
Terms containing 本位 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.一单位关系固定样本调查one-unit relational panel survey
commer.不兑换纸币本位fiat standard
busin.不兑现纸币本位inconvertible paper standard
busin.不兑现货币本位fait standard
busin.不兑现货币本位fiat standard system
busin.不变单位成本fixed unit cost
busin.不可兑换黄金的美元本位dollar only standard
China, law与本单位发生劳动争议involved in a labor dispute with the institution
fin.严格的金本位strict gold standard
busin.中点定位系统样本centrally located systematic sample
tech.中间基本方位quadrantal point
tech.中间基本方位intercardinal point
busin.主要产品单位成本表statement of unit cost of major products
econ.交代本位alternate standard
econ.交替本位alternative standard
busin.交替本位alternate standard
busin.交替本位alternative standard system
commer.产品单位成本unit cost of product
tech.产品单位成本unit cost of products
busin.产品单位成本升降分析analysis of increasing and decreasing unit cost of product
busin.以企业为基本单位的自主联合劳动autonomous associated labour with enterprises as the basic unit
commer.以金本位方式on a gold basis
econ.价值本位standard of value
commer.会计企业本位原则entity concept
busin.企业本位theory of an enterprise-based economy
avia.作业单位成本work unit cost
securit.保本单位信托基金guaranteed unit trust
agric.倒位母本inversion stock
econ.农业单位本身的消费agricultural unit's own consumption
busin.分单位够本分析divisional break-even analysis
busin.分单位成本divisional cost
fin.分部单位成本departmental unit cost
fin.加权平均单位成本weighted average unit cost
econ.劳力无效用本位disutility of labour standard
econ.劳动无效用本位disutility labour standard
econ.劳动货币本位labour standard
econ.劳动边缘反利用本位marginal disutility of labour standard
busin.劳工边缘反利用本位marginal disutility of labour standard
econ.劳工边际反效用本位marginal disutility of labour standard
earth.sc.区域单位边际成本area-specific marginal costs
fin.本位single standard
econ.本位monometallic standard
busin.本位制国家monometallic country
econ.本位制货币monometallic currency
busin.本位金属制monometallic standard
econ.本位金属货币制monometallic monetary system
econ.本位金属货币制度a monometallic monetary system
busin.单位产品人工成本labor cost per unit of product
fin.单位产品劳动成本unit labor cost
fin.单位产品劳动成本labour cost per unit of output
econ.单位产品劳动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of output
busin.单位产品劳动成本指数index of labour cost per unit of product
busin.单位产品平均总成本average total cost per unit
fin.单位产品成本cost per unit product
tech.单位产品成本unit cost
tech.单位产品成本的审计audit of cost per product
busin.单位产品每月营运成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operation cost per unit
busin.单位产量人工成本labor cost per unit of output
busin.单位产量资本capital per unit output
tech.单位人工成本unit labour cost
tech.单位人工成本unit labor cost
tech.单位体积成本volume cost
tech.单位储量成本cost unit ore reserve
busin.单位制造成本per unit cost of manufacture
busin.单位加工成本per unit cost of processing
fin.单位劳动成本unit labor cost
econ.单位劳动成本unit labour cost
busin.单位变动成本variable cost per unit
tech.单位基本阻力specific basic resistance
tech.单位容量安装成本installation cost as per machine capacity
tech.单位工作成本cost of unit working
tech.单位平均成本average cost per unit
tech.单位成本cost unit price
tech.单位成本basic cost
econ.单位成本per unit cost
adv.单位成本cost per point
adv.单位成本cost per gross rating point
earth.sc.单位成本unit costs
fin.单位成本cost per unit
adv.单位成本cost per rating point
securit.单位成本divisional cost
anim.husb.单位成本费用cost rate per unit
commer.单位成本价值unit cost price
commer.单位成本分配unit profit sharing
securit.单位成本制unit cost basis
commer.单位成本参数unit cost parameter
busin.单位成本折一旧depreciation-unit cost
fin.单位成本折旧depreciation-unit cost
econ.单位成本折旧depreciation cost
commer.单位成本折旧unit cost depreciation
econ.单位成本折旧法unit cost method of depreciation
tech.单位成本折旧法unit cost depreciation method
busin.单位成本折旧法depreciation unit cost method
fin.单位成本折旧法depreciation-unit cost method
econ.单位成本折旧法unit cost depreciation-method
securit.<-> 单位成本折旧法depreciation-unit cost method
commer.单位成本指数unit cost index
busin.单位成本核算unit costing
tech.单位成本率cost performance
avia.单位成本设计design to unit cost
econ.单位技术成本unit technical costs
commer.单位投资成本specific investment cost
tech.单位材料成本unit cost of material
tech.单位样本unit sample
tech.单位水量成本cost per unit water volume
tech.单位滚动基本阻力specific rolling resistance due to movement on level tangent track
commer.国际货币基金单位特别提款权折本国货币值national currency units per SDR
econ.单位生产【采油】成本unit cost of production
fin.单位生产成本unit production costs
econ.单位生产成本unit cost of production
busin.单位生产成本per unit cost of production
busin.单位生产能力成本cost per unit productive capacity
econ.单位经营成本unit operation cost
econ.单位能源成本unit energy cost
busin.单位设备能力资本投资capital investment in productive capacity per unit of equipment
tech.单位进尺直接成本direct of unit footage of tunneling
avia.单位采购成本unit procurement cost
econ.单金属本位monometallic standard
busin.单金属本位monometallic standard system
busin.单金属本位monometallic standard
econ.单金属货币本位monometallic standard system
busin.单金属货币本位monometallic monetary system
busin.单项资本低位构成lower composition of an individual capital
fin.占用地位地面成本space charges (the cost of floor space)
gen.厘米-克-秒制基本单位centimetre-gramme-second boundary unit
gen.厘米-克-秒制基本单位centimetre-gram-second boundary unit
fin.本位bimetallic money
securit.双重本位体制double standard system
tech.可归属核算单位成本attributable segment cost
busin.合成货币本位composite legal tender
econ.合成货币本位composite legal tender system
busin.合成货币本位制度composite legal tender system
econ.两国以上协约发行的本位货币convention money
busin.本位货币convention money
commer.后者则指政府正式宣布减少本国货币单位含金量或降低与外币的官定比价currency devaluation
tech.吨/公里单位成本unit cost per ton-kilometre
adv.含基本隔间装潢的摊位shell scheme
gen.国际单位制的基本单位The SI Base Units
econ.国际双本位international bimetallism
busin.国际复本位international bimetallism
econ.国际纸币本位international paper standard
econ.国际金块本位international gold bullion standard
securit.在中国资本市场中占有显著地位occupying a prominent place in China capital market
gen.〔拉丁语〕在本身的位置上suo loco
expl.在爆破设计时选择最佳单位炸药消耗量,既能消除经济成本方面的顾虑,又能消除环境方面的顾虑An optimum powder factor can satisfy both economic and environmental considerations in blast design
econ.地方本位community unit plan
busin.地方本位locality-based theory
badm.本位base position
sport.本位basic position
tech.基本信息单位段basic information unit segment
tech.基本信息单位的分段segmenting of basic information unit
tech.基本光度学单位fundamental photometric unit
tech.基本公差单位fundamental tolerance unit
agric.基本功能单位basic functional unit
chem.基本单位elementary entity
math.基本单位elementary unit
tech.基本单位重量base unit weight
tech.基本发送单位basic transmission unit
anim.husb.基本多细胞单位basic multicellular unit
adv.基本巴士单位basic bus
securit.基本建设单位账户capital builder account
busin.基本抽样单位basic sampling unit
busin.基本方位cardinal prints
tech.基本方位浮标设置系统cardinal system
CNC基本旋转单位Basic Resolution-Unit
tech.基本星位置fundamental star place
earth.sc.基本星视位置表apparent places of fundamental stars
earth.sc.基本有理单位ultimate rational unit
tech.基本水位base level
desert.基本水尺水位base gage stage
tech.基本物理量及单位basic physical quantities and units
econ.基本的经济单位basic unit in a modern economy
tech.基本相位master phase
busin.基本经济单位basic economic unit
econ.基本经济核算单位basic economic accounting unit
busin.基本统计单位basic statistical unit
agric.基本遗传单位fundamental hereditory unit
CNC基本长度单位Basic Length-Unit
anim.husb.基本需要单位basic needs unit
econ.本位multiple standard
tech.本位double currency
econ.金银本位the bimetallic standard (制)
tech.本位bimetallic standard
tech.本位double standard system
busin.本位bimetallic standard system
busin.本位multiple standard system
fin.本位bimetallism double standard system
fin.本位bimetallic standard (即"金银复本位制")
busin.本位parallel standard system
busin.本位composite system
econ.本位the bimetallic standard
econ.本位a bimetallism double standard system
econ.本位double standard
tech.本位parallel standard
gen.货币本位bimetallic stand-ard
busin.货币本位制补偿原则compensatory principle of bimetallism
econ.本位double standard country
fin.本位bimetallic money
econ.本位货币the bimetallic money
busin.本位货币制bimetallic monetary system
econ.本位货币制度a bimetallic monetary system
tech.复合本位composite system
busin.复货币本位multiple currency standard
busin.复货币本位multiple currency system
tech.复金属本位double metallic standard system
busin.外国货币本位付款证券instrument payable in foreign exchange
commer.外汇本位exchange standard
busin.外汇本位exchange standard
busin.多层—单位连续固定样本调查multistratum one-unit panel survey
econ.多数物品本位multiple commodity standard
econ.多种物品本位multiple commodity standard
busin.完全金本位full gold standard
econ.完备的金本位full gold standard
commer.本位official standard
econ.定价本位tariff standard
econ.实际金本位effective gold standard
tech.客位公里成本passenger-place kilometers cost
tech.客运单位成本passenger traffic unit cost
shipb.客运单位成本unit cost of passenger transportation
busin.工作单位每月成本比较表comparative statement of monthly cost per unit
expl.平均单价、平均单位成本average unit cost
fin.平均单位成本average unit cost
econ.平均单位成本法the average-unit-cost method
avia.平均单位采购成本average unit production cost
earth.sc.平均总单位成本average total unit cost
tech.平行本位parallel standard
tech.平行本位parallel standard system
busin.成本中心单位cost center unit
tech.成本核算单位cost unit
econ.成本计算单位costing unit
busin.成本、运费泊位交货条件cost and freight berth term
econ.投资决策中货币资本占的地位.role of money capital investment decisions
tech.折旧单位成本法depreciation-unit cost method
busin.按上年单位成本计算的总成本total cost per prior year's unit cost
securit.按单位成本计算unit cost basis
busin.按计划单位成本计算的总成本total cost per planned unit cost
China, law挪用本单位资金归个人使用misappropriate the funds of one's own unit for personal use
econ.新复本位new bimetallism
econ.新复本位币制new bimetallism
econ.新金汇本位new gold exchange standard system
busin.新金汇兑本位new gold exchange standard system
avia.方位基本修正量basic allowance for quarters
avia.日本放射性同位元素协会Japan Radioisotope Association
earth.sc.日本放射性同位素协会Japan Radioisotope Association
earth.sc.日本放射性同位素协会Japan Radioisotopes Association
tech.日本货币单位Japanese yen
tech.最低单位成本minimum unit cost
busin.有效金本位effective gold standard
busin.有限金本位limited gold standard
commer.交易所本交单位regular lot
gen.本位ipso position
busin.本位主义departmental egoism
securit.本位主义localized interest
securit.本位制度standard system
commer.本位standard money (与辅币 (subsidiary money)相对)
busin.本位硬币standard coinage
econ.本位货币standard value
econ.本位货币standard money
busin.本位standard gold
econ.本位金属standard metal (货币)
busin.本位standard silver
busin.本单位交易事项self-dealing transaction
China, law本单位人员personnel of this unit
China, law本单位人员staff members of this unit
busin.本单位历史先进成本historical best cost of the entity
tech.本单位历史先进水平historical best cost of the entity
tech.本单位历史先进水平historic best cost of the entity
mil., air.def.本单位维修unit maintenance
China, law本单位财物money or property of one's own unit
gen.本店的自助餐,大众化的价格,让您得到高品位的享受The buffet, just at a popular price, is a high-grade enjoyment for you
avia.本征值位点eigen value locus (轨迹)
tech.本征变位比intrinsical stand-off ratio
tech.本征变位比intrinsic stand-off ratio
commer.本月舱位颇为拥挤Shipping space is rather congested this month
busin.本期单位产品占用基金额amount of funds per unit during the current period
tech.本格尔单位Benger unit
tech.机车单位基本阻力specific basic resistance of locomotive
fin.标准单位成本unit standard cost
tech.样本中位值sample median
tech.样本分位数sample fractile
tech.样本十分位数sample decile
math.样本单位sample unit
tech.样本单位数number of units in sample
construct.样本四分位数sample quartiles
tech.样本四分位数sample quartile
tech.样本百分位数sample percentiles
avia.每位乘客成本cost per passenger
securit.每千个单位的成本cost per thousand (CPT)
busin.每月单位经营成本比较表comparative statement of monthly operative cost per unit
anim.husb.每百重量单位的成本cost per hundredweight
tech.法定本位fiat standard
securit.法定本位foat standards
tech.法定指数本位tabular standard
econ.活动金本位compensating dollar
busin.物价指数本位币制monetary system with the price index as the standard
econ.特别提款权本位Special Drawing Right standard
tech.特别提款权本位special drawing rights standard
econ.现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影响的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent
fin.理想银本位fiat silver standard
econ.理想银本位the fiat silver standard
shipb.生产单位成本production unit cost
econ.生产指数单位成本production index unit cost
busin.生金本位international gold bullion standard
tech.直接单位成本direct drilling cost
mil., air.def.相位锁定本振phase locked local oscillator
avia.相位锁定本振phase-locked local oscillator
econ.真金本位real gold standard
econ.社会的基本构成单位fundamental unit of society
sport.离开基本位out of position
agric.突变基本单位basic unit of mutation
chem.符号、单位、术语、原子质量和基本常量委员会SUNAMCO Commission
chem.符号、单位、术语、原子质量和基本常量委员会Commission on Symbols,Units,Nomenclature,Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants
econ.等值单位成本equivalent finished unit costs
busin.管理本位managed standard
busin.管理纸币本位managed paper standard
busin.管理货币本位managed currency standard
busin.管理金块本位managed gold bullion standard
econ.约当量单位成本equivalent finished unit costs
busin.纯粹纸币本位pure paper standard
econ.纯金本位gold bullion standard (制)
tech.纯金本位gold bullion standard
econ.纸币本位paper standard (制)
fin.纸币本位paper basis
econ.纸币本位paper money standard
fin.纸币本位制度paper standard system
fin.纸币本位制度paper money standard system
tech.组合体的基本单位single body
econ.经济本位主义economic individualism
econ.维持金本位制者hard-money man
econ.美兀本位dollar standard
econ.美兀黄金本位dollar-gold standard
fin.美元本位dollar standard
tech.美元本位dollar standard system
econ.美元本位dollar gold standard
fin.美元汇兑本位dollar exchange standard
busin.美元金本位dollar-gold standard
econ.股本与净位比率ratio of capital stock to net worth
HR能力本位ability standard
securit.自动调节本位automatic standard
econ.自动金本位automatic gold standard
econ.自动金本位automatic gold standard
econ.自由本位free standard (货币)
busin.英镑汇兑本位sterling exchange standard
desert.草本高位芽植物phaenerophyta berbaceae
desert.藤本高位芽植物phaenerophyta scandentia
econ.虚价银本位silver token standard
econ.表格本位tabular standard
tech.装卸单位成本unit cost of loading/discharging
shipb.装卸单位成本unit cost of cargo handling
econ.计算单位成本的指标产量denominator volume
fin.记账本位bookkeeping base currency
fin.记账本位recording currency
China, law记账本位standard currency
fin.记账本位币的确定determination of functional currency
econ.货币本位monetary standard (制)
econ.货币本位currency unit
agric.货币本位monetary unit
fin.货币本位制度monetary standard system
econ.货币本位贬值depreciation of monetary standard
busin.货币基本单位currency unit
tech.货物本位goods standard theory
fin.货物装卸单位成本unit cost of cargo handling
tech.货运单位成本freight traffic unit cost
shipb.货运单位成本unit cost of cargo transportation
econ.本位double standard
securit.资本到位率capital adequacy ratio
securit.资本到位率capital adequacy
econ.资本化之单位capitalization unit
busin.资本化单位capitalization unit
econ.资本在经济发展中的地位place of capital in economic progress
econ.跛行本位halting standard
econ.跛行本位limp standard (多本位制中银本位币由法律定为不能自由铸造者)
busin.跛行本位即金银两种本位并行,而银币铸造受限制的货币制度limping standard system
busin.跛行本位limp standard
busin.跛行本位limping standard system
securit.跛行本位limping standard
econ.跛行金本位limping standard
econ.跛行金本位limping standard system
tech.车辆单位基本阻力specific basic resistance of vehicle
tech.车辆单位基本阻力specific basic resistance of car
fin.边际单位成本marginal unit cost
econ.边际效用本位marginal utility standard
shipb.运输单位成本unit cost of transportation
sport.这位跳高运动员越过 1.93 米横杆、不仅刷新了她本人保持的 1.92 米的全国纪录、而且平了亚洲纪录The high jumper crossed over 1.93 metres, breaking the national record of 1.92 metres held by herself and equalling the Asian record
busin.部门单位成本department unit cost
tech.部门单位成本departmental unit cost
tech.重量本位weight basis
econ.本位metallic standard
busin.本位gold basis
econ.本位gold standard
tech.本位gold standard (制)
busin.本位储备gold standard reserve
econ.本位准备gold standard reserve
econ.本位gold monometallism
econ.本位gold monometalism
econ.本位standard gold
econ.本位monometallic standard
busin.本位gold specie standard
busin.本位制区域gold bloc
tech.本位制法gold standard act
econ.本位制自动调节作用automatic self-correcting mechanism of gold standard
busin.本位制自动调节作用automatic self-correcting mechanism of the gold standard
econ.本位gold standard country
econ.本位条例gold standard act
tech.本位货币gold currency
econ.金单本位gold monometalism
busin.金块本位gold bullion standard
busin.金块本位gold bullion system
tech.金属本位metallic standard system
econ.美国金币本位gold specie standard (制)
econ.金币本位gold coin standard (制)
fin.金币本位gold species standard
busin.金币本位gold coin standard
tech.金币本位gold current standard
econ.金币本位gold coin standard
econ.金币流通本位gold currency standard
fin.金币本位gold species standard system
econ.金币流通本位the gold currency standard
busin.金币本位gold coin standard system
busin.金币本位gold currency standard system
securit.金币本位gold currency standard
econ.金汇兑本位gold-exchange standard (制)
securit.金汇兑本位etalon de change-or
econ.金货币本位gold standard country
econ.金通货本位gold currency standard
econ.金银本位gold and silver standard
busin.金银本位metallic standard
busin.金银本位metallic standard system
econ.金银双本位double standard
econ.金银复本位the gold and silver bimetallism
econ.金铸币本位gold coin standard
econ.金铸币本位gold coin standard system
econ.金铸币本位gold coin standard
econ.本位silver standard (制)
econ.本位silver standard
econ.本位silver monometallism
busin.本位silver standard system
econ.本位集团a silver bloc
econ.本位集团silver bloc
securit.间接本位indirect standard
busin.集体资本低位构成lower composition of group capital
econ.高位的资本构成higher composition of capital
tech.高位资本构成higher composition of capital
fin.黄金本位集团gold bloc
fin.黄金与美元本位gold and U.S. dollar standard system
securit.黄金与美元本位gold and US dollar standard system
busin.黄金通货本位gold currency standard
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