
Terms containing 本票 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.不对称浮动利率本票mismatch floating rate note
tech.不率本票mismatch floating rate note
gen.为方便本店旅客,本处承兑旅行支票For our guests,convenience, traveler's checks cashed here
securit.本票master note
proj.manag.乙银行本票banker's draft
China, law买卖本公司股票buying or purchasing any stock of the listed company
busin.买进本国币票据home currency bills bought
busin.买进本币票据home money bills bought
tech.交换中的本行票据in clearing
fin.交易本票dealing paper
securit.交易商本票dealer paper
securit.交易库存股票所得实收资本paid-in capital from treasury stock transaction
fin.他行提出交换的本行票据in clearing
busin.付给发票人本人pay to one's own self
econ.任何人不得出售或抵押公司总股本的股票Nobody can sell or pledge the share of capital stock of the corporation
securit.优先股本赎回股票preferred equity redemption stock
securit.作为资本市场投资工具的股票stock as capital market instrument
busin.债券本票发行融资指银行对客户发行的短期债券或本票提供融资额度note issuance facility
busin.债券先期本票bond-anticipation note
busin.关于制定统一汇票、本票的公约日内瓦,1930 年Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 1930
interntl.trade.1930 年日内瓦关于制成统一汇票、本票的公约1930. 6Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 1930
commer.关于所发1,000公吨大豆,兹附寄发票额外副本二份We attach hereto two extra copies of invoice covering the shipment of 1,000 M/T soybean
interntl.trade.1930 年日内瓦关于汇票、本票印花税法的公约1931.3.19Convention on the Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 1930
interntl.trade.1912 年海牙关于统一汇票、本票法的公约1912年Convention on the Unification of the Law relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform Regulation
busin.The Hague, 1912关于统一汇票,本票法的公约海牙,1912 年Convention on the Uniform of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform Regulation
interntl.trade.1931 年日内瓦关于解决有关汇票、本票若干法律冲突的公约 <->Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note (Geneva, 1931, 1931.3.19)
commer.兹收到你方20,000美元支票,系支付你方本月十日来函所订购货物的货款We've received your check for US $20,000 in payment for the goods ordered as per your letter dated 10th inst
busin.再兑取本票期票represent promissory note
securit.凭票即付的汇票或本票money order payable to bearer
fin.出售库存股票的记帐-成本法根据成本作价disposal of treasury shares-cost basis
securit.分拆单售债券本息票零息债券最常见的类型,1985 年由美国财政部开始发行Treasury STRIPS
securit.分期偿还浮动利率本票serial floating rate note
securit.单据贴现本票documentary discount note
interntl.trade.单本汇票sole bill of exchange
interntl.trade.即期本票promissory note payable on demand
interntl.trade.即期本票demand promissory note
econ.即期本票promissory note on demand
fin.即期本票sight promissory note
econ.应付即期本票the promissory note payable on demand
econ.即期本票demand promisory note
econ.发票副本duplicate invoice
interntl.trade.发票副本invoice duplicate
tech.发票副本duplicate copy of invoice
interntl.trade.发票复本duplicate of draft
textile发票成本invoice costs
tech.发票成本invoice cost
fin.发票所列成本invoice cost
textile发票正本original invoice
fin.取得库存股票的记帐-成本基础recording treasury stock acquisition-cost basis
busin.可兑换浮动利率本票convertible FRN
tech.可转换浮动利率本票convertible floating rate note
securit.可转换浮动利率本票convertible rate FRN
tech.向签票人本人支付pay to self
busin.售出本国币票据home currency bills sold
busin.售出本币票据home money bills sold
securit.商业本票merchantile paper
corp.gov.商业本票commercial paper
commer.商业本票business paper
securit.商业本票commercial note
securit.国际股本基准股票world equity benchmark share
securit.国际股本基准股票World Equity Benchmark Shares (WEBS)
securit.垫付本票advance on a promissory note
IMF.本票basic vote
tech.本票basic fare
corp.gov.本票basic instrument
tech.基本客票basic passenger ticket
securit.基本成长策略股票对比年回报cornerstone growth strategy stocks vs. annual returns
busin.大数本票balloon note
securit.大盘股票基本比率base rates for large stocks
gen.如果你跟洛杉矶任何一个电影人交谈,他们一定会告诉你全球电影票房的上升给好莱坞带来的是根本性的改变Speak to anyone in the film industry in Los Angeles and they will tell you that the growth in global box office is bringing about fundamental change in Hollywood
fin.实缴股本-股票溢价capital contributed in excess of par value
proj.manag.将债务折算为股本或股票To convert debt into capital stock or shares
econ.已送给他们一份发票副本A duplicate invoice has been sent to them
econ.年日内瓦关于制定统一汇票、本票的公约Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, June 1930 1930
econ.1930年日内瓦关于汇票、本票印花税法的公约Convention on the Stamp Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (Geneva, 7 June 1930)
econ.1931年日内瓦关于解决有关汇票、本票若干法律冲突的公约Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note (Geneva, 19 March, 1931)
busin.1930 年日内瓦统一汇票、本票Geneva Uniform Law on Bill of Exchange and Promissory Notes 1930
interntl.trade.1930 年日内瓦统一汇票和本票Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 1930 (ULC)
econ.1930 年日内瓦统一汇票和本票Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, 1930 (ULB)
econ.1912 年海牙关于统一汇票、本票法的公约及统一规定Convention on the Unification of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform Regulation (the Hague, 1912)
econ.应付即期本票promissory note on demand
fin.应付商业本票commercial paper payable
busin.应付本国币票据home currency bills payable
busin.应付本币票据home money bills payable
securit.应付本币票据home currency bill payable
busin.应收本国币票据home currency bills receivable
busin.应收本币票据home money bills receivable
securit.应收本币票据home currency bill receivable
fin.本票cost ticket
busin.成本加运费发票cost and freight invoice
textile承兑本票信函letter of indication
busin.按成本定价出售库存股票法disposal of treasury shares on cost basis
tech.按成本计算库存股票的售价disposal of treasury shares cost basis
securit.按股本金额计算票数one-dollar one-vote
busin.支票副本duplicated check
fin.收回股票所得资本paid-in capital from retirement of stock
econ.收回股票所得资本paid-in capital from retirement of preferred stock
busin.收款本票collecting note
tech.收款本票collection note
securit.收益曲线本票yield curve notes
fin.收集本票collecting note
econ.新发行的资本股票new capital issues
tech.新发行的资本股票new capital issue
busin.无担保本票unsecured promissory note
econ.无资格按资本收益课税的股票购买权a non-qualified stock option
securit.无限制浮动利率本票limitless floating rate note
busin.无限期浮动利率本票limitless floating rate note
commer.日内瓦统一汇票与本票Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
commer.日内瓦统一汇票与本票Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, 1930 (1930)
org.name., securit.日本股票平均期货指数Nikkei Stock Average Futures
fin.最后发票成本法last invoice cost method
securit.有投票权的股本voting equity
securit.有投票权的资本voting capital
securit.未兑现的银行本票cashier's order outstanding
proj.manag.未承兑的银行本票cashier's order outstanding
securit.未收回的本票cashier's order outstanding
gen.promissory not
busin.本公司股票corporation's own stock
textile本国币汇票home currency bill
interntl.trade.本国币汇票'home currency bill
textile本国开出国外支付的票据made bill
busin.本国汇票domestic draft
interntl.trade.本国货币汇票home currency bill
oil本国货币汇票bill in domestic currency
busin.本国货币汇票home money bill
busin.本国货币汇票即以出票地国家货币开出的汇票home currency bill
proj.manag.本地承付票inland note
proj.manag.本地汇票inland bill
interntl.trade.本地票据local bill
securit.本地股票交易domestic stock transaction
fin.本地股票基金local equity fund
proj.manag.本地银行付款令票native bank order
tech.本家汇票pig on pork
fin.本币汇票bill in domestic currency
textile本币汇票home currency bill
busin.本币汇票home money bill
econ.本币票据home currency bill
busin.本市汇划汇票city item
securit.本息分售国库券本金票Treasury principal strips
securit.本息分售政府证券息票Treasury coupon strips
busin.本期息票current coupon
securit.本期息票债券current coupon bond
fin.本期票据current papers
busin.本期票据current paper
econ.本次发货的票据由装运港中国银行见票即付Draft under this delivery are to be drawn at sight on the Bank of China at the port of shipment
interntl.trade.本汇票之副本未付second of exchange, being unpaid
fin.本票manager’s order
fin.本票promissory notes
fin.本票note of hand
busin.本票manager's order
tech.本票bank's order
interntl.trade.本票cashier's order
proj.manag.银行本票officer's check
IMF.本票promissory note
auto.公共交通本票ticket book
tech.本票ticket book
textile本票cashier's note
textile本票official check
tech.本票bank check
securit.本票banker's order
fin.本票banker's orders
fin.本票bank's orders (cashiers' orders)
securit.本票promissory note (PN)
busin.本票management check
busin.本票cashier's cheque
econ.本票a manager's order
busin.本票manager's check
busin.本票cashier's cheque (check)
fin.本票cashier's check
securit.本票comprador's order
proj.manag.本票上未记载付款地的、出票人的营业场所为付款地Where the place of payment is not specified on a promissory note, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment
fin.本票付款人payer of a promissory note
securit.本票付款人payer of promissory note
econ.本票借据a promissory note
securit.本票出票人maker of promissory note
tech.本票存款bank check deposit
securit.本票收款人payee of promissory note
interntl.trade.本票的保证guaranteeing of promissory notes
busin.本票的保证guaranting of promissory note
China, law本票的出票行为issue of promissory notes
interntl.trade.本票统一法草案Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
busin.本行内支票house cheque
textile本行支票cashier's check
gen.本酒店恕不接受任何私人支票This hotel declines any private check
securit.本金保护与股权联系票据principal-protected and equity-linked note
gen.机票本flight coupon
securit.标的股票的原本价格price of underlying stock
tech.根单贴现本票documented discount note
busin.汇票副本duplicate of exchange
fin.汇票副本duplicate of bill
interntl.trade.汇票副本copy of draft
interntl.trade.汇票副本second bill of exchange
interntl.trade.汇票副本second of exchange
econ.汇票副本duplicate draft
tech.汇票副本duplicate of draft
fin.《汇票及本票统一法公约》Convention on a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
interntl.trade.汇票复本duplicate of draft
econ.汇票复本duplicate of bill
interntl.trade.汇票样本specimen of draft
econ.汇票正本an original bill
interntl.trade.汇票正本first of exchange
interntl.trade.汇票正本original bill
interntl.trade.汇票正本orginal bill
commer.汇票正本first of exchange (一般还有汇票副本 (second of exchange))
econ.法定资本含有一万美元的可赎回的优先股票The authorized stock includes $10.000 redeemable preference shares
securit.流通的本票cashier's order outstanding
econ.浮动利率本票floating rate note
securit.浮动利率本票floating rate notes
tech.浮动利率本票浮动利率票据floating rate note
textile现金本票货单cash order
busin.由库存股票交易所得资本capital from treasury stock transactions
busin.直接商业本票指发行人直接出售给投资者的商业本票direct paper
econ.票券资本capital of bill
interntl.trade.票据副本copy of a bill
interntl.trade.票据副本copy of draft
econ.票据本a note book
busin.票据本金principal of a note
econ.票据登记本note register
econ.票据登记本note of register
securit.票据资本capital of bill
textile票本ticket stock
interntl.trade.票面股本nominal capital
busin.票面谥值缴入资本股票谥值收入capital contributed in excess of par value
securit.票面资本nominal capital
fin.空白本票blank note
securit.经济状况与股票基本面因素economic conditions and stock fundamentals
commer.统一汇票及本票Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
securit.统一汇票及本票Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
securit.联合本票joint promissory note
fin.《联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约》Convention on International Bill of Exchange and International Promissory Note of the United Nations (简称"《国际汇票本票公约》")
busin.联合国法律委员会国际汇票、本票统一法草案Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes
securit.联名本票joint promissory note
econ.股东为了估算本人拥有的股票的价值,必须阅读公司的年度财务报表Stockholders must read the annual financial statement of a company in order to evaluate their own holding
fin.股本股票凭证,股票capital stock certificate (certificate of stock)
securit.股本关联票据equity linked note
securit.股本关联票据equity linked instrument
securit.股本股票capitalization stocks
econ.股票份资本化stock capitalization
econ.股票作为货币资本的来源stock as source of money capital
fin.股票印刷成本stock certificate cost
fin.股票发行成本stock issue cost
securit.股票基本面评估fundamental evaluation of stock
econ.股票成本cost of stock
fin.股票收回实缴资本contributed capital from retirement of stock
securit.股票收回所得资本paid-in capital from retirement of stock
commer.股票溢价的实缴资本capital contributed in excess of par value (高于面值的部分)
fin.股票溢价超过面值的缴入资本paid-in capital in excess of par value
tech.股票账本stock account
securit.股票资本升值capital appreciation of stock
securit.股票资本市值market capitalization
securit.股票过时成本stock obsolescence cost
securit.股票陈旧成本stock obsolescence cost
securit.见票付款本票note at sight
fin.见票即付的本票note at sight
econ.请多寄给我们发票副本三份,不胜感激We shall appreciate your sending us three additional copies of invoice
commer.请寄送发票副本三份Please send us additional copies of invoice in triplicate
econ.货币票面成本nominal cost of money
busin.购买本票借款note purchase facility
securit.购人的本币票据home currency bill bought
econ.购入的本币票据home currency bill bought
fin.本票capital note (企业发行作为短期债务来源的定息工具)
securit.本票capital note
interntl.trade.银行资本与钞票发行额的比率equity-debt ratio
commer.资本化股票发行capitalization issue
proj.manag.资本市场票据capital market instrument
securit.资本股票capital stock
securit.赎回本公司股票redemption of corporation stock
tech.超票面值缴入资本capital contributed in excess of par value
railw.跟单本票documentary promissory note
commer.转换浮动利率本票convertible floating rate note
fin.远期本票usance promissory note
org.name., securit.里斯本泛欧股票期货交易所葡萄牙泛欧交易所成员Euronext Lisbon
org.name., securit.里斯本波尔图股票交易所葡萄牙Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa e Porto
org.name., securit.里斯本股票交易所葡萄牙Lisbon Stock Exchange
busin.银行本票cashier's cheque (check)
busin.银行本票bank note
econ.银行本票cashier's cheque
fin.银行本票officer’s check
fin.银行本票bank cashier order
fin.银行本票cashier order
interntl.trade.银行本票cashier's order
interntl.trade.银行本票officer's check
textile银行本票bank order
IMF.银行本票cashier's check
IMF.银行本票official check
IMF.银行本票treasurer's check
IMF.银行本票bank check
exhib.银行本票cashier's check
textile银行本票cashier's note
fin.银行本票promissory bank note
fin.银行本票bank cheque
fin.银行本票treasurer’s check
econ.银行本票a treasurer's check
econ.银行本票treasure's check
busin.银行本票banker's order
commer.银行本票banker's check
busin.银行本票office's check
securit.银行本票official check
tech.银行本票bank's order
securit.银行本票banker's promissory note
interntl.trade.银行委托外国银行承兑其本票的信函letter of indication
busin.附利率上下限条款浮动利率本票mini-maxi floating rate note
busin.附利率上限条款的浮动利率本票capped floating rate note
market.附利率下限条款之浮动利率本票drop lock floating rate note
tech.附带本票collateral note
tech.附有抵押的本票collateral note
gen.附有抵押的本票collaterale note
securit.预期收人本票revenue anticipation note