
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
三十天的汇票draft at 30 days sight
三十日远外汇exchange within current month
结转carry in
不可转让的non-negotiable notes
租船不合并计算停泊non-reversible laydays
租船不合并计算停泊non-reversible laytime
不定船运输业务tramp service (与定期船运输业务 (liner service) 相对)
不定货轮irregular ship
不定航线或不定远洋货轮ocean tramp
不足以达到预目的be inadequate for the purpose intended
与活贷款 demand loan 相对term lending
信贷银行Mediobanca (Milan, 米兰)
美国财政部债券treasury note
债务medium-term debts
放款extended fund facility
美国财政部有息证券treasury certificate
融通资金medium-term financing
计划medium-range plan (亦 medium-term plan)
证券medium-dated securities
中短贷款short and medium-term loans
中长信用medium and long-term credit (贷)
中长应收票据收买业务forfeiting business
为延收款而填迟发票日期dated billing
九十天汇票bill at ninety days' sight
习惯于按即汇票信用证销售货物be accustomed to selling against L/C available by sight draft
保值hedge buying (与卖期保值(hedge selling) 相对)
买主要求延长索赔The buyer requests to extend the time limitation of claim
买方答应开立一即信用证The buyer is committed to establish a sight L/C
会计财务报表accounting period
伦敦谷物货市场London Grain Futures Market
估计交货日estimated date of delivery
估计具备获得的日estimated date of availability
货交易deal in futures
作业周job cycle
倒签日提单antedated bill of lading
倒签日提单antedated B/L
借款延偿还extension of loan
债券前兑回价格call price (通常高于面值)
债务偿还amortization period
停电a power cut
偿付payment period
偿清term of redemption
备货stock ahead
先于进口许可证届满be prior to the expiration of an import licence
技术转让中先付一笔使用费后按提成的混合付款方式combination of lump-sum fee and running royalty
全部能力生产时的流动资金working capital at full capacity
美国公债长转期偿还senior refunding
六十日远外汇exchange within next month
关于付款条件,我方只接受即信用证With reference to payment, we cannot do otherwise than L/C at sight
其结果是货轮迟It so fell out that the vessel was behind schedule
交付保险费installment premium
付款pay back by installments
美国付款rate payment
付款divided payments
付款progressive payment (即按交货进度分期付款,最后一次货款于交货完成时付清,但前者则由买方先付一笔定金 (deposit),其大部分货款于交货后分若干次付清)
付款业务installment business
付款中每期应付款项付讫installment paid
付款交易installment trade
付款价格hire-purchase price
付款保证函installment guarantee
付款保险installment insurance
付款提成费running royalty rate
付款法installment plan
付款法installment basis
定期付款账户time payment account
付款购买installment purchase (与分期付款销售(installment sale) 相对)
付款购买installment buying (与分期付款出售(installment selling) 相对)
付款购买信贷hire purchase credit
付款购买制hire purchase system
付款购买制easy purchase system
付款购买制easy payment system
付款购买法installment plan
英国付款贸易协会Hire Purchase Trade Association
付款资金融通installment financing
付款采购purchase on installments
付款采购purchase in installments
付款首次款项down payment
偿还借款amortization of loan
偿还借款amortization loan
偿还贷款loan amortization
分批付款series of payment
分批岀销sales by installments
分配结算installment distribution liquidation
或分批交货delivery of goods by installments
摊还payment on open account
摊还payment on account
摊还清算liquidation in installments
支付条款installment payment terms
支付条款installment payment clause
缴股证installment certificate
发动机试验initial engine test
固定投资initial fixed investment
市场占有份额initial market share
投入initial input
投资支岀总额total initial investment outlay (指 total initial investment costs (项目)初期投资费用总额,包括:期初固定投资 (initial fixed investment)、生产前资本支出 (pre-production capital expenditures)、经营基金 (operating fund))
生产成本initial production cost
资产价值initial assets value
资本投资initial capital investment
亦缩为 expnexpiration
应付债券matured bonds payable
应付债券bond due for payment
settlement day (指结清日 (account day))
本金与利息matured principal and interest
欠款额amount due
票据兑现分录entry for collection of notes
通知expiration notice
测试preceding test
前者为长债券government bill
剩余remaining period
半年的账单semiannual account
半年half-yearly account
半年一次的分付款semiannual installments
技术贸易协议满后free use of the technology
协议有效duration of the agreement
协议有效period of the agreement
协议有效the duration of an agreement
单纯远汇率outright forward rate
卖买股票puts and calls
卖出货合同short position (与买进期货合同(long position)相对)
商品交易所期货合同卖方向买方发出交货通知限的第一天first notice day
交货日期prompt date
付款spot cash
保值spot hedge
信用证time credit (与远期信用证 usance credit)
信用证term credit) 相对 (与远期信用证 usance credit)
信用证sight letter of credit (与远期信用证 usance credit)
信用证sight credit (与远期信用证 usance credit)
信用额度swing line
信贷额度demand line of credit
基金immediate fund
外汇交割日spot value date
支付的远期信用证buyer's usance credit
支付的远期信用证usance credit payable at sight
汇价sight rate
汇票亦缩为 D/Dftdemand draft
汇票bank banker's cheque
汇票demand note
汇票sight sight bill
汇票draft A/S
汇票,付款交单sight draft, documents against payment
汇票汇率demand rate
现金交易spot cash transaction
现金支付immediate cash payment
票据prompt note
票据demand note on demand
票据付现命令cash order
装运prompt loading
装运ready shipment
避险spot hedge
合同expiry of the contract
合同time limit of contract
合同中止terminal of contract
合同展renewal of a contract
合同必须按充分执行The contract shall be duly executed (performed, fulfilled)
合同有效the currency of a contract
合同生效日effective date of a contract
合同签定日contract award date
合同至1995年4月30日The contract terminated on April 30, 1995
合同规定买方所订货物未能完成一定时的最低限额时The contract stipulates that the seller shall have an option of giving notice of termination when the orders placed by the buyer do not represent a minimum volume for a fixed period
合同规定付款条件为即信用证The contract stipulates payment by sight L/C
后者为短债券government bill
定值period demand
平均数period average
性事件recurrent event
性现象periodic phenomena
性的periodic (a.)
或循环时间cycle period
或循环时间cycle time
或循环时间cycle length
曲线periodic curve
测量试验period run
商业周trade circle
商业周trade cycle (指经济周期 (economic cycle))
商业周business cycle (指经济周期 (economic cycle))
商业周business circle
商业周低潮trough line
商号承兑远信用证trader's acceptance credit
商品货交易管理委员会Commodity Futures Trading Commission (美国)
租船条件下,租船费一经确定不得变动On the basis of time charter, once the charterage is determined, it can't be changed
在保用under warranty
在合同满时on the expiration of the contract
在工商业不景气时,该厂半数机器停机了During the business depression, half the machines in the factory were idle
在指定限内within a given period
在此in the meanwhile
在此in the meantime
在确定的或可以确定的日at a fixed or determinable date
在租赁有效within the term of validity of lease
在约定限内技术引进方有权享受转让方技术改进的成果access to improvements in technology
均等等价调even par swap
填写假日false dating
填早日dating ahead (与倒填日期 (dating backward) 相对)
填有具体偿还日的政府金边债券date stock
外债延偿付协议standstill agreement
外汇掉保证swap exchange guarantee
外汇掉信贷swap credit
外汇掉费用swap cost
外资偿还term of foreign capital repayment
大修间隔overhaul period
如有货物装卸时,星日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外SHEX, unless worked
如有货物装卸时,星日及假日亦算在停泊期间之内,无装卸时,除外SHEX, unless used
如果你方信用证不能在本月底前到达,我们将会错过下月船Failing the arrival of your L/C before the end of the month, we'll miss the vessel next month
如果天气条件好,这条船将于星五傍晩抵达孟买Given good weather, the ship will reach Bombay Friday evening
存取周storage cycle time
存在life period
存款生效日value date
存盘公式:初存货+本期增加的进货-本期提货=期末存货inventory equation (beginning inventory 十 purchase — withdrawal = ending inventory)
就要到的负债maturing liabilities
信用证rollover credit
借款rollover loan
合同renew a contract
换汇extension swap
的票据renewed bills
贷款rollover loan
展览会星天开放The exhibition is open on Sundays
岀售货选择权put option
贷款平均满average life
开始生产时start-up production period (与全部能力生产时期 (full capacity production period) 相对)
开始进入市场时initial market penetration period
开工understream period
开立日opening date
开航日sailing on or about
息票current coupon
折旧费用period depreciation charge
满期日current maturity
我们待我们之间的生意迅速发展We look forward to the rapid development of the business between us
我们待贵方继续友好合作We look forward to your continued friendly cooperation
我们望你方立即办理此事We expect you to give this matter your immediate attention
我们望贵方能在下周报盘We expect you to be able to make an offer next week
我们不得不要求你方将信用证展We have to request you to extend the relevant L/C
我们的支付条款是即汇票支付的信用证Our payment terms are L/C available by draft at sight
我们相信此货将如到达你处We trust the shipment will reach you in due course
我们预不久将完成你方订货We expect to fill your order very soon
我方不得不要求你方将信用证展十五天,是由于最近舱位特别拥挤The reason why we have to ask you to extend the letter of credit for 15 days is that shipping space has recently been exceptionally congested
我方不能接受延付款条件We cannot accept payment on deferred terms
我方习惯做法是要求开立即信用证It is our usual practice to ask for sight L/C
我方客户不接受Our client won't accept forward shipment
我方查不出曾收到过注有该日的信件We can't trace any letter of that date
我方正待着你方的装船通知We're looking forward to your shipping advice
我方相信你方的巨大努力将产生预效果We believe your great efforts will yield the desired results
所得税申报最后日final date of filing
所报装太远The shipment offered is too far off
托运人远信用shipper's usance
执行日execution date
承包term of contract
技术引进人expectations by the technology recipient
指定业务洽谈的日assign a day for business negotiation
指定周period demand
指定日name the date
指本会计current expense
付息pay interest at regular intervals
付息pay interest on schedule
付费flat rate
按代收银行向伦敦开出的即汇票售出牌价付款payable at collecting bank's selling rate for sight drafts on London
按定租船契约租一条船secure a ship on time charter
按工程施工进度分支付款项progressive payment
按工程施工进度分支付款项payment by instalments
按工程施工进度分支付款项progress payment
按延付款的方法on deferred-payment terms
按晴天工作日计算,星日及假日除外weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
按月分付款monthly installment
按规定的限承包工作undertake to perform work within a time limit according to the stipulation
外汇交易change over (用于 hedging, swap transaction)
支付time of payment
支付到汇票meet a bill
收货时receiving period
放行日date of lease
放行日date of passing
数字周digit time (时间)
天与假日包括在内Sundays and holidays included
天和假日停止工作Sunday and holiday cessation of work
日与假日包括在内Sundays and holidays included
日与假日除外Sundays and holidays excepted
日与节假日除外亦缩为 SHEXSundays and holidays excepted
政府普通延偿债令general moratorium
最低预资本回收率cutoff discount rate
最后交割通知日last notice day
最大待时间storage cycle time
最早完工日earliest finish date
最近一期刊current issue of a magazine
限合同terminable contract
限年金terminable annuity
有些外国公司法对财政年度的开始与终止日有强制性规定Some foreign company laws lay down obligatory requirements about the commencing and terminal dates of the financial year
有关信用证必须在装运前一个月开立The relevant L/C must be established one month before the time of shipment
有效expiring date
有效expiration date
有效限估计useful life estimation
有效日date of availability
内所得税分摊tax allocation within a period
初亏欠deficit at the beginning of a period
初商品盘存merchandise initial inventory (与期末商品盘存(merchandise final inventory) 相对)
初账户opening account
前兑回溢价call premium (可赎债券 (redeemable bond) 于期前兑回时高于面值的部分)
待输岀值desired output
望值expectancy value
望值expectance value
望理论expectance theory
末余额balance at the term end
末值end-of-period value
末存货closing stocks
末存量closing stocks
末差额ending balance
末库存ending stock
末整付bullet payment
末调整adjustment at term end
满专利expired patent
亦缩为 P/N, pn, p.n.promissory note
票信贷advance on promissory notes
票簿note book
forward goods
合同交易trading of futures
货买卖人position trader (场上交易人 (floortrader), 有三类:代客买卖的经纪人 (floor broker),投机人 (speculator) (包括:当日交易人 (day trader),期货买卖人(position trader), 逐小利者 scalper))
货交割日forward value date
货交易中经纪人给履约的客户的清单difference account (盈亏通知书)
货交易场所trading pit
货价格forward price (与现货价格 (spot price) 相对)
货到期日forward maturities
货合同市场option market
货基本品级contract grade
货基本品级basic grade
商品交易所货市场terminal market
货抛出与买进选择权put and call option
货标准合同basic contract
货溢价contango of futures
货补进费用cover cost
货订单order for futures
货证券交易time bargain
成本间计划period project
未冲销uncovered position
未到保费unearned premium
未满业务转出portfolio transfer
到期应付债务current maturity
支岀current expenditure (指本会计期间)
收益revenue of the period
经营毛利current gross margin
本信用证有效至十二月三十一日止This letter of credit is valid until December 31
本安排为一年This arrangement is tenable for a period of one year
本报盘六月三十日前有效,过无效The offer will remain valid until June 30, after which date it becomes null and void
本报盘有效为一周This offer is firm for a week
本盘有效为七天This offer is valid for seven days from the date
调查标准基reference base period
核算accounting period
核算period of accounting
此报盘有效为一周This offer is open for a week
此报盘有效为五天The offer is good for five days
此盘有效为七天We'll keep the offer in force for seven days
汇票到time of maturity of the bill
汇票展prolongation of a bill
信用贷款cash credit
借款call money on call
借款money at call
利率rate of call
存于银行支票账户可直接用支票支取的存款demand deposit (与定期存款 (time deposit) 相对,比较 current deposit 活期存款,与定期存款(fixed deposit) 相对)
存款current deposit (与定期存款 (fixed deposit) 相对;比较 current demand deposit 活期存款,与定期存款 (time deposit) 相对,存于银行支票账户中的资金,可直接用支票支取)
往来账户current account
贷款call loan (与定期贷款 (term loan) 相对)
贷款demand ban (与定期贷款 (term loan) 相对)
贷款callable loan
贷款与透支demand loans and overdrafts
流动资金周转turnover period for circulating funds
清理过票据clean up past-due bills
港口装卸耽搁日数中星日除外Sundays excepted in laydays
物价经长跌落后重新回升After a long decline, prices are firming again
生产前时preproduction phase
生产周production phase
生产周operational cycle
生产技术准备周cycle of preparing production technology
生产提前production lead time
生长stage of growth
票支付股利日后再兑现的股票红利scrip dividend
由于生产速度加快,我方可作即交易We can do prompt delivery because of the increased tempo of our production
由卖方负担远汇票的贴现利息seller's usance
由当地拍卖商举行的拍卖延The auction to be held by the local auctioneers was postponed
码头免费使用free time allowed on the dock
确定definite duration (与无限期 (indefinite duration)相对)
确定装运日determine the date of shipment
票据到become due
票据到at maturity
票据到通知bill advice
票据到通知note notice
票据展renewal of notes
票据展renewal of bills
票据延提示deferred presentation of bills
签放日date of lease
签放日date of passing
合同签订日date of conclusion
简单生产周simple production cycle
ship's lists
shipping schedule
变动change of sailing
更改不另通知sans engagement de date
的任何延误将会引起困难Any delay in shipment will cause complications
开航sailing list
开航sailing schedule
sailing card
开航list of sailings
sailing and arriving schedule
营业周earnings cycle
补偿period of compensation
衰退stage of declining
要其长供货bargain with a producer for a constant supply of the articles
要求延长信用证有效request extension of credit validity
要约有效term of validity of offer
货物于七月一日发运,但提单日倒填为六月二十日The goods were shipped on July 1, but the B/L was backdated to June 30
货物必须在信用证满前装岀The goods must be shipped before the lapse of the L/C
质量和装都重要Quality and shipment are both important. We should not emphasize one and deemphasize the other
购一辆小汽车,按每月500美元分支付buy a car and pay for it by monthly installments of US $500
购置日date of acquisition (企业固定资产)
购进forward purchase (与销售期货(forward sale) 相对)
贷款清算的信用time of credit for settlement
资本主义时capitalist period
资本周转period of capital circulation
赊销credit term
赎回债券日与价格的通知redemption notice
起动周work-up period
起始日starting date
起止日beginning and ending dates
存单rollover certificate of deposit
选择权有效option period
折旧表lapsing schedule
递进基progressive base system
通知最短minimum period of notice
速遣费与滞费相同条款demurrage same despatch
拨款expired appropriation
支付overdue payment
罚金penalty for default
配合船的列车boat train
证券销售selling period
long sight
亏空chronic deficit
信用standing credit
借款funded debt (与流动债务 (floating debt) 相对,亦用 funded loan, 比较 loan fund 贷款资金)
债券long bonds
债务permanent debt
债务funded liability
债务与股本的比率long-term debt-equity ratio
债务补偿金offsets to long-term debt
债权long-term claims
存款permanent deposit
投资long-term investment (亦指资本资产 (capital asset))
投资permanent investment (亦指资本资产 (capital asset))
提成continuing royalties
期票papier long
汇票long-dated bill
汇票贴现率long rate
筹资long-term financing
融通资金longterm financing
计划long range plan
证券papier long
负债permanent liabilities
负担permanent burden
贷款利率long-term lending rate
资产long-term asset (指固定资产 (fixed asset))
资产负债表预测long-term projection
资本permanent capital (包括:股本 (equity),中长期负债 (long and medium-term liabilities) ,准备金(reserves))
资本市场capital market
趋势major movements
趋势major trends
连续交货spread delivery
连续损失保险spread loss cover
数字secular term
附可转让提单的即汇票sight draft with negotiable bill of lading attached
陆运阶段时on carriage period
time limited
dead line
除去星日与假日的晴天工作日数weather working days, Sundays and holidays excepted
需要延十天Ten-day postponement is required
非周性现象non-periodic phenomenon
项目发展周project development cycle (包括:投资前时期 (preinvestment phase)、投资时期 (investment phase)、生产时期 (operation phase))
项目存在life of project
项目存在lifetime of project
项目存在life span of project
项目完工日date of completion of the project
项目建设时project implementation phase
利润profits in expectance
利润desired profit
理论expectation theory
质量标准expected quality level
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