
Terms containing 木箱 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.木箱wooden barrel
econ.木箱a wooden barrel
gen.我们打开货物时,发现木箱干燥,内衬纸没有一点水渍。可见损坏不是发生在途中When we unpacked the goods, we found the wooden cases dry and the inside lining paper stainless. Therefore, the damage didn't occur in transit
econ.我们的货用牢固的新木箱包装,每箱2台,各用塑料小口袋一只包好Our goods are packed in new strong wooden boxes, each box containing 2 sets in individual small plastic wrapper
tech.截斜角木抖箱锯mitre-box saw
tech.截45。木抖箱锯mitre-box saw
beekeep.木丝夹心平顶箱盖excelsior flat cover
tech.木制巢窝式储粮箱nested wooden silo
tech.木制巢窝式储粮箱nested wood silo
tech.木制折叠箱形托盘wood collapsible box pallet
agric.木制窝巢式储粮箱nested wooden silo
tech.木制箱wooden-packing case
tech.木制箱式梁timber box girder
tech.木制箱形涵洞wooden box culvert
tech.木制集装箱wood container
tech.木工工具箱carpenter's tool kit
construct.木材敞箱作业timber open tank application
tech.木条箱wooden crate
commer.木板条箱wooden crate
tech.木架箱skeleton case
tech.木格箱skeleton case
tech.木水箱wooden water tank
eng.geol.木沉箱timber box caisson
hydroel.st.木沉箱timber caisson
bridg.constr.木沉箱wooden caisson
tech.木沉箱wood caisson
met.木砂箱wood flask
tech.木砂箱timber moulding box
tech.木箱wooden bin
econ.木箱a wooden case
cloth.木箱wooden case
exhib.木箱wood chest
exhib.木箱wooden trunk
interntl.trade.木箱wooden cases
met.木箱wooden crate
tech.木箱timber bin
tech.木箱内衬铝箔纸lined with aluminium foil in the wooden case
tech.木箱内衬铝箔纸lined with aluminium foil in the wood case
tech.木箱包装wooden box package
archit.木箱式暗沟wooden-box drain
tech.木箱式暗沟wooden box drain
tech.木箱式进水闸wooden box headgate
bridg.constr.木箱wooden box culvert
agric.木箱蜂巢box hive
auto.木箱装的发动机指原厂提供的配件新发动机crate engine
tech.木给水箱wooden water tank
tech.木雕小套箱carved wooden fancy chest
tech.木雕小套箱carved wood fancy chest
tech.木雕箱carved wooden chest
tech.木雕箱carved wood chest
auto.框架木箱wooden framed box
tech.框架木箱framework box
tech.用品箱下垫木cellar bolster
interntl.trade.木箱broken wooden case
tech.积木式集装箱自动装卸modular automated container handling
tech.细木工工具箱joiner's kit
tech.木箱plant box
tech.衬铅木箱lead-lined wooden tank
commer.货物必须装在牢固的木箱The goods must be packed in strong wooden boxes to withstand the strain of the long voyage
econ.这些木箱子非常牢固,经得起粗鲁搬运These wooden cases are very strong and capable of withstanding rough handling
interntl.trade.铅皮衬里木箱tin-lined case
econ.锡皮衬里木箱a tin-lined case
econ.锡箔衬里木箱tin-lined case
tech.雕刻樟木箱carved camphorwood chest
tech.香柏木箱cedar chest