
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
不可控制成uncontrollable cost
不可避免成unavoidable cost
中介成medium cost
中断成outage cost
产品制造成cost of goods manufactured
产品成核算product costing
产品样product catalog
产品销售成cost of products sold
产权资equity capital
产量一成一利润分析volume-cost-profit analysis
亮度基luminance primary
付现成out-of-pocket cost
以人为的管理human-oriented management
仪器instrument background
伽马gamma background
作业成制度operation cost system
价格break even price
break-even value
break even point
进尺breakeven foot age
保留资reserved capital
债券发行成bond issuing cost
债务股debt-equity ratio
值班记录log book
储量接替成reserves replacement cost
全球重力基台网worldwide gravity base station network
全面成控制overall cost control
全额资full capitalization method
全额重置成full replacement cost
内含成implicit cost
净资增益net capital gain
净资损失net capital loss
减去background subtraction
出口换汇成export cost in terms of foreign exchange
分批成核算job costing
分批成计算法job costing
分摊固定成allocated fixed cost
分摊成allocated cost
初成prime cost
初期资支出initial capital outlay
初步成initial cost
利润汇回repatriation of profit
记录hard-copy record
功能成functional cost
勘探成prospecting prime cost
单位产品成unit product cost
历史成sunk cost
原始资original capital
发现成finding cost
发生成cost incurred
变动成change cost
可归属成attributable cost
可用资available asset
可避免成escapable cost
合同副copy of the contract
合同草draft contract
后续成after-cost (销售)
吸收成计算法absorption costing
国内成domestic cost
国内成internal cost
国家基basic scale topographic map
国有资national assets
国有资state-owned assets
地层标bed sample
埋没成embedded cost
专利basic patent
产量baseline production rate
传送机械basic transport mechanism
信号周期dot cycle
key value
假定fundamental assumption
偏差basic deviation
元件primary element
元素fundamental element
公差basic tolerance
利率prime rate
利益basic interests
区块basic block
单元elementary cell
压力pressure base
原则cardinal rule
原料组分,汽油base stock
原料base stock
反应elementary reaction
命题elementary sen tence
四点井网radical four-spot pattern
parent map
mother map
fundamental block
fundamental domain
处理base conditioning
子波basic wavelet
定理fundamental theorem
容量basic capacity
容量base tankage
导线principal traverse
建设基金capital construction funds
建设定额quota of capital construction
建设布局capital construction distribution
建设概算budgetary estimate of capital construction
建设预算budget of capital construction
径流fair-weather runoff
径流base runoff
控制网basic control network
文件basic document
方案basic scheme
有机分析elementary organic analysis
有机合成工业fundamental organic synthesis industry
有机合成basic organic synthesis
条件pacing items
条带elementary strip
标定elementary proving
油料base stock
流动方程basic flow equation
流程basic flow scheme
混响频率fundamental reverberation frequency
fundamental point
特征essential characteristic
现象fundamental phenomena
生产率basic capacity
电弧basic electric arc
矿物essential mineral
研究basic research
窗长对比base window correlation
系统ultimate system
组件basic module
组分essential component
组分base constituent
结构单位fundamental structural unit
网络basic network
脉冲basic pulse
荷载型天然气液化厂base load plant
要素fundamental element
fundamental solution
设计图纸basic drawing
设计资料basic design
误差fundamental error
资料basic document
转换项basic switching term
运算fundamental operation
速度结构basic velocity structure
逻辑basic logic
elementary trace
配方basic recipe
配方base recipe
金属mother metal
静校正basic static correction
base face
面元elementary bin
多变量样multivariate sample
break-even value
break-even point
桑油管Big Benson pipe line
存储成storage cost
存货成先进先出法first in first out method of inventory costing
存货成后进先出法last in first out method of inventory costing
完税后成taxpaid cost
定向标oriented specimen
定额成quota cost
实现资增值realized capital gain
实现资损失realized capital loss
实缴资contributed capital
实际生产成real cost of production
富养分木沼泽eutrophic swamp
小时钻机成hourly rig cost
岩心标bore specimen
工程设计基数据basic engineering design data
差别成differential cost
已摊销成amortized cost
已耗成expired cost
市价-成market-to-cost method
常绿木群落evergreen silvae
应计成accrued cost
建筑物structure trunk
建设成construction cost
建造成construction cost
引进资introduction of investment
引进资introduce capital
归纳成absorbed costing
一产销量一利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
一产销量平衡图cost-volume diagram
一利润一产量分析cost-profit-volume analysis
一收益分析cost-benefit analysis
一数量一利润分析cost-volume-profit analysis
下降对比cost-reduction comparison
会计制度cost system
会计师cost accountant
分摊公式cost-sharing formula
利得分析cost benefit analysis
利润率profit ratio of cost
加利合同cost-plus contract
加利润价cost-plus price
回收油cost recovery oil
归集cost pool
报表statement of costs
敏感性分析cost sensitivity analysis
明细表分析cost statement analysis
最低化cost minimization
有效方式cost effective manner
cost oil
cost crude
流动flow of costs
规划与估价cost planning and appraisal
超支overrun on costs
递减法则law of decreasing cost
递增规律law of increasing cost
限额cost ceiling
预算cost budgeting
成煤木沼泽coal swamp
投资资回报率return on investment capital
投资返年限investment payback period
换汇成cost of foreign exchange generated
探井成cost of prospecting well
操作成operating cost
收入一成分析benefit-cost analysis
收益成比率benefit-cost ratio
放射性radioactivity background
放弃成abandonment cost
效益成分析benefit cost analysis
新增成additional cost
无形开发成intangible development cost
全国管线研究会National Pipeline Research Society of Japan
土壤力学与基础工程师学会Japan Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
土木工程师协会Japan Society of Civil Engineers
天然气协会Japan Natural Gas Association
工程技术学会Japan Engineering Technical Society
建筑中心Japan Building Center
建筑研究所Japanese Building Research Institute
材料试验协会Japan Society for Testing Materials
精密测量仪器协会标准Japan Measuring Association Standard
电子工业协会electronic Industry Association of Japan
电工委员会Nippon Electrotechnic Committee
石油协会Petroleum Association of Japan
石油协会Japan Petroleum Association
石油学会Japan Petroleum Institute
石油技术工作者协会Japanese Association of Petroleum Technologists
石油替代物开发研究协会Research Association for Petroleum Alternative Development of Japan
石油生产商协会Petroleum Producers} Association of Japan
科学委员会Science Council of Japan
科学家与工程师联合会Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers
采矿工业协会Japan Mining Industry Association
阀门制造商协会Japan Valve Manufacturers Association
高压容器与阀门协会Japan Cylinder and Valve Association
日成day-rate cost
时间成优化time-cost optimization
最优基optimal basic solution
最小成函数minimum cost function
最小成法则minimum cost rule
最小成网络流程问题minimal-cost network-flow problem
有序标ordered samples
未摊销成unamortized cost
未能收回成unrecovered cost
一量一利分析cost-volume-profit analysis
体溶液bulk solution
体聚合mass polymerization
体聚合bulk polymerization
体聚合物bulk polymer
体降解bulk degradation
分解incumbent solution
初子午线prime meridian
国 的home
国市场domestic market
国货币汇票bill in domestic currency
地浮游生物autogenetic plankton
地能源indigenous energy
多生酸泛酸pantothenic acid
州造山运动Honshu orogeny
年亏损current year loss
年净利润net profit for the current year
年净利润net profit current year
年到期长期债务current maturity of long-term debt
年应计利息interest accrued for the current year
年应计利息interest for the year
年盈余surplus for the current year
contrast value
底值background level
底剂量background dose
底发光background luminescence
底地震波background seismic wave
底扣除background subtraction
底放射性background radioactivity
底杂质background impurity
底校正background correction
底源background source
底离子background ions
底积累background buildup
底突峰background hump
底计数sample-out count
底计数background count
底谱线图background spectrum
征函数proper function
征区intrinsic region
征时间intrinsic time
征晶体intrinsic crystal
征根latent root
征激发极化intrinsic IP
征电导率intrinsical conductivity
征空间eigen space
征需氧量intrinsic oxygen demand
征黏度limiting viscosity
征黏度值limiting viscosity number
德法脱硫醇或脱臭Bender sweetening
德统Bendian Series
期产量production of current period
期生产成本production cost of current period
机方式local mode
机终端local terminal
构律constitutive law
构模式constitutive model
溪统Penchi series (中石炭世)
特砂岩Bunter sandstone
特阶Bunter stage
生一希林气体比重计Bunsen Schilling effusiometer
生岩original rock
生洗气瓶Bunsen gas-bottle
生电池Bunsen element
生电池Bunsen cell
生系数Bunsen coefficient
essential color
菲尔德法热碳酸盐溶液脱酸性气过程Benfield process
菲尔德溶液Benfield solution
菲尔德装置Benfield unit
质安全回路intrinsically safe circuit
材料成material cost
标准成standard cyst
分布sample distribution
定序珐sample ordination method
离差sample dispersion
sample axis
样品一底活性比sample-to-background activity ratio
核定股authorized capital stock
原因root cause
模式标type specimen
original copy
official copy
正式文office copy
每日成cost per day
每英尺钻进成drilling cost per foot
比较成comparative costs
沉没成sunk cost
沉没资sunk capital
河漫滩草沼泽back marsh
法定股statutory capital
泥浆成mud cost
注册资capital stock registered
注册资capital authorized
流动资current asset
流动资circulating assets
海岸木沼泽coastal swamp
海岸草沼泽coastal marsh
淡水草沼泽freshwater marsh
混合成制度hybrid cost system
滋育木沼泽eutrophic swamp
滑动平均成moving average cost method
漫滩木沼泽back swamp
炼制成refining costs
现付成current-out lay cost
现金资cash capital
生产前成preproduction cost
生产总成total production cost
生产成running cost
生态ecologic potential
相关成related cost
真实经济成real economic cost
石油上岸成landed cost of oil
硬副hard copy
移动平均成moving average cost method
筹资成funding cost
管理成handling cost
管理成administrative cost
约束性成committed cost
经营成handling cost
经营成制度operation cost system
统筹法/成技术program evaluation and review technique/cost
美国American Continent
收益率return on equity
equity crude
盈利return on equity
自然资源成cost of natural resources
自看资比率equity ratio
草签文initialed text
虚增成inflated cost
订有基费的天然气费率standing charge tariff
设备成equipment cost
识别成identified cost method
试制成preproduction cost
试验标test specimen
财务成financial cost
质量成quality related costs
购入成buying cost
一产出比率capital-output ratio
偿还capital payoff
净利润率profit rate of net worth
分摊capital sharing
分摊capital gearing
利润return on equity
周转率capital turnover ratio
回收率rate of recovery of capital
密集capital intensive
密集型产业capital concentrated industry
密集型产业capital intensive industry
市场风险线capital market line
性资产capital assets
投资决策capital investment decision
摊缴capital contribution
支出capital charge
支出capital expenditure (capex)
收益率return on capital
收益税appreciation of capital
杠杆作用capital leverage
汇回本国repatriation of capital
流动capital movement
流动capital flow
租赁capital lease
费用capital charge
资金成fund cost
赶工成crash cost
车间成workshop cost
边际成定价marginal cost pricing
边际成效益分析marginal cost-benefit analysis
周期capital recovery period
贴现率discounted rate of return
递增成incremental cost
递增资产量比incremental capital-output ratio
重造成reproduction cost
gold standards
针叶木群落coni lignosa
钻井工程单位成unit cost of drilling engineering
钻井工程成cost of drilling engineering
钻井成控制系统drilling cost control system
钻机每日成rig cost per day
钻机每日成rig cost/day
铺管敷设laid-down cost
长期平均成曲线long-run average cost curve
降低成计划cost-reduction program
随机子样random subsample
随机有序样random ordered sample
征传导率structure-sensitive conductivity
征吸收extrinsic absorption
征导电extrinsic conduction
质的not essential
项目成控制project cost control
额定资authorized capital