
Terms containing 未 爆 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.使未爆炸弹失效bomb deactivation
UN, afr.地雷/未爆弹药信息系统mine/unexploded ordnance information system
UN, afr.有关地雷及未爆弹药污染mine and unexploded ordnance contamination
el.未发爆misfire detonation
avia.未爆unexploded (bomb, 炸弹)
tech.未爆弹处置explosive disposal
avia.未爆弹药unexploded ordnance
UN, afghan.未爆弹药unexploded ordinance-contaminated area
avia.未爆弹药dud ammunition
avia.未爆弹药处理explosive ordnance disposal
gen.未爆昨弹unexploded bomb
geophys.未爆武器unexploded ordnance
eng.geol.未爆炮孔failed hole
avia.未爆炮弹dud shell
earth.sc.未爆对地震勘探中原计划之炮点因故未爆炸所做之记号not shot
avia.未爆炸弹unexploded bomb
avia., inf.未爆炸弹dud
avia.未爆炸弹处理bomb disposal
avia.未爆炸弹掩埋场bomb cemetery
space未爆炸核弹nuclear dud (口语)
avia., inf.未爆炸核弹nuclear dud
avia.未爆炸武器unexploded ordnance
oil未爆炸炮眼dead hole
expl.未爆炸的雷管live detonator
avia.未爆炸药unexploded ordnance
expl.未爆的炸药unfired explosive
UN, tech.未爆的爆炸物unexploded ordnance
tech.未爆missed hole
tech.未爆miss shothole
tech.未爆misfired hole
tech.未爆药卷unexploded cartridge
tech.未装炸药的爆破孔unloaded hole
tech.未装药的爆破目标uncharged demolition target
tech.未解除保险的传爆系统unarmed explosive train
avia.清除未爆炸弹dedud (炮弹)
UN, tech.爆炸物处理是指在部队处理爆炸物的背景下,对未爆炸弹药的探测、查明、现场评估、安全拆卸、回收和最后处理explosive ordnance disposal EOD means, in the context of force EOD, the detection, identification, onsite evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded ammunition
expl.爆破宽度和未开采面的高度的关系relationship of blast width to highwall height
expl.由爆破效应引起的且未加控制的碎石飞片是爆破事故的主要原因之一The uncontrolled flying fragments generated by the effects of a blast are one of the prime causes in blasting-related accidents
expl.直到今天、炸药和爆破温室气体问题尚未在文献中予以充分考虑、而且尚未成为爆破破岩程序的主题To date, the issue of GHGs from explosives and blasting has not been given wide consideration in the literature and has not been a subject of the fragblast proceedings