
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
土壤方面的书的提纲outline of one's book on soils
一元复利利和compound amount of one yuan
一元的利和amount of one yuan
一单位关系固定样调查one-unit relational panel survey
一次还贷款bullet maturing
一次还贷款bullet maturity
一次还贷款bullet loan
一种传统的日建筑风格Jomon style
一级样primary sample
一维基one-dimensional fundamental form
一般基general base map
一般成general cost
一般服务成cost of common services
三样理论three-sample theory
三维基three-dimensional fundamental form
三角洲草deltaic herbaceous facies
上期成historical cost
上期成historic cost
上部建筑成superstructure cost
下部建筑成infrastructure cost
不动基金non-expendable fund
不可取消的成committed cost
不可控unavoidable cost
不可控制成non-controllable cost
不可控成non-controllable cost
不可控成cost out of control
不可溯成untraceable cost
不可避免的成inescapable cost
不同用途的资in the different employments of capital
不完全样fragmentary sample
不完全样defective sample
不归属产品成non-inventoriable cost
不染色标non-staining specimen
不法资law-breaking capitalist
不率mismatch floating rate note
不生息资dead capital
不相关成non-relevant cost
不相关样uncorrelated sample
不等征值distinct eigen value
不等样含量unequal sample sizes
不考虑设置成的动态库存模型dynamical inventory model without set-up cost
不考虑设置成的动态库存模型dynamic inventory model without set-up cost
不能回收的成sunk cost
不能控制的成uncontrollable cost
不能提货的提单副non-negotiable copy of bill of lading
不规则的资流动volatile capital flows
不连续成函数discontinuous cost function
不重复征值distinct eigen value
不顾血地削价predatory price cutting
企业资积累business capital formation
企业运用的净资net capital employed
刀具加工成tooling cost
刀具成cost of charp tool
分割资split capital
分包成subcontracting cost
分子旋光molecular rotatory power
分子旋光molecular rotary power
分子阻止molecular stopping power
分层抽子样stratified subsampling method
分层目的样stratified purposive sample
分店总账余额branch balance book
分批实际进价成cost based on actual batch purchasing price
分批成job cost
分批成batch cost
分批成会计job order cost accounting
分批成分类账job cost ledger
分批成job order cost system (度)
分批成job cost system (度)
分批成制度specific order cost system
分批成计算job order cost sheet
分批成循环job order cost cycle
分批成核算制lot cost system
分批成比较表comparative statement of order cost
分批成specific order costing
分批成讠算job order costing
分批成计算job lot costing
分批成计算单job cost sheet
分批成计算法job lot method of cost calculation
分批成计算法job order costing
分批成计算法batch costing method
分批摊派成batch costing
分批标记kick copy
分批订货成job order costing
分批还债券serial bond
分批通知成job order cost sheet
分担成计算absorption costing
分摊固定成apportioned fixed cost
分摊成appointed cost
分摊成allocation of cost
分摊成apportioning cost
分摊成apportioned cost
分摊成allocate cost
分散dispersive power
分散dispersive capacity
分期付息到期一次清还金的抵押贷款straight-term mortgage
分期付息到期还的抵押贷款straight mortgage
分期付款销售成cost of goods sold on installment plan
分期还付息instalment and interest charges
分期还付息interest payment and amortization
分期还付息installed and interest charges
分期还付息贷款interest-extra loan
分期还债券serial redemption
分析成计算analytical costing
分析成计算analytic costing
分析标analytical specimen
分析标analytic specimen
分析的基元素essential element of analysis
分步成计算process cost system
分步成计算法process method of cost-finding
分离separative duty
分离resolving power
分离前加工成cost before split-up
分离前成before-separation cost
分离后加工成cost after split-up
分离后成cost after split-off
分离后成after separation cost
分等成计算法class cost system
分类成计算group costing
分类样grouping sample
分级目标成管理责任制responsibility system of hierarchical object cost management
分组成制度group cost system
分要素编制的运输成费用计划transportation cost and fee plan in terms of cost items
分辨力分辨resolution power
分辨resolution capability
分部成departmental costing
分部成departmental cos
分部资负债表sectional balance sheet
分配销售分析distribution cost analysis
分配成distribution cost
分配成apportioning cost
分配成分摊distribution cost allocation
分配的成allocated cost
分项成line-item cost
切片标section preparation
包装成packaging cost
合伙资partnership capital
合同收入及有关成分列表contract cost work sheet
合同文contract version
合同正original of contract
合并样计量polled sample statistics
合格成compliance cost
合股资joint capital
合订bound volume
合质成cost of compliance
一赫兹别格公式Ghyben-Herzberg formula
一赫茨伯格扁豆状体Ghyben-Herzberg lens
同一个资self-same capital
同步基命令synchronizing primitive command
同步的基命令synchronizing primitive command
同类样companion specimen
处理成treatment cost
备抵收回成allowance for collection cost
备用成stand-by cost
备销商品成cost of goods available for sale
double currency
bimetallic standard
位制parallel standard
位制double standard system
compound amount (之和)
复制副reproduction replica
复合multiple cost system (度)
复合位制composite system
复合资结构complex capital structure
复金属位制double metallic standard system
将利息滚入金计算复利accumulate at interest
将投资利息滚入金的积累accumulation units
经营hand-to-mouth operation
经营shoestring trading
经营do business in a small way
小尺寸日tile of minimum size
小样hand sample
小样时序研究small sample time-series study
小样small sample technique
布拉克铆绒地毯织机Blackburn Rivet Head machine
布置成cost of layout
开办成organization cost
开办成initial cost
开办费的资化值capitalized syndication fee
开单成billing cost
开发总成total development cost
开发成developing cost
开采成cost of winning
异常征函数improper eigenfunction
异常成abnormal cost
final cost
initial cost
cost (加运费保险费价格)
一产量一利润分析原理generalizations on cost-volume profit analysis
一保险加空运费价格cost-insurance and freight by plane
一保险费一运费加关税价cost-insurance and freight duty paid
一效率容许量cost-effectiveness allowance
一效益关系cost-benefit relationship
一补偿契约cost reimbursement contract
与技术鉴定分析cost performance analysis
与收益分析cost-benefit analysis
与账面价值差异difference between cost and book value
会计准则cost accounting standard
会计制度cost accounting system
会计制度的设置installation of cost accounting system
会计处cost department
会计总观cost accounting over-view
会计流程图cost accounting flow chart
估价cost estimating
估算cost finding
估算cost estimation
估算的咼低法high low method of cost estimation
估计estimate of cost
估计estimating of cost
估计cost evaluation
估计技术cost estimation technique
估计申请书request for estimation
估计的工程法industrial engineering method in cost estimation
估计程序cost estimating procedure
具竞争力的cost competitive
分担cost sharing
建筑分析cost planning
建筑分析cost programming
分析cost investigation
分析cost study
建筑分析cost analysis
建筑分析cost study
分析breakdown of cost
分析技术cost analysis technique
分类cost breakdown
分类classification of cost
分解cost segregation
分解cost breakdown
分配allocation of cost
分配的测量法survey method of cost allocation
利润率rate of cost net profit
利润率cost-profit ratio
功能分析cost function analysis
加一定比例费用cost-plus percentage fee
加利润合同cost-plus-profit contract
加利润账force account
加奖金合同cost-plus incentive fee contract
加成本百分率合同cost-plus percentage-of-cost contracts
加费合同cost-and-fee contracts
加费用合同cost-plus-fee contact
加费用契约cost-plus contract
加费用账款force account
加酬契约加酬合同cost-plus contract
加附加合同cost-plus-a-fixed contract
合同prime cost contract
向量cost vector
增高cost up
定额cost quota
平衡问题problem of cost balance
影响cost impact
总额prime cost sum
慨念cost concept
或市价cost of market
技术分析engineering analysis of cost
投入组合input combination
指标index of working cost
指标cost index
收入分析cost-revenue analysis
收回cost recovery
收回的可能性估计estimating cost recoverability
效果cost-effectiveness (的对比)
效果分析cost-effectiveness analysis
效益策略cost-effective strategy
敏感性cost sensitivity
斜率cost slope
明细表cost schedule
有效法cost-effective method
有效法cost-effective means
cost period
极小化cost minimization
构成elements of cost
构成cost related factor
核算中心cost accounting centre
核算分析cost accounting analysis
核算单位cost unit
核算标准cost accounting standard
概算budget estimate of cost
概算表rough cost book
模式cost mode
流动观念cost flow concept
流转flow of cost
测算表cost schedule
浮动加酬合同cost-plus fluctuating fee contract
浮动酬金合同cost-plus-fixed-fee contract
类账户cost accumulation accounts
类账户cost accounts
编码cost code
耗损cost depletion
补偿合同cost reimbursement contract
表列参数parameters of cost schedules
责任中心cost responsibility center
cost record
cost account (户)
账单cost sheet
账目cost account
费用break-even cost
费用分析cost and fee analysis
费用分类表summary of cost and expenses classification
费用开支标准和计算、分配方法审计audit of standard calculation and distribution method of cost and fee
费用总表summary statement of cost and fee
费用核算expenditure accounting
费用横向指标的分解splitting of horizontal target of cost and expenditures
费用真实性cost and fee authenticity audit
费用管理审计cost and fee management audit
费用管理责任制responsibility system of cost and fee management
费用纵向指标分解splitting of vertical target of cost and expenditures
费用范围审计cost and fee extent audit
费用表cost and expense statement
费用附表supporting statement of cost and fee
费递增律law of increasing cost
资料报表cost information reporting
超支cost over-run
较低的区域lower-cost region
较高的区域higher-cost region
递减decreasing cost
降低率decrease rate of cost
降低率cost decreasing rate
降低额decrease quantum of cost
预先控制advance control of cost
预测cost forecast
预测cost estimating
持久标permanent specimen
持久标permanent preparation
指数标准成index standard cost
按主要项目编制的运输成费用计划transportation cost and fee plan in terms of main items
按全部成定价full cost pricing
按制造费用率分配的材料成material cost basis for manufacturing overhead rates
按历史成计算的惯例historical cost convention
按历史成计算的惯例historic cost convention
按原始成编制的报表historical cost statement
按原始成编制的报表historic cost statement
按成减残值变率折旧法depreciation-changing percentage of cost less scrap method
按成定价value at cost
按成定价service at cost
按成的固定百分比折旧法depreciation method of fixed percentage on cost
按成的市价估价valuation at cost market
按成编制预算cost-based budgeting
按成计算库存股票的售价disposal of treasury shares cost basis
按现值法计算的收益成discounted benefit/cost ratio
按直接原材料成direct material cost method
按直接成定价direct cost pricing
按资比例分配division in capital ratio
按重置成折旧replacement depreciation
明显成explicit cost
最优基可行解optimum general feasible solution
最优基可行解optimal basic feasible solution
最低单位成minimum unit cost
最低总成least total cost method
最低成cost minimization
最低成估算least cost estimating
最低成估算与调度法least-coat estimating and scheduling system
最低成估算与调度系统least-coat estimating and scheduling system
最低成minimum-cost rule
最低成组合least cost combination
最低额应缴股minimum subscription
最佳成optimum cost
最后文definitive text
最大容许样尺寸maximum allowable sample size
最小成least cost method
最小成网络流程minimal-cost network-flow
最新版技术标准latest technical standard
最新的电话号码up-to-date directory
最终成ultimate cost
最近成recent cost
最高生产能量成capacity cost
月球初子午线first lunar meridian
有关行的谈话shop talk
有关成relevant cost
有形基设施basic physical infrastructure
有形成tangible cost
有效阻止effective stopping power
有限样生物测定limited sample bioassay
服务或辅助部门成service department cost
服务成中心service cost centre
服务成分配表distribution statement of service
服务成课税原则cost-of-service taxation principle
服务部门成分配计算表worksheet to prorate service department cost
服务部门成的分配allocation of service department
sample piece
分布sampling distribution
制备法preparation of specimen
加热器specimen heater
名称sample name
living collection
固定器specimen fixator
块数number of specimens
sample room
室植物herbarium material
微动装置specimen fine adjust equipment
number of samples
sample tree
specimen holder
sample tree
samples measuring method
玻片卡夹specimen clip
specimen bottle
的磁性构成magnetic composition in specimens
的磁性矿物magnetic mineral in specimens
specimen box
磁化率值susceptibility value of sample
磁性类型type of magnetism of specimens
specimen tube
specimen box
类型sample type
编号sample code
编录表record table of samples
specimen jar
自动包埋器specimen automatically embedding equipment
采集collection of specimens
标书副copy of bid
标准人工成standard labour cost
标准全部成standard absorption costing
标准分类成standard process cost sheet
标准原材料的成standard material cost
标准参考水样standard reference water samples (美国地质调查局)
标准变动成计算法standard variable costing
标准固定成standard fixed cost
标准基不变量typical basic invariant
标准基部件standard basic unit
标准开standard format
标准成会计部分计划partial plan of standard cost accounting
标准成定价normal cost pricing
标准成差异standard cost variance
标准成差异处理disposition of standard cost variances
标准成形态standard cost tableau
标准成控制法standard cost control
标准成的单一记账法single plan of standard cost
标准成的单行记账法single plan of standard cost
标准成的双行记账法dual plan for standard cost
标准成计算standard cost calculation
标准标index sample
标准电码standard code book
标准采购成standard purchase price
植物标干燥器plant dryer
植物标采集者plant hunter
清偿成settling up cost
理想物体的基模型basic model of ideal body
理论成theoretical cost
理论成theoretic cost
理论成标准theoretic cost standard
理财成finance cost
省油器economizer body
看样后决定出价offer subject to sample approval
看样后决定发盘offer subject to sample approval
reef proper
稀有rare issue
程序文programme text
程序文program text
程序设计的基指令programming primitive
程式样systematic sample
考勤登记roll book
合同model contract
调整后成基础adjusted cost basis
调整成adjusted base cost
调整的基造价adjusted base cost
调车作业成operating cost of shunting
调车作业时成shunting operating cost per hour
谎报成falsify production cost
征值reciprocal eigenvalue
逆向变换成inversely varying cost
逆向成reversal cost method
选择性固定discretionary fixed cost
选择成discretionary cost
选择成alternative cost
选矿成dressing cost
销售及管理成selling and administrative expenses
销售及管理成selling and administrative cost
销售成marketing cost
销售成distributive cost
销售成distribution cost
销售成cost of distribution
销售成分析marketing cost analysis
销售成顾问marketing cost consultant
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