
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
专利有效的延长extension of patent validity
专利有效patent expiry date
专利有效duration of patent validity
为了今后的业务,这次我们接受分付款方式With an eye to future business, we'll accept payment by installments this time.
产品销售长目标long-range objectives of products sale
产品长销售目标long range objectives of products sale
以延付款方式出口export on deferred payment basis
估计的任务完成日estimated task completion date
使用time limit for use
保证duration of guarantee
倒填日填人已经过去的日期dating backward
停工时的工资idle time pay
出口许可证的有效validity of export licence
出口许可证的有效validity of export license
定额折旧depreciation fixed installation
缴纳保险费installment premium
分批分装运shipment by installments
分批、分装运shipment by installments
分批分装运installment shipment
日期mature date
准备工作initial preparation work
包括起止日both dates inclusive
协议交货日delivery date of the agreement
协议的交货日delivery date of the agreement
协议的有效duration of the agreement
合同规定的交货日delivery date as provided in the contract
性变化cyclical variation
在交货和服务工作条件上有竞争力competitive in terms of delivery and services
完成任务日task completion date
修理regular repair
客轮运费passenger liner freight
客运航线scheduled passenger line
旅游客船passenger cruise liner
租船人的责任和权利liabilities and right of time charterer
租船租船人的责任和权利liabilities and right of time charterer
租船船东的责任和权利liabilities and right of owner under time chart
租船船东的责任和权利liabilities and right of owner under time charter
维护regular maintenance
货船运费cargo liner freight
货船运费率cargo liner rate
远洋船运费ocean liner freight
远洋船运费率ocean liner rate
交货通知书back order memo
付款pay ater
付款信用证deferred payment L/C
时间delay time
检验postponement survey
申请application for extension
行为delayed action
装运defer shipment
装运delay shipment
订货delay an order
责任liability for delay
延长付款时间extension of time for payment
延长发盘有效extend an offer
成本计算period of cost calculation
我们在收到贵方信用证后两三个星内就能发货Shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receipt of your L/C.
所签合同的有效effective period of a signed contract
报价的有效offer validity
拖运周haul cycle
控制周control period
提出索赔time limit for filling claims
戳己date stamp impression
最迟的完工日latest finish date
3 月上旬是我们能办的最早交货日The earliest shipment we can make is early March.
有效为一个月to be valid for one month
有效已满的专利expired patent
内收人periodic income
刊广告periodical advertisement
allotted time
限改正deadline for correction
限未满的合同unexpired contract
未履行分付款breach as to installment payment
未注明日no date
枯水运费freight for low-water period
比预定日推迟delay of the original target date
比预定日提前ahead of the original target date
水平消隐周horizontal blanking period
洪水运费freight for flood period
测试日date of observation
现在我们殷切望扩大新造船舶的出口。Now we are eagerly desirous to enlarge export of new building ships.
申请检验的日date of application for survey
着火滞后ignition delay period
票据转note renewals
租赁charter period
签订日date of signing
索赔有效term of validity of a claim
索赔要求到date on which the claim becomes due
繁忙运输heavy traffic period
缩短船舶设计周shorten ship design period
缩短造船周shorten shipbuilding period
脉冲周impulse period
航线、航次、船和停泊港口shipping line, voyage, schedule and berth port
船舶到达卸货港日date of arrival of vessel at port of discharge
船舶繁忙运输ship's heavy traffic period
船舶运输周ship's haul cycle
装运allotted time of shipment
规定交货period stipulated for delivery
规定的交货period stipulated for delivery
解除租船合同的日cancelling date of charter party
警报周warning period
船舶overdue ship
起运日date of departure
out-of-date ticket
这次交易我们将采用分付款方式。We would like to adopt payment by installments for our present transaction.
进口许可证的有效validity of import license
通信周communication cycle
代理agency on long term
停泊锚permanent mooring anchor
合同运费freight for long-tern contract
目标long range objectives
除晴天工作日、星日和假日外weather working days, Sunday & holidays excepted
集装箱定container liner
预填日填人尚未到来的日期dating ahead
预定交货日target date of delivery