
Terms for subject Plastics containing | all forms
不作用inaction period
乳白creaming time
乳白cream time
人工老化preageing period
使用serviceable life
使用life length
使用service time
使用active life
保证使用guarantee period
停工inaction period
停留delay period
储存working life
储存storage life
充模周注塑时mould filling cycle
充模周filling cycle
加热间的压力pressure during heating time
动态长负荷dynamic long-term load
升温heating-up period
半结晶half crystallization time
压力保持周pressure holding phase
发泡周foaming cycle
可涂spreadable life
聚合反应secondary polymerization reaction
启用time suitable to moulding
吹塑成型周blow moulding cycle
吹塑成型周blow molding cycle
共聚periodic copolymerization
共聚物periodic copolymer
寿命试验cycling life test
性取样periodic sample
性试验periodic test
程序控制器program cycle controller
钻孔辊peripherally drilled roll
商品使用merchantable life
固化周curing cycle
存在life period
periodic overhaul
大修regular overhauling
循环timing cycle
检修regular overhauling
工作时stage of work
开模周opening period
循环注塑成型cycle time
循环cycle sequence
恒定周性疲劳试验pulsation test
感应induction period
成型周molding cycle
成型周moulding cycle
成型周mould cycle
成型周成型模shaping cycle
成型周时间moulding cycle time
成型周时间molding cycle time
故障inaction period
着色early colour
着色early color
未开动inaction period
机械周控制注塑机machine cycle monitoring
模塑周molding cycle
模塑周mould cycle
模塑周时间moulding cycle time
模塑周时间molding cycle time
注塑周injection moulding cycle
注塑周shot rate
注塑周shot cycle
注塑周injection molding cycle
注塑周injection cycle
浸涂delay period
热合周sealing cycle
热塑化周heating plasticizing period
疲劳应力周cycle ratio
蠕变short-term creep
试验short time test
负荷short-term load
隐定性辐射short term resistance
硫化周curing cycle
磨耗周abrasion cycle
纤维周fibre period
续压注塑时postcompression stage
老化塑料材料period of ageing
耐用life durability
蠕变屈服creep yield time
负载应力周cycle of load stressing
转化conversion period
转换时conversion period
杂志back number
适用黏合剂spreadable life
适用serviceable life
链增长chain growth period
使用性long-time service behaviour
储存permanent storage
加热prototype protracted heating
加热效应prolonged action of heat
受力long-term stressing
应力long-term stressing
应用permanent use
形变行为long-time deformation behaviour
性强度persistent strength
性能long-term performance
性能long-term behaviour
拉伸应力long-term tensile stress
热稳定性long-term thermal stability
燃烧试验long-time burning test
生产率permanent output
疲劳寿命long fatigue life
耐久性照射long term resistance
蠕变行为塑料材料long-time creep behaviour
行为long-term behaviour
试验long test
试验long time test
运转试验long-term run test
运转试验long run test
试验lengthy test
静负荷static long-term load
降解degradation period
预热周preheat cycle
预计使用endurance expectation
黏性tacky range
黏性压敏胶tack range