
Terms for subject Business containing 本分 | all forms | in specified order only
产品单位成本升降分析analysis of increasing and decreasing unit cost of product
产品成本分类账product cost subsidiary ledger
产品成本核算分类法costing classification of product
人工成本分analysis of labour cost
人工成本百分法labor cost percentage method
供销成本分distribution cost allocation
供销成本分distribution cost analysis
不亏不赚析图chart for break even analysis
本分析中的毛利额contribution margin in breakeven analysis
本分析图chart for break-even analysis
共同成本分common cost allocation
再分摊成本redistributed cost
再分配成本redistributed cost
分割资本指投资基金公司将资本分为资本股票和收益股票的一种资本结构形式split capital
分包成本sub contracting cost
分单位够本分divisional break-even analysis
分单位成本divisional cost
分批分组成本计算法batch costing
分批工作成本job order cost
分批成本会计specific-order cost accounting
分批成本估计job cost estimating
分批成本制order cost system
分批成本制lot cost system
分批成本制度specific-order cost system
分批成本制度job order system
分批成本制度job cost system
分批成本制度job costs system
分批成本单job order cost sheet
分批成本核算job order costing
分批成本法batch costing
分批成本计算法lot cost system
分批成本计算表job cost sheet
分批成本账户specific-order cost account
分批成本通知单job order cost sheet
分摊成本活动contributing cost activities
分期付款本金principal installment
分期付款销货成本cost of goods sold on installment plan
分期偿付本金principal installment
分期还本付息installment and interest charge
分期还本利息interest payment and amortization
分期还本办法serial redemption
分步成本制process cost system
分段制造费用成本计算multistep overhead costing
分派成本apportioned cost
分离前成本before-separation costs
分离前成本before separation costs
分离后成本after-separation cost
分类成本制class cost system
分类成本法class costing
分类所得税的基本免税额basic exemption for the classified income tax
分类样本classified sample
分组成本核算group cost system
分组样本group sample
分群样本cluster sample
分部成本分类账Departmental cost ledger
分配到成本中心apporting to cost canter
分配总成本法total cost approach to distribution
分配成本分distribution cost analysis
分配成本assigned cost
分配成本assignment cost
分配成本allocation cost
分配成本和财务报告distribution cost and financial reporting
分配成本预算distribution cost budget
分配过渡成本apportion the total conversion costs
初始样本数分布distribution of initial number
利得效益本分benefit-cost analysis
原始成本百分率法percentage on the original cost plan
发行成本分distribution cost allocation
可分成本separate cost
可归属部分成本attributable segment cost
可比产品成本下降百分率cost reduction percentage of comparable products
可靠性成本分reliability cost arrangement
各种成本之间的分摊trade-off between different costs
β基本分beta-prime distribution
本分ultimate cluster
基本加工成本比例分配法overhead apportionment method: basic conversion cost ratio
基本费用比例分配法overhead apportionment method: basic expenses ratio
基本部分part and parcel
增量成本分incremental cost analysis
本分析中的边际收益contribution margin in break-even analysis
大样本分large sample distribution
大样本分布理论large sample distribution theory
大样本分large sample analysis
存货成本的分析analysis of inventory costing methods
存货成本计价分析analysis of inventory costing method
宏观经济成本与利益分析macroeconomic cost-benefit analysis
小型样本抽样分布常态normality of sampling distributions of small sample
少分配成本及费用under-absorbed burden
差异成本收益分析differential cost and revenue analysis
已分摊制造费用成本applied factory overhead cost
已分摊成本allocated cost
已分摊间接费用成本absorbed overhead costs
平行结转分步成本法parallel process costing
应缴股本的未催缴部分uncalled portion of payable shares
废料—成本分scrap-cost analysis
建筑部门成本分allocation of building department cost
总分类账本期发生额对照表comparative sheet for amount originated in current period of general ledger
恰当有限样本分exact finite sample distribution
本分cost analysis
本分split of cost
本分cost assignment
本分allocation of cost
本分摊中的逐项减少次序step-down order in cost allocation
本分摊公式cost sharing formula
本分摊基础cost allocation basis
本分摊方式cost sharing formula
本分摊率cost allocation rate
本分analysis of cost
本分析假定assumptions of cost analysis
本分析技术cost analytic technique
本分析查账法inspection of account method of cost analysis
本分析研究analytic cost study
本分cost apportionments
本分cost application
本分配原则principle of allocation of costs
本分配测定法survey method of cost allocation
本分配率factor rate
本分配矩阵公式matrix formulation for cost allocation
成本与利润分析cost and profit analysis
成本习性分析cost behavior analysis
成本会计中产品与副产品成本分摊法by-product method of cost accounting
成本再分配redistribution of costs
成本再分配cost redistribution
成本再分配cost reapportionment
成本再分配cost reallocation
成本—利润—数量分析cost-profit-volume analysis
成本加百分比费用cost-plus-percentage fee
成本及费用分类一览表summary of cost and expense classification
成本变动性图解分析graphic analysis of cost variability
成本差异分摊apportionment of cost variance
成本按作用分类classification of costs by function
成本按性质分类classification of costs by nature
成本按收益分配allocation of costs to revenue
成本按责任分类classification of costs by responsibility
成本摊分cost distribution
成本-收益分析cost-benefit analysis
成本效率分折cost effectiveness analysis
成本效率分析cost-efficiency analysis
成本效率分析法cost-efficiency analysis method
成本效用分析cost versus effectiveness analysis
成本—效益分析cost-effectiveness analysis
成本—效益分析法cost-effectiveness analysis method
成本效益分析法cost-benefit analysis method
成本—效益经济分析economic cost-benefit analysis
成本—数量—利润分析中的安全边际margin of safety in cost-volume-profit analysis
成本—数量—利润分析法则化generalization on cost-volume-profit analysis
成本的固定部分fixed elements of costs
成本的技术分析engineering analysis of cost
成本等级分类cost ladder
成本组成部分cost component
成本计算分步法process method of cost-finding
成本部分cost fraction
按分批实际进价法计算销售成本cost of sale based on actual batch purchasing price
按成本固定百分比折旧法method of fixed percentage on cost
按成本固定百分比折旧法met hod of discount fixed percentage on cost
按成本性质分类natural classification of cost
按职工人数分摊费用成本personnel-related basis of allocation
推销成本地区分析territorial analysis of distribution cost
效用成本分utility cost analysis
效益成本分benefit-cost analysis
数量一成本-利润分析volume-cost-profit analysis
数量—成本—利润分析volume-cost-profit analysis
普通成本分splitting of common costs
最低成本寿命分析minimum-cost-life analysis
有限样本分finite sample distribution
有限样本分布函数finite sample distribution function
服务部门与生产部门成本交互分配法service department cost distributions to producing and service departments on reciprocal basis
服务部门成本分service department cost distribution
服务部门成本分allocation of service department cost
未分摊成本净额net uncovered costs
未分配资本利得股息undistributed capital gain dividends
本国设备中的进口成分import content of local equipment
本期财务状况分析current position analysis
本能行为分析instinctive behavior analysis
本苏—里翁变分不等式Bensoussan-Lions variational inequality
本—量—利分析CVP analysis
本—量—利分析cost volume-profit analysis
材料成本差异分配material cost variance apportionment
材料成本差异分配率material cost variance apportionment rate
标准分步成本standard process cost
本分distribution of sample
本分allocation of sample
本分布函数sample distribution function
本分sample classification
样本划分sample division
样本平均数分布distribution of sample mean
样本平均数差异分布distribution of differences in sample means
样本总数分布distribution of sample sums
样本标准差的差异分布distribution of differences of sample standard deviations
样本比例分布distribution of sample proportion
流动资本账户变动分析analysis of changes in working capital account
生产人工成本分配法productive labour cost met hod
用保本分析法预测利润forecasting profit by break-even analysis
直接与间接分步成本direct and indirect process cost
直接原料成本百分比direct material cost percentage rate
直接和间接分步成本direct and indirect process cost
相关成本分relevant cost analysis
研究成本费用分摊法expense method of apportionment of research costs
线性化样本累积分布频数linearized sample cumulative distribution frequency
职能成本分functional cost analysis
职能成本分function-cost analysis
联合产品成本分joint product costing
联合成本分joint cost allocation
联合成本分类账combined cost ledger
本分散转移税split tax
营销成本分marketing cost analysis
营销成本分analysis of marketing cost
装运成本分analysis of shipment cost
本分类账bound ledger
贝塔基本分beta-prime distribution
质量成本分quality cost effect
质量成本分quality cost analysis
本分capital participation
本分摊制度capital sharing system
本分capital allocation
本分配制capital sharing system
资本与管理的分离separation between capital and administration
资本主义经济成分capitalistic sector of economy
资本利得分红capital gain dividends
资本成本分capital cost analysis
资本投资分析capital investment analysis
资本收益分红capital gains distribution
资本收益分红指出售证券所得收益capital gains distribution
资本构成百分率percentage of capital structure
资本组成部分constituent parts of capital
辅助部门成本直接分摊distributing service department costs directly
过分成本膨胀aggressive cost inflation
过分资本化over capitalized
还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额百分比service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services
逐步结转分步成本法sequential process costing
部分变动成本partly-variable cost
部分样本sample with partial
部门分步成本departmental process cost
部门分步成本制departmental process cost system
部门分步成本制度departmental process cost system
长期债务中本年内到期部分current portion of long-term debt
间接成本分overhead applied
间接成本分indirect cost allocation
非比例分层样本disproportional stratified sample
顾客成本分customer cost analysis
预定分批成本制predetermined job cost system
预定间接制造成本分配率predetermined overhead rate