
Terms for subject China containing 本底 | all forms
一个中心,两个基本点one focus, two basic points
上届本级人民代表大会last people's congress at the corresponding level
上诉状副本duplicates of the petition of appeal
下届本级人民代表大会succeeding people's congress at the same level
下岗职工基本生活费subsistence allowances for laid-off workers
不符合本法规定fail to comply with the present Law
与原具体行政行为基本相同的具体行政行为concrete administrative action basically similar to the original one
与本单位发生劳动争议involved in a labor dispute with the institution
与本地经营者不平等待遇treat unequally as compared with the local undertakings
与本案无牵连not involved in the case concerned
与本案有关的材料information pertaining to the current case
与本案有利害关系have an interest in the case
与本法抵触contradict this law
与现行法律的有关规定基本一致be basically in conformity with the relevant provisions of the current laws
严格按照特别行政区基本法办事strictly comply with the basic laws of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions
中国政治、经济、文化和社会生活基本的、重要的方面the basic, important aspects of Chinese political, economic, cultural and social life
中国的根本政治制度the basic political system of China
买卖本公司股票buying or purchasing any stock of the listed company
亲本种子parent seeds
以人为本people-oriented approach
以人为本give priority to human development
以人为本the principle of putting people first
以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观the scientific concept of development with people first, overall coordination and sustainable development at the core
以低于成本的价格at prices below cost
以宪法为根本的活动准则take the Constitution as the basic standard of conduct
以本法的规定为依据based on the provisions of this law
价格成本调查investigations into price and cost
企业国有资本经营预算管理条例the Regulations for Budgetary Management of the Management of State Capital in Enterprises
低于成本的价格below cost price
体现本质特征represent its essential character
依本法规定in accordance with the provision of this Law
依法治国基本方略the basic strategy of ruling the country by law
依照宪法和法律赋予本级人民代表大会的各项职权in accordance with the functions and powers vested in the people's congresses at the corresponding levels by the Constitution and relevant laws
依照本法in accordance with this law
依照本法提起诉讼bring actions according to this law
依照本法规定according to the provisions of this law
依照本法规定as provided for in this Law
保存版本preserve an edition
保持本民族的鲜明特色withhold its own distinctive national characteristics
做好人大工作的根本保证fundamental guarantee for success in the work of people's congresses
党在农村的基本政策the Party's basic rural policies
全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》附件一第七条和附件二第三条的解释Interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC Regarding Article 7 of Annex I and Article 3 of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
法律全面准确地体现坚持社会主义基本经济制度give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system
法律全面准确地体现社会主义基本经济制度give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system
法律全面准确地体现社会主义基本经济制度laws reflect the basic socialist economic system as fully and accurately as possible
关于修改基本法的议案proposals for amending the basic laws
关于国际民用航空公约1944年,芝加哥六种语言正式文本的议定书Protocol on the Authentic Six-Language Text of the on International Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944)
减少注册资本reduce the registered capital
制定和修改基本法律enact and amend basic laws
办学成本cost of running a school
努力实现本届全国人大的各项目标任务strive to meet the objectives of all tasks of the current NPC
劳动合同文本copy of a labor contract
包括本数include the figure itself
包括本数include the given figure
协助本级人民政府推行工作help promote the work of the people's government at the corresponding level
协议范本model agreement
参照本法有关各条的规定办理be handled with reference to the provisions of the relevant articles of this Law
反对资本主义的、封建主义的和其他的腐朽思想combat capitalist, feudal and other decadent ideas
反映代表和群众对本级人民政府工作的建议、批评和意见convey the suggestions, criticisms and opinions of the deputies and the masses regarding the work of the people's government at the same level
同本委员会有关relate to the special committee
同本法有不同规定differ from provisions of this law
同本法相抵触contravene this law
向本社岀资make capital contribution to the cooperative
和本案有利害关系have an interest in the case
国有资本state-owned capital
国有资本state capital
国有资本参股公司company in which the state has a noncontrolling stake
国有资本控股公司company in which the state has a controlling stake
国有资本收入state-owned capital income
国有资本经营预算state-owned capital operating budget
国有资本经营预算制度a budget system for the management of state capital
国际民用航空公约的三种文本正本议定书Protocol on the Authentic Trilingual Text of the Convention on International Civil Aviation
国际红十字和红新月运动确立的基本原则Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement
在本届人民代表大会的任期内during the term of office of the current people's congress
在本次或者下一次人民代表大会会议上at the current session or the next session of the people's congress
在本法施行之日存续remain valid as of the date this law goes into effect
在本行政区域内in the respective administrative areas
在本部门的权限内within the jurisdiction of their respective departments
坚持以人为本stick to the people-first approach
坚持以人为本stick to the human-centred approach
坚持以人为本always keep people's interest in mind
坚持以人为本continue to put people first
坚持以人为本human-centred development
坚持以人为本human factors come first
坚持以人为本always be people-oriented
坚持以人为本always keep in mind that people come first
坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度uphold the basic economic system in which public ownership is dominant and the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
坚持"和平统一、一国两制"的基本方针remain committed to the basic principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems"
坚持"和平统一、一国两制"的基本方针continue to follow the fundamental principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems"
坚持四项基本原则adhere to the four cardinal principles
坚持社会主义基本经济制度adherence to the basic socialist economic system
坚持社会主义基本经济制度adhere to the basic socialist economic system
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban working people
城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic health insurance system for urban employees
基本上in principle
基本丧失劳动能力basic loss of working ability
基本依据basic basis
基本保险条款basic insurance clause
基本养老保险待遇benefits of the basic old-age insurance pension
基本养老保险费the basic pension contributions
基本内容the basic points
基本农田primary farmland
基本农田保护制度system of protection for capital farmland
基本准则basic norms (for)
基本制度basic system
基本前提a basic prerequisite
基本医疗保险the system of basic medical insurance
基本原则fundamental principles
基本取得共识reach a basic consensus
草案基本可行the Draft be basically feasible
基本国策basic state policy
基本建成覆盖城乡、功能完善的疾病预防控制和医疗救治体系establish a fully functioning system for disease prevention and control and for emergency medical aid that covers both urban and rural areas
基本形成中国特色社会主义法律体系give a basic shape to the Chinese-style socialist legal system
基本形成中国特色社会主义法律体系basically complete establishment of a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics
工作的基本思路和任务basic approach and tasks for the work (of)
法律草案基本成熟a draft law be basically mature
基本政治制度a basic political system of China
基本方针政策basic policy
基本方针政策的实施implementation of the basic policy
基本权利和义务the fundamental rights and duties
基本权利和自由fundamental rights and freedoms
基本法Basic Law
基本法委员会Committee for the Basic Law
基本法律basic laws
基本法起草委员会Basic Law Drafting Committee
基本生活保障basic living guarantee
基本生活保障basic living allowances
基本生活必需品basic daily necessities
基本目标basic objective
基本目标main objective
基本称职basically competent
基本立足点basic standpoint
基本经济制度fundamental economic system
基本经济制度basic economic system
基本草原essential grassland
基本草原保护制度system for protection of essential grassland
基本表决权basic vote
基本质量essential quality
大力发展资本市场和保险市场vigorously develop the capital market and the insurance market
奢侈浪费,行政成本高extravagance and waste are inflating administrative costs
存款本金principal of deposits
存货成本cost of the inventory
学校基本建设capital construction for school
宗教工作基本方针basic principle on work related to religions
官僚资本企业bureaucrat-capitalist enterprises
定期交流机制基本格局a basic pattern for such mechanisms for regular exchanges (with)
实有资本actual capital
实现本届全国人大的立法目标achieving the goals for this NPC's legislative work
实现本届全国人大立法目标attainment of the legislative goal of the current NPC
实缴货币资本fully paid-up in monetary form
属于本行政区域的具体行政管理事项specific administrative matters pertaining to their respective administrative areas
工本费fee for the cost
市场经济的基本法则basic rules governing the market economy
影印本duplicate or photocopy of a document
成本补偿compensation for the costs
把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益作为出发点和落脚点take fulfilling, safeguarding and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as both our starting point and objective
按本法规定as specified by this Law
按照以人为本的要求acting on the principle of giving priority to human development
按照以人为本的要求acting on the principle of people-oriented approach
按照以人为本的要求acting on the principle of putting people first
按照我国外交工作的基本方针和总体部署in accordance with the basic principles and overall arrangements for China's foreign relations work
挪用本单位资金归个人使用misappropriate the funds of one's own unit for personal use
提供根本的政治保障provide a fundamental political guarantee (for)
日本众议院the Japanese House of Councilors
普通本科高校regular undergraduate institutions
最广大人民的根本利益fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people
有关刑事、民事、国家机构和其他的基本法律basic laws governing criminal offences, civil affairs, the State organs and other matters
有关刑事、民事、国家机构和其他的基本法律basic laws pertaining to criminal offences, civil affairs, state organs and other matters
本人财产one's own property
本人陈述statement made by the offender
本单位人员personnel of this unit
本单位人员staff members of this unit
本单位财物money or property of one's own unit
本国工人与外国工人关于事故赔偿的同等待遇公约Convention Concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as Regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents
本地化生产localized production
本地方respective locality
本地生产总值local gross domestic product
本学科respective discipline
本届全国人大任期内within the term of the current National People's Congress
本届全国人大常委会the current Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress (NPC)
本届全国人大成立以来ever since this NPC was elected
本市this city
本应支付ought to be paid
本数figure itself
本数number itself
本数given figure
本案庭审材料case's trial materials
本案当事人party to the case
本案有关材料materials relating to the case
本次人民代表大会的大会的重要议程important items on the agenda for this session
本民族语言文字native spoken and written language
本法施行以前before this law goes into effect
本法未作规定not covered by this law
本法规定之罪crime prescribed in this law
本省、自治区的地方性法规the local regulations of their respective provinces and autonomous regions
本着"以邻为伴,与邻为善"的方针on the basis of the policy of building good-neighborly, friendly relationships
本着对党和人民高度负责的精神show a keen sense of responsibility to the Party and the people
本票的出票行为issue of promissory notes
本科教育undergraduate education
本科生undergraduate students
本章规定prescribed in this Chapter
本级at the same level
本级at the corresponding level
本级人民代表大会people's congresses at the corresponding level
本级人民代表大会people's congresses at the same level
本级人民代表大会the People's Congress at the Corresponding Level
本级人民政府people's government at the corresponding level
本级人民政府people's government at the same level
本级人民政府的建议recommendation of the people's government at the same level
本级人民政府的建议recommendation of the people's government at the corresponding level
本级人民法院院长president of people's court at the same level
本级人民法院院长president of people's court at the corresponding level
本级和下级at the same level and lower level
本级和下级at or below the corresponding level
本职工作respective work
本节规定provisions of this section
本行政区域local administrative region
本行政区域an respective administrative area
本行政区域范围内within such jurisdiction
本质区别be in essence different from
本辖区area under their jurisdiction
本部门的权限范围scope of the department's authority
标准文本standard version
标本兼治address both symptoms and root causes
根据本协定pursuant to...
根据本协定under this agreement
根据本地农村经济社会发展水平in light of the local rural economic and social development
根据本法in accordance with this law
根本任务basic task
根本利益fundamental interests
根本制度basic system
根本原则first principles
根本性变革a fundamental change (in)
根本政治制度the fundamental political system
根本政治制度the basic political system
国家的根本法the fundamental law (of the State)
根本的活动准则basic standard of conduct
格式文本format text
格式文本standard text
民事基本制度fundamental civil system
民事基本制度basic civil system
民事基本法律a basic civil law
法定资本最低限额statutory minimum amount of the registered capital
法律文本text of a law
法律文本the text of a law
法律的基本原则the law's basic principles
法律草案文本a version of the draft law
注册资本最低限额minimum amount of registered capital
流通成本circulation costs
澳门特别行政区基本法the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region
澳门特别行政区基本法委员会the Macao Special Administrative Region Basic Law Committee
澳门特别行政区基本法委员会Committee for the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region
澳门特别行政区基本法委员会the Committee for the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region
生产经营成本cost of production or operation
由本人in person
申请书副本duplicate of the application
监督的基本形式the basic forms of oversight
普通高等学校培养的研究生、本科和专科毕业生postgraduates and graduates (from universities and colleges)
确保实现本届全国人大立法目标ensure attainment of the legislative goal of the current NPC
离退休人员基本养老金basic pensions for retirees
科研标本sample for scientific research
立国之本the foundation on which we build our country
符合双方的根本利益serve the fundamental interests of both sides
答辩书副本copy of the statement of defense response
答辩状副本copy of the bill of defense
经营成本operating costs
统筹兼顾最广大人民的根本利益、现阶段群众的共同利益和不同群体的特殊利益give due consideration to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the current common interests of the people and the special interests of different groups in society
维护中华民族的根本利益safeguard the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation
编制国有资本经营预算compile budgets for the management of state capital
联系本级人民代表大会代表keep in touch with the deputy to the people's congress at that level
股本总额total equity stock
虚报注册资本falsely declare the capital to be registered
表决通过本级人民代表大会各专门委员会组成人员的人选vote for determining the component members of various special committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels
规定国家的根本制度和根本任务define the basic system and basic tasks of the State
规定本行政区域特别重大事项的地方性法规local regulations governing especially important matters of an administrative area
规章文本version of the administrative or local rule
讨论、决定本行政区域内的重大事项discuss and decide on major issues in their respective administrative areas
记账本位币standard currency
证件工本费cost of the card
该国文字译本translation in the language of that country
调离本行政区域be transferred away from the corresponding administrative area
资本主义物权制度the capitalist property system
资本公积金capital accumulation funds
资本总额total amount of capital
资本最低限额minimum amount of the registered capital
资本补充能力ability to replenish capital
起诉状副本copy of the statement of prosecution
输电成本power transmission cost
代表迁出本行政区域a deputy move out of his administrative area
违反本法规定的行为act in violation of the provision of this law
适用本章的有关规定be governed by the relevant provisions in this Chapter
通过本次会议的议程adopt the agenda for the session
遵循宪法的基本原则in compliance with the basic principles laid down in the Constitution
降低行政成本reduce government overhead
除本法另有规定unless otherwise prescribed by this law
香港特别行政区基本法the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
香港特别行政区基本法委员会the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law Committee
香港特别行政区基本法委员会the Committee for the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region