
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一元之利和amount of 1 yuan
一元之利和amount of 1
一元的利和compound amount of 1
一定成最高产量maximum output for a given cost
一次样primary sample
一般成费用general cost
一阶基fundamental quantity of first order
上一部门转移成cost from previous department
上升边际成曲线rising marginal cost curve
上层样upper sample
不亏销售break-even sale
不亏销售量break-even volume
不偿还金的证券irredeemable security
不偿还资ex repayment
不兑现纸币inconvertible paper standard
不兑现货币fait standard
不兑现货币位制fiat standard system
不列入存货的成non-inventoriable cost
不变与可变资比例proportion of constant to variable capital
不变单位成fixed unit cost
不变成fixed cost
不变的成invariable cost
不变边际成constant marginal cost
不可兑换黄金的美元dollar only standard
不可变现的成non-convertible cost
不可比产品成incomparable product cost
不可比成incomparable cost
不可议付副non-negotiable copy
不可避免成inevitable cost
不可避免成unescapable cost
不可避免成inescapable cost
不可避免的成unavoidable cost
不合格产品成unsatisfactory product costs
不合格品成cost of defective work
不同大小样sample of unequal size
不和谐样discordance sample
不填数副blind copy
不对称浮动利率mismatch floating rate note
不惜工at any costs
不惜工at all costs
不择手段致富的资robber baron
不流动资dead capital
不生产资dead capital
paper不用复写副意即需用原本no carbon required
不等样unequal sample size
不精确成rough cost
不能复原的成irrevocable cost
不能控制成uncontrollable cost
不能收回的成irrecoverable cost
不能收回的资irrecoverable capital
不能自由运用资capital tie-up
不还债券只付息不还本irredeemable debenture
不配对样unpaired samples
不附资ex capitalization
与决策方案有关的成cost relevant to alternative choices
与备选方案有关的成cost relevant to alternatives
企业位论theory of an enterprise-based economy
企业会计基原则basic principle of enterprise accounting
企业全部成outright cost of an undertaking
企业垫付资advance capital for a business
企业基建设basic construction in enterprise
企业基建设投资investment in capital construction of enterprise
企业管理基原理basic principle of enterprise management
企业经营基目标basic object in the operation of enterprise
企业财务基原理basic principle of enterprise finance
企业资capital of enterprise
企业资账户firm capital account
刀具成cost of sharp tool
分割资指投资基金公司将资本分为资本股票和收益股票的一种资本结构形式split capital
分包成sub contracting cost
分单位够分析divisional break-even analysis
分单位成divisional cost
分批分组计算法batch costing
分批工作成job order cost
分批成会计specific-order cost accounting
分批成估计job cost estimating
分批成order cost system
分批成lot cost system
分批成制度specific-order cost system
分批成制度job order system
分批成制度job cost system
分批成制度job costs system
分批成job order cost sheet
分批成核算job order costing
分批成batch costing
分批成计算法lot cost system
分批成计算表job cost sheet
分批成账户specific-order cost account
分批成通知单job order cost sheet
分摊成活动contributing cost activities
分期付款principal installment
分期付款销货成cost of goods sold on installment plan
分期偿付principal installment
分期还付息installment and interest charge
分期还利息interest payment and amortization
分期还办法serial redemption
分步成process cost system
分段制造费用成计算multistep overhead costing
分派成apportioned cost
分离前成before-separation costs
分离前成before separation costs
分离后成after-separation cost
分类成class cost system
分类成class costing
分类所得税的基免税额basic exemption for the classified income tax
分类样classified sample
分组成核算group cost system
分组样group sample
分群样cluster sample
分部成分类账Departmental cost ledger
分配到成中心apporting to cost canter
分配总成total cost approach to distribution
分配成assigned cost
分配成assignment cost
分配成allocation cost
分配成分析distribution cost analysis
分配成和财务报告distribution cost and financial reporting
分配成预算distribution cost budget
分配过渡成apportion the total conversion costs
包络成曲线envelope cost curve
包销成underwriting cost
各个时期间的截面样intertemporal cross-sectional samples
各种成之间的分摊trade-off between different costs
各项资miscellaneous capital
合伙人资statement of partner's capital
合同副duplicate of contract
合同成contract cost
合同成contract costing
合同文deed of contract
合同期前成pre-contract cost
合同正original of the treaty
合并样pooled sample
合并样统计量pooled sample statistic
合并运用资consolidated working capital
合并销货成consolidated cost of goods sold
合并销货成consolidated statement of cost of goods sold
合成货币composite legal tender
合成货币位制度composite legal tender system
合理成reasonable cost
合理成公式reasonable cost formula
合理成fair cost system
合理样rational sample
合用设备成joint facility costs
合订back file
位货币convention money
同类样identical samples
同行业历史先进成historical best cost of the industry
名义股账户nominal capital account
后进先出盘存成计算法last-in first-out method of inventory costing
经商set one's self up in business
备品成spares costs
备抵回收成allowance for collection cost
备抵基存量缺额allowance for deficiency in base stock
备抵基库存缺额allowance for deficiency in base stock
备抵权益性证券成超过市价数allowance for excess of marketable equity security
备查副memorandum copy
备用股stand-by share
备用股stand-by equity
备用资stand-by capital
备销品成cost of goods available for sales
位制multiple standard system
位制parallel standard system
位制composite system
位制bimetallic standard system
货币位制补偿原则compensatory principle of bimetallism
位货币制bimetallic monetary system
复写cardon copy
复利利和compound amount
复制成reproductive cost
复制成折旧法reproduction method of depreciation
复制样replicated sample
复印cardon copy
复印exact copy
复合样composite sample
复合样complex samples
复式成制度multiple cost system
复货币multiple currency standard
复货币位制multiple currency system
将原料成的增加转嫁给消费者pass through
经营business with a small capital
small capital stock
小型样抽样分布常态normality of sampling distributions of small sample
小样偏倚small sample bias
小样性质small sample property
小样推定法small sample estimation
小样时间序列small sample time series
小样时间序列研究small sample time series study
小样检验small sample test
小样理论theory of small sample
小额资retail capital
市价低于成的存货item of inventories of which market value is lower than cost
市价成market -to-cost method
市场成market cost
市场资化率market capitalization rate
市场重置成market replacement cost
布兰南一森计划两人曾分任艾森豪威尔和杜鲁门总统的农业顾问Brannan-Benson Plan
开创成start-up costs
商业开创成cost of floatation
开办费的资化值capitalized syndication fees
开始直接成initial direct cost
开采成mine cost
异己资capital alien
式样pattern book
set up cost
一收益估价cost-benefit evaluation
下降cost downbeat
营业收入相配合matching cost with revenue
与产品关系基础base of relationship to the cost of unit
与利润分析cost and profit analysis
与市价孰低规则rule of cost or market
与市价孰低估价法valuation at cost or market
与市价孰低的规则rule of cost or market
与收入的全期配合period matching of cost and revenue
与收入配合matching cost with revenue
与收益一致原则cost matching income principle
与收益对应cost matching income
与收益对应概念cost matching income concept
与收益相配原则cost matching income principle
与效益cost and benefit
与生产力比率cost-productivity ratio
与经济信息系统Cost and Economic Information System
与账面价值的差异difference between cost and book value
与账面价值的差额difference between cost and book value
与运费在内cost and freight included
与销售价格之比ratio of cost to selling price
与销售价的比率ratio of cost to selling price
与销售比率ratio of cost to sales
中心burden center
中心center of cost
中心cost pool
中心burden centre
中心expense centre
中心项目cost centre center
中心项目账户cost centre account
中心单位cost center unit
中心率cost center rate
中心经理cost center manager
中心账cost center account
会计accounting of cost
会计中产品与副产品成本分摊法by-product method of cost accounting
会计准cost accounting standard
会计准则汇编statement of cost accounting standards
会计制度设置installation of a cost system
会计员cost keeper
会计周期循环cost accounting cycle
会计周转cost accounting cycle
会计和财务会计一体化integration of cost accounting with financial accounting
会计基本原理basic principle of cost accounting
会计程序cost accounting procedure
会计类型type of cost accounting
会计细则cost manual
会计自动化automation of cost accounting
会计规程cost accounting regulation
会计规章制度rules and regulations of cost accounting
会计部cost accounting division
会计部门cost accounting department
估价cost estimation
估价单cost estimate sheet
估价方法cost estimation technique
估价方法cost estimate techniques
估算书approximate of the cost
估算单cost estimate sheet
估计cost approximation
估计cost assessment
估计中的改进曲线learning curve in cost estimation
估计关系cost estimating relationship
估计改进曲线improvement curve in cost estimation
估计的工业工程法industrial engineering method in cost estimation
分折cost analysis
分摊split of cost
分摊cost assignment
分摊allocation of cost
分摊中的逐项减少次序step-down order in cost allocation
分摊公式cost sharing formula
分摊基础cost allocation basis
分摊方式cost sharing formula
分摊率cost allocation rate
分析analysis of cost
分析假定assumptions of cost analysis
分析技术cost analytic technique
分析查账法inspection of account method of cost analysis
分析研究analytic cost study
分配cost apportionments
分配cost application
分配原则principle of allocation of costs
分配测定法survey method of cost allocation
分配率factor rate
分配矩阵公式matrix formulation for cost allocation
-利润图cost-profit diagram
—利润—数量分析cost-profit-volume analysis
利润比率ratio of profit to cost
利润率profit to costs ratio
性通货膨胀cost inflation
意识cost awareness
或低于成本原则cost or-less principle
或市价原则对毛利的影响effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin
或市价孰低cost or market whichever is lower
或市价孰低法lower of cost or market method
指数index number of cost
指数costing index
指标indicator of cost
按作用分类classification of costs by function
按性质分类classification of costs by nature
按收益分配allocation of costs to revenue
按责任分类classification of costs by responsibility
支出项目cost outlay items
明细表schedule of cost
明细表cost statement
明细记录subsidiary cost record
最低化minimize cost
最小化原理cost minimization principle
最小化问题cost minimization problem
月报monthly cost report
服务损益cost service tradeoffs
模式cost model
清单bill of costs
累积法cost accumulation method
编目indexing of cost
耗用cost expiration
耗竭法cost depletion method
耗费cost depletion
账号cost account number
账户cost account
账簿cost book
递减cost decrease
递减工业cost decreasing industry
递减率法diminishing-rate-on-cost method
持股成stockholding cost
持股成stock-holding cost
指定成specified cost
指数平滑基理论fundamental theory of exponential smoothing
按上年单位成计算的总成本total cost per prior year's unit cost
按分批实际进价法计算销售成cost of sale based on actual batch purchasing price
按原成at prime cost
按实际成计算成本法cost method based on the actual cost
按平均成定价average cost pricing
按成on cost (计价)
按成价或按市价cost or market
按成加成及再出售价计算法cost plus and resale method
按成固定百分比折旧法method of fixed percentage on cost
按成固定百分比折旧法met hod of discount fixed percentage on cost
按成定价cost oriented pricing
按成定价出售库存股票法disposal of treasury shares on cost basis
按成定值value at cost
按成性质分类natural classification of cost
按成或低于成本计算原则cost-or-less principle
按成或市价孰低计价valuation at lower of cost or market
按成编制预算cost based budgeting
按成计价value at cost
按成进账制cost basis of accounting
按毛利率法计算销售成cost of sale based on gross margin rate
按照条例规定accordance with stipulation of the present regulation
按现时成计算at current cost
按职工人数分摊费用成personnel-related basis of allocation
按要素成计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
按要素成计算的国民生产总值at factor costs
按要素成计算的国民生产总值gross national product at factor cost
按计划单位成计算的总成本total cost per planned unit cost
最低估计成minimum-cost estimating
最低平均成least average cost
最低应缴股minimum subscription
最低总成least total cost
最低成估算与调度方案least cost estimating and scheduling
最低成估计与安排Least-cost Estimating and Scheduling
最低成估计与安排系统Lest-cost Estimating and Scheduling System
最低成估计与调度系统least cost estimating and scheduling system
最低成和估算计划法least cost and estimating scheduling
最低成和估算计划法least cost and estimating schedule
最低成寿命minimum cost life
最低成寿命分析minimum-cost-life analysis
最低成投入组合least cost input combination
最低成least costing
最低成法则minimum-cost rule
最低成least cost point
最低成生产法least cost method of production
最低材料成minimum material cost
最低相当成least equivalent cost
最低营销成minimum marketing cost
最低运输成minimum transport cost
最低运输成minimum transport cost point
最佳成的质量改善方案quality improvement through cost optimization
最初投入成cost of primary inputs
最初资initial capitalization
最后成终值final cost
最后进价成计算法costing inventory by latest purchase price
最后进货成last cost method
最大产量成productive capacity cost
最大成maximum cost
最大营销成maximum marketing cost
最小总成minimum total cost
最小成格方法minimum-cost-cell procedure
最小成least cost point
最小成网络流问题minimal-cost network-flow problem
最少样证据minimum sample evidence
最少样minimum sample size
最新成recent cost
最新版updated edition
最终成对象final cost objectives
最陈旧存货成cost of the oldest stock
最高允许成maximum allowable cost
最高成ultimate cost
最高材料成maximum material cost
月度成monthly cost
月末平均成month end average cost method
有关相关即与销售收入相应的成本relevant cost
有关利益与成relevant benefits and costs
有序随机样ordered random sample
有形设备成tangible equipment costs
有成效的成核算successful costing
有效性成availability cost
有效金effective gold standard
有权签字的样facsimile of authorized signature
有限容量样finite-sized sample
有限成finite cost
有限成.finite cost
有限样finite sample
有限样分布finite sample distribution
有限样分布函数finite sample distribution function
有限样性质finite sample property
有限样检验法finite sample testing method
有限样空间finite sample space
有限样频率函数finite sample frequency function
有限金limited gold standard
服务成课税原则cost of service taxation principle
服务部门与生产部门成交互分配法service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis
服务部门成service department cost
服务部门成分配service department cost distribution
服务部门成分配allocation of service department cost
标准分步成standard process cost
标准办公成standard clerical cost
标准化成normalized cost
标准化成函数normalized cost function
标准可变成standard variable cost
标准总成限额total standard cost allowed
标准成会计单一记账法single plan of standard cost accounting
标准成单一记录法single plan for standard cost system
标准成双重记账法dual plan for standard costs
标准成差异处理disposition of standard costs variances
标准成总额total standard cost
标准成核算报告standard costing report
标准成盘存法inventory plans, standard cost
标准报告文standard form of report
标准时间基数据elemental standard time data
标准样model sample
清理成dismantling and removal cost
理想的标准成ideal standard cost
理论成标准theoretical cost standards
理论标准成theoretical standard cost
理财与管理成financing and administrative cost
理财成financing cost
理财成finance costs
normalized form
model sample
从国外调回资repatriate capital
调整后购置成adjusted acquisition cost
调整性资移动accommodating capital movement
调整成adjustment cost
调整成ordering cost
调整成adjusted cost
企业将部分资产分配股东作为退性股利liquidating dividend
退化基可行解degenerate basic feasible solution
选择性样selective sample
销售产品制造成manufacturing cost of goods sold
销售产品的制造成manufacturing cost of goods sold
销售保sale break-even point
销售总成total cost approach to distribution
销售成market cost
销售成cost of sale
销售成指推销的各种费用selling cost
销售成与营业费用对销售净额的比率ratio of cost of sales and operating expenses to net sales
销售成会计distribution cost accounting
销售成statement of selling costs
销售成调整Cost of Sales Adjustment
销售成cost of sales account
销货及管理费计入成selling and administrative expenses charged to cost
销货成cost of sale
销货成与销货净值比率ratio of cost of the goods sold to net sales
销货成平均加成额average mark-up goods sold
销货成换算为现金支出额conversion of cost of sales to cash disbursement
销货成statement of cost of goods sold
销货成调整cost of sales adjustment
销货的直接成prime cost of sale
需求成demand cost
需要资系数required capital coefficient
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