收集系统财务误差finance discrepancy cost collection system
效益分析cost effectiveness analysis
数据总结报告cost data summary report
核算包cost account package
核算计划cost account plan
检査者cost inspector
概率图表cost probability charts
确定委员会Cost Determination Committee
管理报告cost management reporting
管理支出系统cost management extract system
管理消费支出cost management expenditure extract
管理系统cost management system
索引cost index
约束cost constraint
结构模型constructive cost model
结算账号cost charge number
绩效报告cost performance report
计划和估计cost planning and appraisal
/计划控制系统准则cost/schedule control system criteria
计量cost measure
评估审查cost assessment review
账户管理cost account management
账户管理器cost account manager
账目主清册cost account master list
超支cost overrun
超支率cost increase
/进度报告系统cost/schedule reporting system
/进度状态报告cost/schedule status reporting
/进度计划与控制规范程序cost/schedule planning and control specification program
、进度、计划和报告/开口计划cost, scheduling, planning and reporting/open plan
降低曲线cost reduction curve
降低选择性研究cost reduction alternative study
限制审査委员会cost limit review board
预测cost prediction
预算关系cost estimation relationship
驱动的概念cost driven concept
战斗机使用与维修成combat aircraft cost of operation and maintenance
战术成评审tactical cost review
批准的航空运输协会基分解索引basic approved ATA breakdown index
承包者成分配摘要contractor's summary cost breakdown
技术成建议technical cost proposal
排气样exhaust sample
控制成control cost
操作和维修成operating and maintenance cost
操作基测试场地operational base test site
收购成acquisition cost
收购成模型acquisition cost model
攻击基机动飞行offensive basic flight maneuvers
方位基修正量basic allowance for quarters
无成no cost
无成要求no required cost
中央标准时Japan central standard time
亚洲航空公司Japan Asia Airways Co. LTD.
全日空all nippon airways
农业航空协会Japan Ag-Aviation Association
制造的电气电子计算机Nippon electric automatic computer
商用机器制造商协会Japanese Business Machine Makers Association
国内航空公司Japanese Domestic Airline
国内航空公司Japanese domestic airlines
实验舱Japanese experimental module
实验舱遥控操纵装置系统Japanese experimental module remote manipulator system
工业安全协会Japan Industrial Safety Association
工业标准委员会Japan Industrial Standards Committee
工业管理协会Japanese Industrial Management Association
放射性同位元素协会Japan Radioisotope Association
斟酒服务员组织Japanese Sommeliers Association
无线电导航委员会Japanese Committee for Radio Aids to Navigation
无线电条例局Japanese radio regulatory bureau
机械工程师学会Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
民用航空局Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau
民航局Japan Civil Aviation Bureau
海上自卫队Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force
电信卫星公司Telecommunication Satellite Corporation of Japan
电子信息处理自动计算机Japan electronics information processing automatic computer
电子公司Nippon Electric Company
电子工业发展协会Japanese Electronic Industry Development Association
科学委员会Japan Science Council
科学家和工程师联合会Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers
科学技术厅Japanese Science and Technology Agency
管理协会Japan Management Association
航空公司日航Japan Airlines Co. Ltd
航空公司Japan Air Lines
航空公司Japan Air System Co. LTD.
航空公司维护管理控制系统Japan airline maintenance administration control system
航空公司驾驶员协会Airline Pilots Association of Japan
航空制造有限公司Japan Aircraft Manufacturing Company Limited
航空协会Japan Aeronautical Association
航空协会Japan Aeronautic Association
航空宇宙工业协会The Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies
航空工程学会Japan Society of Aeronautical Engineering
航空系统Japan Air System
航空自卫队Japan air self defense force
航空自卫队Japan air self-defense force
航空航天学会Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Science
航空货运信息系统协会Japan Association of Air Cargo Information Systems
试验舱Japanese experimental module
货物航空公司Nippon Cargo Airlines NCA (Cargo)
软件支援环境Japanese Software Support Environment
通信卫星Japanese communications satellite
长期信贷银行long-term credit bank of Japan
防卫署Japanese Defense Agency
防卫装备工业会Japan Association of Defense Industry
防空环境系统Japanese Air Defense Environment System
陆上自卫队Japan ground self-defence force
飞机制造公司Japan Aircraft Manufacturing Co.
飞机制造商协会Society of Japanese Aircraft Constructors
飞机工业Japanese aircraft industry
飞机工业理事会Japanese Aircraft Industry Council
飞机工业理事会Japanese Aircraft Industry Council
飞机开发公司Japan Aircraft Development Company
飞机开发协会Japan Aircraft Development Corporation (是日本主要航空制造业参与的财团法人组织。协会成立于1973年,原名为民用飞机开发协会“CTDC”,1982年12月更名为日本民用飞机开发协会“JADC”)
飞机开发协会Japan Aircraft Development Corporation
日运转成daily cost of operation
最低基要求minimum essential requirement
最低基高度minimum basic altitude
最低成估算和计划系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
最低成路线least cost routine
最低限度基设施清单minimum essential facilities list
最佳寿命周期成optimum life cycle costing
最大允许成费用maximum allowable cost
最小成规划minimum cost programming
有限基解法method of finite fundamental solution
体坐标系body fixed coordinate system
体稳定姿态控制系统body-stabilized attitude control system
元码primitive code
peculiar motion
区时间local zone time
区管制员local area controller
中国台湾土防御战斗机indigenous defense flighter
土陆军Territorial Army (英国)
地信息交换机local message switch
地分组交换网local packet-switched network
地分配系统local distribution system
地区管制员local area controller
地厨房面板local galley panels
地同步子系统local synchronization subsystem
地多点分布式系统local multipoint distribution system
地平均时local mean time
地微波分配系统local microwave distribution system
地控制器local controller
地救援local base rescue
地环回管理local loopback management
地系统环境local system environment
地维护终端Local Maintenance Terminal
地网local area network
地网络协议local network protocol
地计算机网络local computer network
地采购local procurement
地飞行local flight
地高度表设定local altimeter setting
场救援local-base rescue
年度到现在为止year to date
back ground
影食umbra eclipse
征值位点eigen value locus (轨迹)
征值分布eigen value distribution
征值扰动eigen value perturbation (摄动)
征值扰动模型eigen value perturbation model
征值提取eigen value extraction
征值问题eigen value problem
征函数eigen function
征向量灵敏度eigen vector sensitivity
征向量矩阵eigen vector matrix
征对eigen pair
征模eigen mode
征模分析eigen mode analysis
征电致发光intrinsic electroluminescence
征矢eigen vector
征系统eigen system
征系统实现eigen system realization
征系统赋值eigen system assignment
征结构eigen structure
征结构配置eigen structure assignment
征问题eigen problem
振频率local oscillator frequency
机信息系统local information system
机信息自动计算local automatic message accounting
机振荡滤波器local oscillator filter
机控制板local control panel
机操作程序local operating procedure
机操作系统local operating system
机方式native mode
机范围协调器local domain coordinator
机语言native language
机门控制器local door controller
构关系constitutive relationship
站不能修理not repairable this station
站气压local station pressure
质安全型设备intrinsically-safe apparatus
质安全电路intrinsically-safe circuit
质特征essential feature
质边界条件essential boundary condition
迪克斯公司研制的全天候着陆辅助系统的商品名Micro vision
main shock
机械分析与检索文系统system for the mechanical analysis and retrieval of test
极低成空中骚扰飞行器very low cost harassment vehicle
构型项版configuration item version
几何学specimen geometry
标准基空重standard basic empty weight
取回sample return
取回任务sample return mission
总体sample population
提取sample extraction
sample stream
原因root causes (根据纠正措施程序《QP-3030-MG -006》定义,根本原因是指导致不符合状况的决定因素)
模块版对象module version object
每位乘客成cost per passenger
每座英里成cost per seat-mile
每次飞行成cost per flight
每英里成cost per mile
沉没成sunk costs
兼容性表version compatibility matrix
发放控制version release control
对象version object
授权表revision authorization
独立成分析independent cost analysis
现行版current issue
现金使用成cash direct operation cost
生产/制造成线manufacturing cost line
生产成信息product cost information
生产成cost map
生产成指数product cost index
生产成线production cost line
电子记录electronic log book
电子记录和故障纠正指南electronic logbook and fault correction guide
电缆硬件安装文件版记录wire harness installation document revision record
研制成development cost
研制成计划development cost plan
研制材料成报告系统development material cost reporting system
程序化成信息审査与评估programmed review of information for costing and evaluation
程序指令文programmed instruction text
空军基专业分类Primary Air Force Specialty (美国)
空军基分类专业代码primary air force specialty code
空军成分析改进组air force cost analysis improvement group
等效设计成分析系统equivalent designers'cost analysis system
纳米复合材料样nanocomposite sample
组件式低成钛结构buildup low cost advanced titanium structure
缺件成shortage cost
美国成核算工程师协会American Assoc of Cost Engineers
联合攻击战斗机作战与支援成模型JSF operating and support cost model
联合面向成的资源估算joint cost-oriented resource estimating
自动化成预算automated cost estimate
自动成估算automated cost estimating
自动成估算综合工具automated cost estimating integrated tool
自动成和计划系统automated costing and planning system
航母身受抑制carrier suppression
航班成cost per flight
航空公司成估算系统airline cost estimating system
航空公司成估算系统airline cost estimation system
营运成分析程序operating cost analysis program
装备设计成分析系统equipment designers'cost analysis system
装运和包装成shipping and packing cost
装配成lost on assembly
装配成控制assembly cost control
计划与成控制系统program and cost control system
计划成性能schedule cost performance
计算成computational expense
记录log of pages
设备维修成分派equipment maintenance cost dispatch
设备货币成facilities cost of money
设施资成本facilities capital cost of money
设计寿命周期成design to lift cycle cost
设计成/寿命周期成本design to cost/life cycle cost
评定可靠性的成最佳系统cost optimizing system to evaluation reliability
财务/成管理系统financial/cost management system
财务计划成报告financial program cost report
财务零件成文档finance parts cost file
货币成cost of money
质量、成、交付、安全和纪律quality, cost, delivery, safety and morale
投入capital contribution
捐赠capital contribution
设备报告系统capital equipment reporting system
起落架履历landing gear logbook (是起落架使用、维护、维修的依据和质量控制的基础,记载着起落架的验收、使用、维护和改型及废止的各种信息,供起落架承制方,使用方及维修方共同使用)
超级文传输协议hyper text transfer protocol
超级文标示语言hyper text mark-up language
跑道基长度runway basic length
软件寿命周期成software life cycle cost
软件寿命期成software life cycle cost
软件版说明software version description
软件版说明文件software version description document
输电成transmission cost
辨色chromatic resolving power
运力有关成capacity-related costs
运行和支援成可视性与管理visibility and management of operations and support cost
运转成cost of operation
返工、返修和报废成cost of rework repair and scrap
连续雷达样consecutive radar sample
通用低成轻型战斗机common affordable lightweight fighter
重复成recurring cost
镍包覆样ni-coated sample
长期成预算long term costing
防御基飞行机动defensive basic flight maneuvers
防御性基飞行动作defensive basic flight maneuvers
阶段成stage cost
降低成研究cost reduction study
限寿设备履历life limited equipment logbook
证参数extrinsic parameter
非基部分non-elementary part
非捆绑式地环路unbundled local loop
非重复成non-recurring cost
项目成报告project cost reports
项目评审技术----- 成部分program evaluation and review technique-cost
预定工作预算成budgeted cost of work scheduled
领航员初级训练undergraduate navigator training (美国空军)
飞机全航程成aircraft flyway cost
飞机基机动飞行basic aircraft maneuvers
飞机基电子设备air based electronics
飞机基重量basic weight aircraft
飞机履历aircraft logbook (是飞机质量合格和产品验收的证明文件,属于随机交付文件,是飞机使用、维护、修理及改装的依据和质量控制的基础,记载飞机试飞、验收、使用、维护及废止的各种信息,供发动机承制方、使用方及维修方共同使用)
飞机履历aircraft log (book)
飞机成aircraft cost
飞机成估算系统airplane cost estimating system
飞机成报告airplane cost reporting
飞机成评估airplane cost estimate
飞机成评估系统airplane cost estimate system
飞机研制与生产成development and production cost for aircraft
飞机维修成aircraft maintenance cost
飞机运行成aircraft operating cost
飞行安全基原则flight safety foundation
飞行每小时的直接维修成direct maintenance cost per flight hours
高成high cost
高成对外租借high cost foreign lease
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