
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一次性还贷款bullet loan
交割成closing costs
产值-成比值value/cost ratio
投资parental investment
人造资human-made capital
付成费交货delivery against cost
伊朗-日石油公司Iran-Nippon Petroleum Company
估算成imputed cost
信息基要素essential elements of information
全球大气研究计划基数据集GARP basic data set
净资要求net capital requirement
剩余股equity residual technique
区域单位边际成area-specific marginal costs
单位成unit costs
卡尔曼滤波成效益源算法kalman-filtering cost-effective resource allocation
受益成benefit to cost
受益-成benefit-cost ratio
可分配的成attributable costs
可替代性样路径评价方法program evaluating the set of alternative samples
哈根大学矿物博物馆丹麦Mineralogical Museum of the University of Copenhagen
国家环境标National Environmental Specimen Bank
国际收支的资项目capital account
土地利用总体规划文document of integrated land-use plan
土地利用成研究land use cost studies
土地开发成 land development costs
土地开发的时间成time costs of land development
土地开发的直接成direct costs for land development
土地开发的社会成social costs of land development
土地资land capital
土壤整段标soil monolith
土壤样soil sample
地方基水准点local fundamental bench mark
地租资capitalization of land rent
场地开发成site development cost
事件basic event
仪器变量basic instrumental variables
似然率因子分解likelihood-base rate factorization
农田prime cultivated land
农田prime cropland
农田保护区prime cropland preservation area
农田保护条例Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland
分析与测绘计划basic analysis and mapping programme
参数法fundamental parameter method
响应因子basin response factor
地址base address
孔板系数basic orifice factor
审定basic authorization
审定表base authorization list
对流模式basic convective model
岀口吨数basic export tonnages
异常因子fundamentally different factors
固有,本征振荡natural oscillation
探测装置basic sounding unit
星视位置表apparent places of fundamental stars
有理单位ultimate rational unit
标准研究所Institute for Basic Standards
核准basic authorization
水准点fundamental bench mark
水数据索引master water data index
水文数据传输代码code for the transmission of basic hydrological data
温度系数temperature base factor
草牧场prime pasture and meadow
蛋白质basic protein
调查basic research
资本化率basic capitalization rate
运动时间研究basic motion time study
饱和base saturation
增值成incremental cost
大样模糊系统聚类的快速算法algorithm of fast fuzzy cluster of large samples
大气底污染监测网世界气象组织background air pollution monitoring network
天然气的加权平均成weighted average cost of gas
大学美国auburn university
实际借贷成effective borrowing cost
实际成real coast
容许底水平allowable background level
寿命周期成核算life cycle costing
工业产权资equity capital for industry
差额成differential cost
平均总单位成average total unit cost
平均边际成average marginal cost
建筑物资化率building capitalization rate
开发成developed cost
当量的放射性background equivalent activity
径向基函数radial basis functions
总建筑成total cost of construction
总资源成total resource cost
总采矿成total mining cost
保险加运费价cost, assurance, freight
、保险费加佣金价cost, insurance, freight, commission
、保险费、运费加汇费价cost, insurance, freight and exchange
、保险、运费、佣金及利息的价格条件cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
分析计划cost analysis plan
分隔法segregated cost method
加利润合同cost-plus contract
加成合同cost-plus contract
和性能cost and performance
和管理会计师学会Institute of Cost and Management Accountant
收益比cost benefit ratio
效率法cost effectiveness method
数据索引系统Cost Data Bank Index System
数据计划cost data plan
cost approach
计划和控制cost planning and control
计划和控制系统cost planning and control system
、运费和保险费cost, freight and insurance
还原cost recovery
还原法cost recovery principle
折旧成depreciated cost
收入资income capitalization
收益成分析benefit-cost analysis
收益成benefit-cost ratio
收益的资化价值earnings capitalized value
收益资化法income-capitalization approach
收益资化法income capitalization approach
效益-成benefit-cost ratio
新增版added edition
三井海洋开发和工程株式会社Mitsui Ocean Development & Engineering CO., Ltd. (Japan)
东京大地测量基准面Tokyo Datum
京都大学防灾研究所Kyoto University, Disaster Prevention Research Institute (Japan)
信息处理学会Information Processing Society of Japan
信息处理开发中心Japan Information Processing Development Center
信息处理网Japan Information Processing Network
光谱学会Spectroscopical Society of Japan
农业气象学会Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
农业研究所Nihon Nogyo Kenkyujo
冰雪学会Japanese Society for Snow and Ice
制钢所公司Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
勘査地球物理学家学会Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan
北极冰川考察队Japanese Arctic Glaciological Expedition
南极研究考察队Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition
原子能发电公司Japan Atomic Power Company
原子能学会Atomic Energy Society of Japan
原子能工业公司Japan Atomic Industrial Forum Inc.
原子能研究所Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute
国土地理院Geographical Survey Institute in Japan
国土调查测量协会Nippon Kokudo Chosa Sokuryo Kyokai
国家宇宙事业开发团National Space Development Agency of Japan
国家海洋资料中心Japanese National Oceanographic Data Center
国家石油公司Japan National Oil Corp.
国立放射学研究所National Institute of Radiological Science (Japan)
国际开发中心International Development Centre of Japan
国际开发规划Japan International Development Programme
国际投资银行Japan International Bank and Investment
国际管理协会International Management Association of Japan
国际贸易促进协会Japan International Trade Promotion Association
土壤力学与基础工程学会Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
土木工程师学会Japanese Society of Civil Engineers
地下水水文学协会Japanese Association of Ground Water Hydrology
地热能源调査协会Japan Geothermal Energy Association
地球观测中心Earth Observation Center(Japan)
地球观测中心Earth Observation Center
地球资源卫星-1Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1
地理学会Nihon Chiri Gakkai
地质学团体研究会The Association for the Geological Collaboration (Japan)
地质学团体研究会Association for the Geological Collaboration (Japan)
地质调查所Japan Geological Survey Institute
地质调査所Geological Survey of Japan
大地测量基准面Japanese Datum
天气谱模式Japan Spectral Model
对外贸易理事会Japan Foreign Trade Council Inc.
对外贸易组织Japan External Trade Organization
岩石矿物矿床学会Nihon Ganseki Kobutsu Kosho Gakkai
工业标准Japan Industrial Standard
工业标准波美度Japanese Industrial Standard Beaumé
工业标准波美度Japanese Industrial Standard Baumé
工程地质学会Society of Engineering Geology of Japan
工程技术标准Japanese Engineering Standards (JIS 的前身)
工程技术标准协会Japan Engineering Standards Association
工程技术标准委员会Japanese Engineering Standards Committee
工程试验反应堆Japan Engineering Test Reactor
帝国陆地测量所Japanese Imperial Land Survey
建设省Ministry of Construction (Japan)
快中子实验增殖反应堆Japan Fast Experimental Breeder
技术标准规格Japanese Engineering Standards
拖曳水槽会议Japan Towing Tank Conference
摄影学会Nippon Shashin Gakkai
放射性同位素协会Japan Radioisotope Association
放射性同位素协会Japan Radioisotopes Association
政府开发援助计划official development assistance (Japan)
文献协会Nippon Dokumenteshon Kyokai
无线电有限公司Japan Radio Co, Ltd.
显微照相术协会Japan Microphotography Association
机械工程学会Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineering
材料试验反应堆Japan Material Test Reactor
材料试验学会Japan Society for Testing Materials
极地轨道平台Japanese Polar Orbiting Platform
标准协会Japan Standard Association
标准时间Japanese Standard Time
核发电公司Japan Nuclear Power Generation Corporation
核研究所Institute of Nuclear Study Japan
气彖学会Japanese Meteorological Society
气象协会Japan Weather Association
气象厅地震烈度表Japan Meteorological Agency Intensity
气象厅海洋部Marine Department/Japan Meteorological Agency
气象厅电子计算中心Electronic Computation Centre, Japan Meteorological Agency
气象厅长崎海洋气象台Nagasaki Marine Observatory/Japan Meteorological Agency
气象学会Meteorological Society of Japan
气象研究所大气环流模式Meteorological Research Institute General Circulation Model (Japan)
水文部Hydrographic Department of Japan
水路协会Japan Hydrographic Association
测地学会Geodetic Society of Japan
海事协会Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
海洋学会Oceanographical Society of Japan
海洋数据资料中心Japanese Oceanographic Data Center
海洋科学技术研究中心Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
海流Japan Current
海道测量局Hydrographic Office of Japan
液化石油气协会标准Japan Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association Standard
深海考察队Japanese Expedition to the Deep Sea
滑坡学会Japan Society of Landslide
环境保安协会Nihon Kankyo Hozen Kyokai
环境管理协会Nihon Kankyo Kami Kyokai
环境系统Japan Environmental Systems
环境遥感研究委员会Japan Research Committee of Environmental Remote Sensing
生物科学研究所Nippon Institute for Biological Science
电力开发公司Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (Japan)
电子信息处理自动计算机Japanese Electronic Information Processing Automatic Computer
电子光学实验有限公司Japan Electron Optics Laboratory Co., Ltd.
电子显微镜学会Japan Society for Electron Microscopy
电工委员会Nippon Electro-technic Committee
石油公司Nippon Oil Co., Ltd.
石油公司Japan Petroleum Corp.
石油勘探有限公司Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd.
石油开发公司Japan Petroleum Development Corp.
石油技术专家协会Japanese Association of Petroleum Technologists
石油生产者协会Petroleum Producers Association of Japan
石油联盟Petroleum Association of Japan
矿产勘探和开发有限公司Nippon Exploration and Development Co., Ltd.
矿冶研究所Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Japan
研究性反应堆Japanese Research Reactor
碳氟化合物协会Japan Fluorocarbon Association
碳酸钠公司Nippon Soda Co.
离子层研究和空间研究报告report of ionosphere research and space research in Japan
科学仪器制造商协会Scientific Instrument Manufacturer's Association of Japan
科学仪器协会Japan Scientific Instrument Association
科学促进会Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
科学委员会Japan Science Council
科学家协会Japan Scientists Association
科学技术联盟Nihon Kagaku Gijutsu Renmei
科学理事会Science Council of Japan
科学钻探Japanese Scientific Drilling
科技信息中心Japan Information Center of Science & Technology
空间活动委员会Space Activities Commission (Japan)
第四纪研究协会Japan Association for Quaternary Research
精密测量仪器协会标准Japan Measuring Association Standard
经济团体联合会Japan Federation of Economic Organization
经济开发委员会Japan Committee for Economic Development
经济研究中心Japan Economic Research Center
经济研究所Japan Economic Research Institute
聚合物辐射研究协会Japan Association for Radiation Research on Polymers
脊椎动物化石Japanese Fossils of Vertebrate
航天学会Japan Astronautical Society
贸易业者协会Japan Trades Association
超深井钻探和地球科学实验计划Japanese Ultra-deep Drilling and Geoscientific Experiments
超深岩心钻探技术研究会Super Deep Core Drilling Study Group, Japan
轻金属Nippon Light Metal
运筹学学会Operations Research Society of Japan
通用电气公司General Electric of Japan Co., Ltd.
重力基准网Japan Gravity Standardization
金属矿业事业团Metal Mining Agency of Japan
金属矿业株式会社Metal Mining Agency of Japan
铬株式会社Japan Chrome Corp
黏土研究小组Clay Research Group of Japan
替代成cost of supersession
最低年成minimum annual cost
最低成经济规划least cost utility planning
最低成规划least-cost planning
原假波动方程primitive pseudo wave equation
原假波动方程公式化primitive pseudo wave equation formulation
原方程primitive equation
原方程模型primitive equation model
zone of interior
地图local chart
尼威特英国金衡, = 1/20盎司penny weight
底当量放射性background equivalent activity
底情况调査background investigation
底测定background determination
底监测background monitoring
底调查background survey
底资料background information
征结构分析latent structure analysis
文结束end of text
courant (the present month)
船收货ship's receipt
质关系图entity-relationship diagram
标准参考水样美国地质调查局standard reference water samplesUSGS
交叉相关函数sample cross-correlation function
信息期望值expected value of sample information
均值事件输入sample mean event load
记录格式sample registration scheme
每英尺累积进尺成cumulative cost per foot
污染治理成cost of pollution treatment
环境保护基basic law of environmental protection
环境基政策environmental basic policy
环境标Environmental Speciment Bank
皇家墨尔工程学院澳大利亚Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
社会机会成social opportunity coasts
租赁获得成lease acquisition cost
积聚成concentration cost
美国成核算工程师协会American Association of Cost Engineers
联合国教科文组织日协会联盟Nihon UNESCO Kyokai Renmei
参与equity participation
能源成cost of energy
自动工资、成、人事系统automated payroll, cost, and personnel system
自动成估算automatic cost estimates
自然底分析natural background analysis
节约能力成cost of saved capacity
节约能源成cost of saved energy
设计基事件design basis event
谱系基有限元法hierarchical basis finite element
贷款金偿还额loan principal repayment
与负债比率capital gearing
产量递增比率incremental capital-output ratio
借贷比例capital gearing
净流量net cash how
利得税tax on capital gain
利息税capital interest tax
利润capital profit
化利润capitalized profit
化利率capitalization rate
回报率return on capital
回收率rate of return of capital
回收费用capital recovery factor
增益capital gain
强度capital intensity
总收益total earning
搭配比率gearing ratio
的加权平均成本weighted-average cost-of capital
费用capital outlay
转让税capital transfer tax
边际成本incremental cost of capital
边际效益递减declining marginal efficiency of capital
边际生产率marginal productivity of capital
还原率capitalized ratio
需求capital requirement
资源基库存量resource basic inventory
边际分配生产能量成marginal distribution capacity cost
边际国家成Marginal National Costs
边际国家成Marginal National Benefits
边际电力成marginal cost of electricity
边际能源成marginal energy costs
边际能源成marginal costs of energy
重置成replacement-cost approach
金衡尼威特等于 1.555 克pennyweight
钻头成cost of the bit
阿特拉斯计算机基语言adas basic language
降低成投资支出cost-reduction expenditure
非木花粉nontree pollen
非正规式综合谈判版informal composite negotiating text
非营运成non-operating cost
风险-成-受益法risk-cost-benefit methodology
底污染high background contamination