
Terms for subject Securities containing 本数 | all forms | in specified order only
低成本指数追踪型基金low-cost index tracker
全数成本计算法full costing
分层股本指数stratified equity indexing
国际资本指数capital international indexes
基本加权的拉斯派尔斯指数base-weighted Laspeyres index
基本面贝塔系数fundamental beta
基金成本指数cost of fund index
基金成本指数cost of funds index
基金成本指数互换cost of funds index swap
大摩资本指数Morgan Stanley Capital Index
已认股本未收股款数uncollected balance of subscriptions for capital stock
建设成本指数building cost index
总股本加权指数capitalization weighted index
成本会计数据基础cost accounting data base
成本函数交点cusp point
拨人资本账作红股派发的数额amount capitalized on the free script issue
按股本金额计算票数one-dollar one-vote
摩根士丹利国际资本指数Morgan Stanley Capital International Indices
摩根士丹利国际资本指数Europe, Australia, and Far East Index from Morgan Stanley Capital International
摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数Morgan Stanley Capital International MSCIChina Index
摩根士丹利资本国际香港指数Morgan Stanley Capital International MSCI Hong Kong Index
数据文本data file
数据范本data template
新西兰交易所40资本指数NZSE 40 (New Zealand)
日本全银数据通讯系统Zengin system
末期本息大数付款balloon payment
本金数量债券的面值或贷款的账面值principal amount
流动资本周转数working capital turnover
股本加权指数equity weighted index
股本指数equity index
股本类交易型开放式指数基金exchange traded fund
本数quantity of capital
资本化指数capitalization index
资本基数capital base
资本市值加权指数capitalization weighted index
资本组合数字capital formation figure
里斯本 BVL 指数BVL Index
雇佣成本指数employment cost index
非资本化加权指数non-capitalization weighted index