
Terms for subject Economy containing 本地 | all forms | in specified order only
为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties
占地成本cost of space
土地成本landed cost
地产成本landed cost
地方本位制community unit plan
地租资本化capitalization of land rents
大多数本地公司都有充足的定货Most of the local companies had a full order book
市政府要求本公司为地震幸存者提供食物The city government requisition-ed food from our company to feed the survivers from the earthquake
应由本地银行清算的凭证document payable through native banks clearing
微弱的本地竞争weak local competition
我们有在本地区独家制造和销售这一产品的权利,这一点已在上面特别提到过We have the sole and exclusive right to produce and sell the goods in our area, as particularly provided for above
我方指定你方为当地市场上我方产品的独家代理,为期两年,从本代理协议生效之日起计算We appoint you as our sole agent for our products for the two years in your local market computed from the date when this agency agreement comes into effect
我方要尽力在本地区扩大销售We shall use our best exertion to widen sales in the area
投资决策中货币资本占的地位.role of money capital investment decisions
推销成本的地区分析the territorial analysis of distribution cost
日本海洋盆地经济合作带Japan Sea Basin economic cooperation zone
本协议中很清楚地表明,甲方不能强迫乙方以相对低的价格出售货物It is stated clearly in this agreement that the first part cannot coerce the 2nd part into selling goods at a relatively low price
本地产的of home make
本地产设备locally produced equipment
本地信贷货币市场local money market
本地债券local bonds
本地出生的人native-born individual
本地利益native interest
本地区使用的证券包括证券、债券或可兑换债券The securities used in this area shall include bonds, debentures or convertible debentures
本地居民local population
本地工业the native industry
本地市场目前活跃The market at this place is lively at present
本地提单local bill of lading
本地放款local loan
本地洪水持续了好几天,因此我们不能按时发货The flood at this place last-ed several days, therefore, we cannot effect shipment on time
本地筹资availability of local capital
本地local product
本地购买者resident buyers
本段的下一小节中规定了交货时间、地点The time and place of delivery are stipulated in the next subdivision of this paragraph
根据下列规定条件,承包商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below
根据本合同的条款,该公司的经理授予他的代理商在该地区独家销售产品的权利According to the terms of the contract, the manager of the company grants to his agent the exclusive right to sell the products in this region
现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影响的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent
生产的要素是土地、劳力和资本The factors of production are land, labour and capital
经销商店对在本地区出售的货物质量负责The dealer should be responsible for the quality of goods sold in this territory
该工厂制造向本地客户提供的各种电气产品The works manufactured all types of electric products for their local clients
资本主义地租capitalist rent
资本主义地租capitalist ground-rent
资本在经济发展中的地位place of capital in economic progress
资本设备的准地租quasi-rent on capital equipment
资本财的报酬,作为准地租return on capital goods, as quasi rent
隐含地租成本implicit rental cost
本地费用the non-local rate