
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
下降指光合能力decline phase
两周过程two-period process
产品生命周product life cycle A product life cycle includes the following phases: acquisition of raw materials, production, packaging, distribution, use, recyling, and disposal (产品的生命周期包括以下几个阶段:原材料、生产、包装、销售、使用、回收和处理。)
holiday 1. A period in which a break is taken from work or studies for rest, travel or recreation 2. A day on which work is suspended by law or custom, such as a religious festival, bank holiday, etc. (1. 从工作或学习中停下来休息,旅游或娱乐的一段时间。 2.根据法律或习俗暂停工作一天,比如某个宗教节日,或者休假日等。)
全球气候研究计划全球能源与水资源周实验global energy and water cycle experiment
半衰half-life The time required for one-half the atoms of a given amount of radioactive material to undergo radioactive decay (定量的辐射性物质,其原子之数量经由辐射衰退为原来的一半所需的时间。)
性过程batch process
轮伐矮林coppice A growth of small trees that are repeatedly cut down at short intervals; the new shoots are produced by the old stumps (在短期内被重覆砍伐的小型树种栽种区;新的幼芽从原有的残枝生长出来。)
平均寿命预average life expectancy
生效carry-over effect Effect caused by the successive passages of polluting substances through the different organisms of a food chain (在食物链中污染物质通过不同的生物体的连续过程所引起的效果。)
强迫休眠enforced rest stage
识别标准criteria for early recognition
最活跃时most active period
有限区域中预报系统limited area mesoscale prediction system
材料生命周material life cycle All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materials (涉及材料的制造、分发、零售、使用、再利用和维护、回收和废物管理等所有阶段。)
欧洲中天气预报中心European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts
水分不稳定hydrolabile phase (phasis hydrolabilis)
水周性现象hydroperiodism (hydroperiodismus)
水周hydroperiodic (hydroperiodicus)
水蒸气强度观测周water vapor intensive observing period
污染的长效应long-term effect of pollutants
潜伏latent period
火势继续燃烧时extra burning period
火灾-水灾周fire-flood cycle
生产周管理life-cycle management Management of all the stages involved in the life of a product such as raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management, in order to create less environmentally harmful products (对产品在生命周期中涉及的所有阶段的管理,如原材料采购、制造、分销及零售、使用和再利用、维护、废物管理和回收,以减少环境方面有害的产品。)
生命周life cycle The phases, changes, or stages through which an organism passes throughout its lifetime (生物体在其一生中经历的阶段、变更或时期。)
生物周biological cycle A series of transformations or biological events which follow one after the other one, reaching at the end of the cycle the initial conditions, as in the life cycle of many animal and plant organisms (从初始状态开始到达周期结束又达到初始条件的过程中的一系列生物事件的转换,正如许多动物和植物的生命周期。)
直接早immediate early phase
衰亡指细胞生长曲线decline phase
适应adaptation period
效应long-term effect Effects which will last long after the cause has ceased (在原因停止后将会长期持续的影响。)
火灾危险long-term fire danger
环境胁迫long-term environmental stress
生长抑制素long-term retardant
试验long-term experiment 1. Experiment lasting for a relatively long period of time. 2. Experiment whose results become effective after a long period of time (1. 持续相对较长一段时间的试验。 2. 其实验效果将会持续很长一段时间的试验。)
趋势long-term trend The prevailing tendency or general direction expected for some observed value over a lengthy and extended period of time, often determined by studying and analyzing statistical data (通过一段很长时间的观测值来预期流行倾向或总体方向,往往通过研究和分析统计数据而确定。)
预报long-term forecasting The act or process of predicting and calculating the likely conditions or occurrences for an extended and future point in time, often involving the study and analysis of pertinent data (为未来的时间点的预测和计算最可能的情况或事件的行为或过程,往往涉及对现在数据的研究和分析。)