
Terms for subject Technology containing 本票 | all forms | in specified order only
不率本票mismatch floating rate note
交换中的本行票据in clearing
发票副本duplicate copy of invoice
发票成本invoice cost
可转换浮动利率本票convertible floating rate note
向签票人本人支付pay to self
本票basic fare
基本客票basic passenger ticket
按成本计算库存股票的售价disposal of treasury shares cost basis
收款本票collection note
新发行的资本股票new capital issue
本家汇票pig on pork
本票bank's order
本票ticket book
本票bank check
本票存款bank check deposit
根单贴现本票documented discount note
汇票副本duplicate of draft
浮动利率本票浮动利率票据floating rate note
股票账本stock account
超票面值缴入资本capital contributed in excess of par value
银行本票bank's order
附带本票collateral note
附有抵押的本票collateral note