
Terms containing 期 限 | all forms | in specified order only
securit.一半期限half life
securit.一定期限definite time limit
tech.一定期限内的投资限额capital rationing
securit.上诉期限appeal period
securit.上限期权capped options
securit.上限期权capped style options
securit.上限看涨期权capped call
securit.上限认购期权capped call
securit.下限认沽期权floored put
tech.不合并计算碇泊期限non-reversible laytime
tech.不合并计算碇泊期限non-reversible laydays
tech.不固定期限的抵押open-end mortgage
tech.不确定期限indefinite limitation of time
tech.不能接受的期限unacceptable date
tech.不限期即期交运untimed prompt shipment
shipb.专利有效期限patent expiry date
shipb.专利有效期限duration of patent validity
tech.两次大修间使用期限overhaul life
securit.中银国际商品期货有限公司BOCI Commodities & Futures Limited
tech.习惯期限的汇票time draft
tech.习惯期限的汇票bill at usance
tech.井的开采期限life of well
tech.交付期限term of delivery
securit.交付期限delivery of date
tech.交割限期日contango (英国交易所)
securit.交割限期日contango day
securit.交易终止期限length of transaction closing
tech.交货期限deadline for shipment
tech.交货期限控制delivery control
securit.交错期限组合staggered maturities
gen.付款期限prompt (协定)
tech.付清赊帐期限net credit period
securit.以利率上限期权合约担保的浮动利率债券capped floaters
securit.价格限制延期extended price limit
securit.优惠上限期权prime cap
tech.估计使用期限estimated performance
tech.估计使用期限endurance expectation
tech.作用期限activity duration
tech.使用期限life time
tech.受材料、结构、施工及其他因素影响的房屋使用期限physical life-time of building
tech.使用期限寿命life time
tech.使用期限live time
tech.使用期限length of vitality
tech.使用期限length of life
tech.使用期限durable life
shipb.使用期限time limit for use
tech.使用期限保险life insurance
tech.使用期限概率lifetime probability
tech.使用期限测试器life detector
tech.使用期限试验life testing
tech.使用期限试验life test
tech.使用期限质量控制quality control of life
tech.保修期限term of service
tech.保修期限guarantee time
tech.保存期限storage property
tech.保存期限pot life (液体物)
shipb.保证期限duration of guarantee
tech.保证期限duration of guarantee period
securit.保证期限warranty period
tech.保证隹用期限warranty life
tech.保险期限duration of insurance
tech.保障期限length of protection
tech.信用期限credit period
securit.信贷期限term of credit
securit.修改后的平均期限modified duration
securit.修订还债期限debt rescheduling
tech.借款平均偿付期限average life (period)
tech.债券期限bond life
tech.债券平均期限收益率yield to average life
securit.债券平均期限的收益率yield to average rate
securit.债务期限debt maturity
securit.债权申报期限period for reporting claims
tech.偿还期限terms of redemption
securit.偿还债款期限maturity of loans
tech.期限storage life
tech.期限storage time
tech.期限staging life
tech.期限storage life
tech.储藏期限shelf life
tech.免税期限limitation of the period for tax exemption
tech.免费留存期限period of free storage
tech.公共交通工具折旧期限means depreciation time limit
tech.具体期限specified period
tech.分期偿还期限amortization term
tech.分析期限period of analysis
tech.利率的期限结构term structure of interest rate
securit.到期期限term to maturity
tech.到达干燥期限drying-out time
securit.前一个收市的期限length of pre-closing
securit.剩余期限remaining maturity
securit.加权平均期限weighted average maturity
securit.加权平均期限weighted average life
securit.加权平均剩余期限weighted average remaining maturity
securit.募股起止期限term of the shares offer
tech.包裹的运到期限transit period of parcels
tech.危险持续期限duration of risk
securit.原定期限original maturity
securit.参考期限reference period
securit.发出订单的最后期限deadline for placing order
securit.受限制的股票期权restricted stock option
securit.可调期限债券reset note
tech.合同期限contract time period
tech.合同期限term of contract
tech.合同期限contract date
tech.合格服务期限period of qualifying service
tech.商定的期限agreed period
tech.回收期限rating of return
securit.回购期限repo terms
tech.回采矿量保有期限period of retention extraction reserves
securit.固定期限国库券互换constant maturity treasury swap
securit.国会对期货交易的限制congressional restrictions on futures trading
securit.在…保护之下的期限length of protection under...
securit.在常规限期内支付at usance
tech.在最短期限at the earliest possible date
tech.在规定期限at staked periods
tech.地质储量保有期限period of retention geological reserves
tech.地质储量保有期限period of retention geologic reserves
avia.培训期限training course duration
securit.多种限期存款multiple maturing time deposit
tech.大修期限overhaul life
tech.失业期限duration of unemployment
tech.契约履行期限term of contract
tech.存放期限limitation on shelf-life
tech.学习期限period of schooling
tech.安全使用期限safe service period
tech.安全使用期限safe service life
tech.完成期限time of completion
tech.实际使用期限actual life
tech.实际建筑期限actual construction time
tech.审理期限duration of hearings
tech.容许运输期限permissive period of transport
securit.宽大期限outer limit
tech.宽打期限outer limit
securit.宽限期条款grace period clause
securit.对期货交易的法律限制legal restrictions on futures trading
securit.届满的期限time to maturity
tech.履约期限contract date
tech.义务等的履行期限date of discharge
HR工会限期人会制union shop
CNC工作期限working life
securit.平均期限mean term
securit.平均期限average maturity
securit.平均期限收益yield to average life
avia.平均使用期限mean service life
securit.平均偿付期限average life
gen.平均工作期限mean time between failures
avia.库存期限shelf life (易变质材料存储在规定的温度下,仍能保持符合工程和施工操作要求的最长存储期)
securit.延期上限浮动利率票据delayed capped floating-rate note
securit.延期交易损失的限制limitations on loss carryovers
avia.延长期限的合同extension contract
securit.延长期限的风险extension risk
tech.开拓矿量保有期限period of retention reserves for development
securit.截止期限的临近deadlines loom
securit.截账期限cutoff period
tech.房屋使用期限life of building
tech.房屋使用期限physical life-time of building
tech.房屋耐用期限life of building
securit.执行期限exercise period
tech.承包期限contract time
tech.投保期限validity of tenders
tech.投标期限tendering period
tech.投标期限bidding period (美国)
tech.投标提交的最后期限deadline for submission of bids
tech.投标最后期限deadline for acceptance of tenders
tech.投标限期bidding period
securit.投资期限investment horizon
securit.投资期限效应investment horizon effect
refrig.投资回收期限rate of return
securit.投资的时间期限time frame for investing
tech.折扣期限discount period
tech.报价期限offer validity
tech.押汇有效期限negotiating date
tech.拖欠最后期限delinquency date
tech.招标期限bid time
tech.招标期限bid date
securit.持有期限holding period restriction
securit.持续期限分析duration analysis
securit.指定限期内within fixed period
CNC换油期限drain interval
shipb.提出索赔期限time limit for filling claims
securit.摊还期限period of amortization
tech.支付期限terms of payment
tech.收标期限bid time
tech.放宽期限extend a time limit
tech.施工期限construction term
securit.期限run in perpetuity
securit.期限公债券undated stock
securit.期限合同open-end contract
securit.期限without day
securit.期限证券undated security
securit.无成本远期临界限zero cost forward band
tech.无故障的工作期限no-failure life
securit.无特别限制的一般性期权vanilla option
securit.无限制股票期权non-restricted stock options
tech.无限寿期infinite lifetime
lat., busin.无限延期adjournment sine die
tech.无限期in perpetuity
sport.无限期停止参赛资格sine die
gen.无限期休会to adjourn without day
securit.无限期债券perpetual debenture
securit.无限期反转indefinite reversal
tech.无限期拨款no-year appropriation
lat., busin.无限期的sine die
securit.无限期的平价parity without margin
tech.无限期罢工strike of indefinite duration
securit.时间期限time horizon
securit.时间期限limitation period
securit.更改还债期限debt rescheduling
tech.最后期限last date
tech.最后付款期限deadline of payment
avia.最大使用期限expiration term of service
tech.最小期限minimum period
gen.最早期限the inferior limit
gen.最早期限the superior limit
tech.最长使用期限maximum service life
tech.最高蒸压温度期限maximum temperature period (指养护期限)
tech.最髙温度期限maximum temperature period
securit.期限不动产投资信托finite life real estate investment trust
securit.期限的担保time-limited guarantee
securit.期限的有价证券dated securities
securit.有关期货交易限制的立法legislation concerning futures trading restriction
tech.有效期限life span
tech.有效期限time of efficiency
tech.有效期限can stability
tech.有效期限调度effective dead-line scheduling
refrig.有效使用期限effective life
tech.有效罐存期限effective pot life
tech.有期转移限制的继承权fee simple subject to an executory limitation
avia.航母有限使用期period of restricted availability
securit.有限制期的期权restricted life option
securit.有限存在期limited life
securit.有限执行期权直到到期日的前5日方可执行的期权limited exercise option
securit.有限期付款项bills and accounts payable with terms
tech.有限期合同terminable contract
avia.有限期存放场limited storage site
gen.有限期库存品running stock
tech.有限期的产权terminable interests
securit.有限期的应付汇票款项bills and accounts payable with terms
securit.有限期的资产limited life assets
tech.有限活化期limited pot life
securit.有限的支付期限limited payment life
tech.服务期限term of service
tech.服务期限service life
tech.服务期限duration of service
CNC服务期限工具寿命service life
securit.期权上下限option collar
securit.期权调整期限option adjusted duration
securit.期间限制periodic caps
securit.期限maturity (Mat.)
tech.期限period of limitation
tech.期限limited period
securit.贷款期限length of maturity
lat., busin.期限dies certus
shipb.期限allotted time
securit.期限中介maturity intermediation
securit.期限优先股term preferred share
securit.期限内有效委托good through
securit.期限匹配matched maturity
securit.期限变换maturity transformation
securit.期限周期expiration cycle
securit.期限差距maturity spread
securit.期限差距maturity gap
tech.期限差距风险maturity gap exposure
securit.期限承兑acceptance qualified as to time
shipb.期限改正deadline for correction
shipb.期限未满的合同unexpired contract
securit.期限构成term structure
securit.期限相同equivalent life
securit.债务期限结构maturity structure
securit.期限结构单因素模型one-factor model of term structure
securit.期限结构变现清偿原理liquidity theory of the term structure
securit.期限结构模式term structure model
securit.期限结构的流动性liquidity of the term structure
securit.期限结构的网络模型lattice-type models of term structure
securit.期限转换term transfer
securit.未决定期限的负债indeterminate term liability
tech.材料使用期限material age
nautic., tech.极限波浪周期范围extreme wave period range (Txrange)
securit.标购期期限length of tender offer period
avia.模式参与期限mode participation term
securit.欧洲期货及期权交易所结算有限公司Eurex Clearing AG
tech.正常条件下的使用期限normal operating time
securit.气球式期限balloon maturity
securit.永久期限perpetual duration
securit.汇票期限term of bill
tech.油使用期限life-span of oil
tech.油封期限preservation life
tech.法定期限legal term
securit.法定期限stated maturity
tech.法定抵押品赎回期限statutory period of redemption
securit.波动期限结构volatility term structure
securit.涉及期限reference period
tech.润滑期限lubricant life
tech.润滑使用期限lifetime lubricated
tech.清偿期限payoff period (债务的)
tech.债务清偿期限date of discharge
nautic., tech.滞期期限demurrage day
securit.特定限期specific period of time
tech.生产期限period of production
tech.生产矿量保有期限period of retention ore reserves for production
gen.申请短期工作签证有年龄限制吗?Is there an age limit for applying for a temporary work visa?
securit.相等期限equivalent life
securit.期限short maturity
securit.确定期限definite time limit
securit.票据贴现期限term of discount
tech.租借期限time limit of the lease
tech.租借期限period of lease
tech.租借期限lease term
tech.租船期限term of charter
shipb.租赁期限charter period
securit.稳定期的期限duration of the stabilizing period
tech.索赔期限time limit for payment of claim
tech.紧急期限crash time
tech.紧急期限crashed time
tech.紧急限期crash time
tech.纳税期限term of tax
tech.经济使用期限economic life time
tech.经济开采期限economic production life
tech.结构使用期限duration of structure
tech.结构使用期限structural life-time
tech.结构物使用期限structure's life
tech.结构物设计使用期限design life of structure
securit.T + 1 结算期限T+1 (购股后第二天可以出售的制度)
securit.T+0 结算期限T+0 (购股后当天可以出售的制度)
gen.给…一星期的宽限grant... a week's grace
gen.给…一星期的宽限give... a week's grace
nautic., tech.翻修期限operating life
nautic., tech.翻修期限overhaul life
nautic., tech.翻修期限working life
nautic., tech.翻修期限time between overhauls
nautic., tech.翻修期限overhaul period
tech.耐久期限physical life-time of building
tech.耐火等级期限fire-resistance grading period
securit.股票上限期权equity cap
securit.股票下限期权equity floor
securit.股票双限期权equity collar
securit.股票发行期限term of the shares offer
securit.股票收购期的期限length of tender offer period
securit.菲舍尔一威尔有效期限Fisher-Weil duration
securit.被无限期中止上市资格suspended listing for an indefinite period
tech.装卸期限handling term
tech.装船期限date of shipping
tech.装载期限load term
tech.装载期限loading term
tech.装运期限deadline for shipment
shipb.装运期限allotted time of shipment
tech.装运限期due of shipment
securit.要求延长期限request to extend time
tech.要约的期限time limit of offer
tech.要约的有效期限term of validity of offer
ecol.覆膜期限duration of film-mulching
tech.规划期限plan period
tech.规定期限stated time-limit
tech.规定期限stated period
tech.计划期限scheduled date
tech.计划完工期限scheduled completion date
securit.订单期限order period
tech.认可期限subscription period
tech.议付期限negotiating date
tech.记录期限length of record
securit.记录留存期限record retention period
securit.设定期限stated maturity
tech.设计期限period of design
tech.设计保固期限design life
securit.调整后的最短期限收益yield to adjusted minimum maturity
securit.调整的期限adjusted duration
securit.调整贷款期限adjustable loan term
securit.负债期限转换term out
tech.责令限期治理restraining order to control pollution within prescribed time
tech.责任期限duration of liability
tech.货主汇票习惯付款期限shipper's usance
tech.货物运到期限transit period of goods
avia.贮藏期限shelf life
tech.贴现期限term of discount
securit.贷款期限loan term
securit.贷款期限life of a loan
tech.费用期限监视supervising the duration of fees
securit.资产与负债期限错配maturity mismatching of assets and liabilities
securit.赎回宽限期preferred call period
tech.超过装卸期限的日期day on demurrage
securit.超过限期的贷款hang-out loan
securit.轮流期限组合分散到期日的投资策略staggered maturities
tech.运到期限transit period
tech.运行期限period allowed for conveyance
tech.运输期限的计算calculation of transit period
securit.还款期限days to cover
gen.这个学生卡有期限吗?Does the student card have an expiration date?
securit.远期上限forward cap
tech.连续开工期限on-stream time
tech.连续开工期限on-stream period
tech.选择权有效期限option period
securit.通报期限notification period
tech.通知期限的第一天first notice day
tech.采准矿量保有期限period of retention prepared reserves
securit.重新安排付款期限reschedule of payment
securit.重订还债期限debtor rescheduling
tech.钻头使用期限crown life
tech.钻头使用期限bit life
tech.钻探设备使用期限drilling life
securit.长期的限价证券long taps
avia.阈极限值短期暴露限制threshold limit value—short term exposure limit
securit.限制周期limit cycles
securit.限制性期权restricted options
securit.限制执行期权limit exercise option
securit.限制有效期的期权restricted life option
securit.限制期qualification period
securit.限制期restricted period
securit.限制期period of limitation
securit.限制期满后承认acknowledgement after expiration of the limitation period
securit.限制期满后确认债务acknowledgement after expiration of the limitation period
avia.限定日期deadline data
tech.限定金额及支付期的支票limited check
avia.限寿日期limited life date
tech.限期保险单time policy
securit.限期债券terminable bond
tech.限期偿还贷款payback loans within a set time
tech.限期影响dead influence
securit.限期指令time limit order
securit.证券限期指令time order
securit.证券交易限期指令good through
tech.限期整顿consolidation within a specified time
ecol.限期治理undertake treatment within a prescribed limit of time
tech.限期治理环境污染制度system of treating environmental pollution within a prescribed time
tech.限期环境污染治理制度system of treating environmental pollution within a prescribed time
avia.限期研制crash development
tech.限期票据demand bill
tech.限期缴费人寿保险limited-payment life insurance
tech.限期缴费人寿保险单limited-payment life policy
tech.限期装船timed shipment
gen.限期调度dead line scheduling
tech.隔离期限isolation period
securit.非限制性股票期权non-qualifying stock option
securit.非限制性股票期权nonqualifying stock options
securit.非限制性股票期权计划non-qualified stock options plan
securit.非限制性股票期权协议non-qualified stock options agreement (grant)
tech.预先通知期限period of advance notice
tech.预定期限stipulated date
tech.预期使用年限life expectancy
securit.预期使用年限折旧法sum of expected life depreciation
tech.预期运行结构使用期限anticipated structural life
tech.预测使用期限probable life
tech.预测使用期限life expectancy
tech.预测使用期限anticipated service life
tech.预计使用期限probable life
tech.预计使用期限life expectancy
tech.预计使用期限anticipated service life
tech.预计施工期限expected working period
avia.首次翻修期限time to first overhaul
avia.首次调整期限time to first fix
securit.香港期货交易所有限公司董事局Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited
securit.香港联交所期权结算所有限公司联交所期权结算所The SEHK Options Clearing House Limited
securit.香港联交所期权结算有限公司SEHK Options Clearing House Limited
securit.香港联合交易所期权结算有限公司SEHK options clearing house
securit.麦考莱期限Macaulay duration
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