
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
人类基服务指数essential human services index
低成住房low-cost housing Residences built at minimal expense and designed to keep the rental rate or price of purchase affordable for persons with limited means, usually determined by an annual income level set below the local median (最小成本建设的公寓,旨在保持出租率或购买价格为小户收入者负担得起,这种小户通常由一年收入低于当地平均水平来确定。)
充足"资""资本"指光合产物sufficient" capital"
卡尔文-森循环Calvin-Benson cycle
原住民科技,土科技indigenous technology Technologies employed by the native inhabitants of a country and which constitute an important part of its cultural heritage and should therefore be protected against exploitation by industrialized countries; the problem of indigenous knowledge has been discussed during the Rio Conference but it does not receive much protection under the Biodiversity Convention. Article 8 mandates that parties "respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional life styles... and promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices and encourage the equitable sharing of benefits arising from them" (一个国家原住民所使用的科技,是其文化传统的重要组成部分,因此应该加以保护,使其免受工业化的影响。原住民知识的问题在里约大会中已有讨论,但在生物多元化会议之下并未受到多少保护。第8章要求各国应该尊重、保护和维持原住民的知识、发明及风俗和本土社区所表现的传统文化形态等。并在拥有这些知识、发明及风俗的所有者的同意及参与下推广其更广泛的应用,鼓励他们将所得利益公平分享。)
发电成electricity generation cost The value or amount of money exchanged for the production and sustained supply of charged ion current used as a power source (将带电离子电流转换为生产及持续供应的电源所需投入的货币数量或价值。)
城市发展文urban development document A written or printed text furnishing proposals or procedures for the improvement of living conditions, especially housing, for the inhabitants of a city or densely populated area (改善城市生活条件的文本,主要包括为城市或人口密集地区的居民提供住房的建议和程序等内容。)
代谢过程basic metabolic process
keystone species
食物需求basic food requirement The minimum nutriments deemed necessary for a person of a particular age, gender, physiological condition and activity level to sustain life, health and growth (对于某个特定年龄,性别,物理状态以及活跃程度的人维持生命,健康和成长的最低营养需求。)
废料处置成waste disposal cost The amount of money incurred for the action of removing or getting rid of refuse or unwanted materials left over from a manufacturing process (为实施清除或去除生产制造过程中遗留下来的垃圾或无用材料的行动而花费的金额数量。)
cost In economics, the value of the factors of production used by a firm in producing or distributing goods and services or engaging in both activities (经济学上,指公司在生产或分配货物和服务、或双方面活动时,所使用生产因子的价值。)
回收基础cost recovery basis A standard used to provide reimbursement to individuals or organizations for any incurred expense or provided service (为个人或组织的任何支出提供偿还或服务的一种标准。)
效益cost-benefit Relation between costs of a certain activity and its benefits to a certain community (特定组织进行某一特定活动时,所需成本和收益之间的关系。)
效益分析cost-benefit analysis The attempt to assess, compare and frequently justify the total price or loss represented by a certain activity or expenditure with the advantage or service it provides (对某一特定商业活动,或提供利益或服务的费用,试图去评估、比较和频繁地调整总价或损失。)
降低cost reduction The lessening or lowering in the amount of money incurred or asked for in the exchange of goods and services (在货物及服务交易中,引发资金总额的下降或减少。)
安全工程学会Japan Society of Safety Engineering
气象厅Japan Meteorological Agency
替换成replacement cost The amount of money involved to replace or have an item take the place of another item (替换或由某一项代替另一项的总的花费。)
最低成规划minimal cost planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate the production of goods or services at an output that would require the lowest possible expenditure of money, time or labor (在商品生产和服务的筹备和准备过程中,要求使用尽可能最低的成本、时间或劳动力支出。)
最小成加最低损失防火理论least cost plus loss fire protection theory
最小成加最低损失防火理论economic fire protection theory
土知识、土著文化indigenous knowledge Local knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society, which is the basis for local-level decision making in agriculture, health care, education and other matters of concern in rural communities (某特定文化或社会所特有的地区化知识,它是地方决策阶层在进行农业、卫生、教育和其他受关注事件的地方性决策的基础。)
地娱乐local recreation A pastime, diversion, exercise or other means of enjoyment and relaxation that is carried out in a particular city, town or small district (在某个特定的城市、小镇或地区进行的消遣、娱乐、运动或其它方式的享受和放松方式。)
地客运服务local passenger service Passenger transport system for a limited local area (有限区域内的乘客运输系统。)
底污染background pollution
水成water cost The value or the amount of money exchanged for the production and sustained supply of water (对水的生产和持续供应所需的价值和金额。)
污染成pollution cost The amount of money incurred as a result of human-made or human-induced alteration of the physical, biological, chemical, and radiological integrity of air, water, and other media (由人为造成的,对空气、水和其它媒介的物理、化学和辐射污染,并因此造成的开销。)
法定文statutory text A document or a portion thereof expressing an official enactment of a legislative body, with emphasis on the document's precise wording or language (表示一个立法机构成立而正式颁布的一个文件或文件的一部分,并强调了该文件的确切字眼或语言重点。)
环境保护成environmental protection cost The amount of money incurred in the preservation, defense, or shelter of natural resources (自然资源保护、防护或庇护所引起的货币支出量。)
环境和社会成/社会的成本environmental and social cost
环境和社会成/社会的成本societal cost
环境成environmental cost Expenses incurred as a result of some violation of ecological integrity either by an enterprise that implements a program to rectify the situation, or by society or the ecosystem as a whole when no person or enterprise is held liable (某企业、整体社会或者生态系统,为改正一些违反生态完整性状况,在没有人或者企业为此承担法律责任时而实施的某种计划所产生的费用。)
环境成内在化internalisation of external costs The process of getting those who produce goods or services with adverse effects on the environment or on society to incorporate a knowledge of possible negative repercussions into future economic decisions (使哪些对生产对环境或社会有不良影响的商品或服务的纳入这样一类知识的过程:其未来的经济决策可能产生不利影响。)
环境成内部化internalisation of environmental costs
环境样environmental specimen bank Places in which selected specimens (fish, mussels, milk, soil sample and human tissue, etc.) are stored without being allowed to decompose (特定样本(鱼,河蚌,奶,土壤样本和人体组织等)存储而不允许分解的地方。)
社会成social cost The price paid or the loss incurred to acquire, produce or maintain an objective or goal in a group, community or society (为了一个群体,社区或社会获得,产生或保持的目标而付出的代价或招致的损失。)
科植物graminaceous plant A very large family of plants including cereals such as wheat, maize, etc. (一个很大的植物家族,包括谷物,如小麦,玉米等。)
科,稻科植物grass A very large and widespread family of Monocotyledoneae, with more than 10.000 species, most of which are herbaceous, but a few are woody. The stems are jointed, the long, narrow leaves originating at the nodes. The flowers are inconspicuous, with a much reduced perianth, and are wind-pollinated or cleistogamous. The fruit in single-seeded, usually a caryopsis. Grasses are the most important of all plants for food (一种大而散布广泛的单子叶科植物,有超过10000个品种,大多为草本植物,但有少数是木本的。莖間連接,在結點長出長而窄的葉子,花不顯著,非常小的花被,是風傳花粉或閉花受精,單種果實,通常一個穎果。草是所有植物中最重要的食物來源。茎间连接,在结点处长出长而窄的叶子,花不显著,非常小的花被,是风传花粉或闭花受精,单种果实,通常一个颖果,是所有植物中最重要的食物来源。)
规避成avoidance costs
净值net worth
自由流动free movement of capital The unrestrained flow of cash, funds, and other means of wealth between countries with different currencies (现金、资金和其他财产形式在国家间以不同汇率不受约束的流通。)
超文hypertext The organization of information units typically containing visible links that users can select or click with a mouse pointer or some other computer device to automatically retrieve or display other documents (资讯单元组织,包含可见的连结,用户可以用鼠标指针或其他电脑设备来选择或点击连结,进而回到原文件或打开其他文件。)
运输成transport cost The outlay or expenditure involved in moving goods from one place to another (货物从一个地方移到另一个地方所涉及的费用或支出。)