
Terms containing 木 台 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.木台止推条bench stop
archit.卧室壁木厨台架bedroom closet bank
forestr.原木楞台log dump
tech.原木楞台log deck
tech.台式多用木工机床table multi-purpose wood working machine
biol.台湾接骨木Taiwan elder (Sambucus formosana Nakai.,忍冬科)
biol.台湾杉木Konish China fir (Cunninghamia konishii Hayata,杉科)
biol.台湾檫木Taiwan sassafras (Sassafras randaiense Rehd.,樟科)
lat.台湾马醉木Pieris taiwanensis
tech.台阶修整机:木工修整机bench trimmer
tech.台面厚木板floor board
tech.基台木oak frame
eng.geol.基台木sill timber
tech.钻塔前边横向的基台木nose sill
oil塔里木地台Tarim Land
tech.屋面平台撑木deck cant
tech.平台式木框架western frame
tech.平台木门wood terrace door
econ.我们的货用牢固的新木箱包装,每箱2台,各用塑料小口袋一只包好Our goods are packed in new strong wooden boxes, each box containing 2 sets in individual small plastic wrapper
tech.木台wood stand
archit.木台wooded stand
tech.木台timber staging
textile木台wooden mallet
tech.木台timber step
archit.木工工作joiner's belt
tech.木工工作carpenter's bench
archit.木工台carpenters bench
archit.木工台carpenter's bench
tech.木工台joiner's bench
tech.木工台刀挡头bench knife
tech.木工台刨bench plane
tech.木工台夹钳bench screw
tech.木工台挡头bench stop
tech.木工台虎钳wood working anvil vice
tech.木工台虎钳table vice for wood working
tech.木工台虎钳bench vise for wood working
tech.木工台钳woodwork's vise
archit.木工工作台joiner's belt
tech.木工工作台joiner's bench
tech.木工工作台挡头木bench hook
tech.木平台wood deck
forestr.木材台帐timber tally
tech.木材金属平台膺架carpenter's bracket scaffold
tech.木材金属托架平台脚手架carpenter's bracket scaffold
tech.木板工作台board platform
tech.木板平台plank platform
sport.泳道上的木板平台障碍platform of plank
tech.木框架砖或混凝土潜栏台坎box sill
tech.木桩台timber pile-staging
tech.木桩工作台wooden pile stage
tech.木桩工作平台wooden pile staging
tech.木桩排架桥台timber pile bent abutment
tech.木桩排架桥台挡土板bulkhead plank of timber pile bent abutment
tech.木楼梯平台丁头梁platform header
archit.木窗台wood sill
tech.木笼式桥台logged crib pier
tech.木笼式桥台logged-crib abutment
bridg.constr.木笼桥台logged crib abutment
bridg.constr.木笼桥台log crib abutment
construct.木笼桥台logged-crib abutment
tech.木笼桥台log-crib abutment
tech.木雕写字台carved wooden writing desk
tech.木雕写字台carved wood writing desk
tech.木龙桥台logged-crib abutment
tech.栋木窗台板oak sill
bridg.constr.桩式木桥台pile bent abutment
tech.橡木窗台板oak sill
tech.滑动阳台木门sliding wood terrace door
tech.木台keel block tier
archit.细木横割锯台joiner's cross-cut saw bench
met.木台bakelite skid
tech.船台滑道垫木bilge line
mech.eng.锯机木台travelling carriage
oil钻台主基木main sill
tech.木台rod bench
tech.木台saw bench
tech.木台canting table
tech.龙骨垫木台keel block tier