
Terms for subject China containing 期 限 | all forms | in specified order only
一定期限within a fixed period of time
上诉期限period for appeal
临时占用草原的期限time limit for temporary occupation of grasslands
交付期限time limit for delivery
付款提示期限time limit for presentment for payment
使用期限period of time for use
侦查羁押期限time limit for holding a criminal suspect in custody during investigation
保密期限period for guarding the secrets
信托期限period of the trust
借款期限loan term
停留期限duration of stay
出资期限time limit set on capital contribution
剥夺政治权利的期限terms of deprivation of political rights
剩余期限remaining period of time
办案期限time for investigation
办案期限period of time for handling the case
劳动合同期限term of a labor contract
原承包合同剩余的期限remaining period of the original contract
合伙期限period of time for partnership
合同期限term of the contract
合理期限reasonable period of time
合营期限duration of the joint venture
合营期限joint venture term
固定期限劳动合同fixed-term labor contract
土地承包经营期限duration of the contract for operation of land
在一定期限内不得起诉not be filed within a specified period
在一定期限内履行perform it within a fixed period of time
在批准的使用期限before the expiration of the approved time limit on use
在认可的期限within a certain period of time which is accepted
在限制转让期限during a period when any transfer of securities is prohibited
地役权的期限period of time for an easement
完成一定工作任务为期限expire upon completion of the given job
审查期限period for review
审查起诉期限time limit for examination and prosecution
审理期限time limit for handling the case
居住期限length of residence
履行期限time limit for the performance
履行债务的期限time limit to repay one's debts
延长期限extension of the term
强制隔离戒毒的期限period of compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation
扣押船舶的期限period of arresting a ship
承包期限contracting terms
承包期限duration of the contract
承包经营期限duration of the contract for operation
承诺期限time limit for the acceptance
承诺期限acceptance term
担保期限bond period
拘役的期限term of criminal detention
拘役的缓刑考验期限probation period for suspension of criminal detention
拘留、逮捕的程序和期限procedures and time limit for detention and arrest
接管期限term of the take-over expire
收购期限term of the acquisition
收购期限届满expiration of a term for acquisition
收费期限time period of toll collection
整顿期限period of rectification
无固定期限flexible term
无固定期限劳动合同open-ended labor contract
有效期限date of expiry
有期徒刑的期限term of fixed-term imprisonment
期限term of office
期限和方式time and the form
期限届满日expiring date
期限开始日initial date
核准的期限within the period approved
法定期限within the statutory time limit
派遣期限period of dispatch
生效期限time limit for the entry into effect
申报期限time limit for declaration
申请期限applying time limit
租赁期限terms of the lease
程序和期限procedure and time limit
竞业限制期限term of competition restriction
管制的期限terms of public surveillance
约定期限term agreed
约定附期限agree to attach a time limit
终止期限time limit for the termination
经营期限period of operations
缓刑考验期限probation period for suspension of sentence
羁押期限time limit for holding in custody
耽误期限fail to meet a deadline
营业期限business term
行使期限limitation of time for the exercise
行政复议期限time limit for administrative reconsideration
规定期限within the prescribed time limit
期限term provided
责令限期补报order to make a supplementary report within a time limit
起诉期限time limit for prosecution
转让期限term of transfer
连续用工期限continuous period of employment
追诉期限period for prosecution
追诉时效期限limitation period for criminal prosecution
途径和期限channels and time limit
重新计算审理期限calculate anew the time limit for handling the case
期限attach time limit
附加适用限期出境leave the country within a time limit attached
附终止期限attach with a time limit for its termination
限期出境leave the country within a certain time
限期处分股份或者资产within a specified time limit to dispose of one's shares or assets
限期履行carry out within a time limit
限期恢复植被restore the grassland vegetation within a time limit
限期拆除remove within a prescribed period of time
限期排除eliminate within a time limit
限期改正correction within a prescribed time limit
限期改造reconstruct within a time limit
限期核拨set a time limit for the examination and allocation
限期治理undertaking treatment within a prescribed limit of time
限期治理control within a time limit
限期治理的决定decide on the treatment within a time limit
限期淘汰eliminate within a time limit
限期淘汰制度time-limited system for the elimination
限期登记registration within a time limit
限期补报make a supplementary report within a time limit
限期退还return within a time limit
隔离期限period of isolation
顺延期限extension of the time