
Terms for subject International trade containing 本分 | all forms | in specified order only
再分配成本redistributed costs
分录本journal (同 day book)
分批定单成本制度specific order cost system
分批成本order cost
分批成本制job order cost system
分批成本制job cost system
分批成本单job cost sheet
分批成本比较表comparative statement of order costs
分批成本法job costing
分批成本计算job-order costing
分批成本计算job costing
分批成本计算法job lot method
分期还本付息installment and interest charges
分步成本会计process cost accounting
分步成本制度process cost system
分步成本单process cost sheet
分步成本计算法process costing
分类成本制度class cost system
分组结本sectional balancing
分部成本divisional cost
分部成本departmental cost
分部资本departmental capital
分配成本cost distribution
可分成本separable cost
本分cost distribution
本分cost classification
本分类账cost ledger
本分cost allocation
成本中心分配率factor rate
成本利得分析cost-benefit analysis
成本加一个百分数酬金合同cost plus a percentage fee contracts
成本差异分配circulation of costs
成本收入分析cost revenue analysis
成本收益分析cost-benefit analysis
成本收益分析cost and benefit analysis
按制造成本分distribution on manufacturing cost
按成本的固定百分比折旧法method of fixed percentage on cost
按机器小时分摊间接制造成本法machine hour method
[经]无股息无分红无还本也无要求摊派新股的权利ex all
标准分批成本率standard job cost sheet
标准分步成本单standard process cost sheet
联合成本及普通分类账combined cost and general ledger
该样品应视为本合同不可分割的部分,所交货物的品质不得低于样品said sample shall be treated as an integral part of this contract, the quality of the goods delivered shall not be lower than the sample
本分equity participation
本分capital gearing
还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额的百分比service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services
部分变动成本partly variable cost
重分类成本declassified cost
预计分批成本predetermined job cost system