
Terms containing 本国货币 | all forms | in specified order only
busin.买进本国货币的套汇inward arbitrage
econ.本国货币为基准的汇率receiving quotation
textile本国货币表示的价格price in national currency
tech.本国货币表示的价格prices in local currencies
commer.国际货币基金单位特别提款权折本国货币national currency units per SDR
textile可用本国货币偿还的外币贷款soft loan
commer.后者则指政府正式宣布减少本国货币单位含金量或降低与外币的官定比价currency devaluation
busin.外国货币本位付款证券instrument payable in foreign exchange
commer.将外币兑换为本国货币commute foreign currency to domestic
proj.manag.11月23日、俄罗斯央行宣布10月份已购买 15.6吨黄金用以增加本国的货币性资产On No 23, Russia's central bank announced that it had bought 15.6 metric tons of gold in October to add to its monetary assets
textile本国货币national money
textile本国货币local money
busin.本国货币home currency
commer.本国货币domestic currency (与外国货币 (foreign currency) 相对)
IMF.本国货币local currency
IMF.本国货币domestic currency
interntl.trade.本国货币national currency
textile本国货币home money
busin.本国货币通货domestic currency
fin.本国货币业务home currency transaction
busin.本国货币价格price in national currency
textile本国货币信用证local currency L/C
busin.本国货币信用证local currency credit
IMF.本国货币单位价值domestic currency unit value
consult.本国货币和外汇local and foreign exchange
busin.本国货币市场local money market
busin.本国货币汇率报价quotation in home money or currency
interntl.trade.本国货币汇票home currency bill
oil本国货币汇票bill in domestic currency
busin.本国货币汇票home money bill
busin.本国货币汇票即以出票地国家货币开出的汇票home currency bill
textile每一美元兑换本国货币national currency per US dollar
fin.每一美元兑换本国货币national currency per U.S. dollar
econ.本国或外国货币支付的汇率rate in home foreign currency (费率)
fin.本国货币报价quotation in home currency
proj.manag.本国货币支付的费用expenses in local currency
proj.manag.本国货币支付的费用expensive in local currency
tech.本国货币支付的费用expense in local currency
econ.本国货币标价denominated in national currency
econ.金货币本位国gold standard country
busin.非本国居民间以本国货币计算的债权claim expressed in national currency between non-residents