
Terms for subject Securities containing 本票 | all forms | in specified order only
本票master note
交易商本票dealer paper
交易库存股票所得实收资本paid-in capital from treasury stock transaction
优先股本赎回股票preferred equity redemption stock
作为资本市场投资工具的股票stock as capital market instrument
凭票即付的汇票或本票money order payable to bearer
分拆单售债券本息票零息债券最常见的类型,1985 年由美国财政部开始发行Treasury STRIPS
分期偿还浮动利率本票serial floating rate note
单据贴现本票documentary discount note
可转换浮动利率本票convertible rate FRN
商业本票merchantile paper
商业本票commercial note
国际股本基准股票world equity benchmark share
国际股本基准股票World Equity Benchmark Shares (WEBS)
垫付本票advance on a promissory note
基本成长策略股票对比年回报cornerstone growth strategy stocks vs. annual returns
大盘股票基本比率base rates for large stocks
应付本币票据home currency bill payable
应收本币票据home currency bill receivable
按股本金额计算票数one-dollar one-vote
收益曲线本票yield curve notes
无限制浮动利率本票limitless floating rate note
有投票权的股本voting equity
有投票权的资本voting capital
未兑现的银行本票cashier's order outstanding
未收回的本票cashier's order outstanding
本地股票交易domestic stock transaction
本息分售国库券本金票Treasury principal strips
本息分售政府证券息票Treasury coupon strips
本期息票债券current coupon bond
本票promissory note (PN)
本票banker's order
本票comprador's order
本票付款人payer of promissory note
本票出票人maker of promissory note
本票收款人payee of promissory note
本金保护与股权联系票据principal-protected and equity-linked note
标的股票的原本价格price of underlying stock
流通的本票cashier's order outstanding
浮动利率本票floating rate notes
票据资本capital of bill
票面资本nominal capital
经济状况与股票基本面因素economic conditions and stock fundamentals
统一汇票及本票Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
联合本票joint promissory note
联名本票joint promissory note
股本关联票据equity linked note
股本关联票据equity linked instrument
股本股票capitalization stocks
股票基本面评估fundamental evaluation of stock
股票收回所得资本paid-in capital from retirement of stock
股票资本升值capital appreciation of stock
股票资本市值market capitalization
股票过时成本stock obsolescence cost
股票陈旧成本stock obsolescence cost
见票付款本票note at sight
购人的本币票据home currency bill bought
本票capital note
资本股票capital stock
赎回本公司股票redemption of corporation stock
银行本票official check
银行本票banker's promissory note
预期收人本票revenue anticipation note