
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
一次开采primary life
一级周first-order cycle
蠕变tertiary creep
上跨零线波浪周zero upcrossing wave period
不同沉积noncontemporaneous deposit
不定维修unscheduled maintenance
不定装船indefinite shipment
不定货轮tramp vessel
不整合前层序pre-unconformity sequence
不整合后盖层post-unconformity cap rock
不稳态流动晚late-transient period
债券medium-term bond
形成期mesogenetic stage
成岩作用middle diagenesis
成岩阶段anadiagenetic stage
预报midrange forecast
中子有效寿effective neutron lifetime
中新一渐新世时Mio-Oligocene age
中温Medithermal period
中生代植物Mesophyticum period
主生油principal phase of oil formation
伊利诺冰Illinoian period
休眠resting stage
优地槽岩浆活动pliomagmatic activity
会计概念periodicity concept (of accounting)
体周时间bank cycle time
作业周working cycle
作业周duty cycle
使用under-stream period
使用life time
使用周life cycle
使用寿命周费用life cycle cost
停工shut-down period
停工down time
停机shut-down period
偿债展期限grace period
偿还倒数法pay back reciprocal method
偿还maturity period
充填周pack period
充气周recharge cycle
位移preexisting displacement
凝固premature set
固砂pre-sand consolidation
脱水premature dehydration
裸眼完井initial openhole completion
防砂precompletion sand control
防砂initial sand control
先导性试验life of pilot
工作权益full-term working interest
收益率yield to maturity
全租让合同life-of-lease contract (合同期与天然气出售者租地有效期相同的购气合同)
关井shut-in period
关井closed-in time
关井前稳定生产pre-shut-in constant-rate period
关键预报critical period forecasting
养护solidifying period
养护curing time
subs tage
付款payment by installment
偿付债券installment bond
规划step-by-step plan
分数表示的半衰fractional halftime
early stage
产量initial production
压实阶段initial compaction stage
富集作用incipient enrichment
开发阶段initial development phase
强度early strength
微震preliminary tremor
投资initial investment
投资front-end investment
抽汲产量initial production swabbing
抽油产量initial production pumping
液泛点initial flooding point
破裂incipient fracture
自喷产量initial potential flowrate
蠕变transient creep
裂缝incipient fracture
裂缝incipient crack
试验initial test
资本支出initial capital outlay
初产early production period
初冰anaglacial stage
初凝initial setting time
初次成油first-formed oil
日收益率yield to maturity
投资front-end investment
电阻率early time resistivity
研究advanced research
前北方Preboreal period
前吹foreblow period
前植prevegetation time
剩余开釆remaining productive life
区域准周regional paracycle
升沉周period of heave
贷款额half-life loan value
半衰half life period
卡里亚冰Cary glacial substage
印支Indo-Chinese epoch
on call
装船prompt shipment
合同duration of the contract
合同contract term
合理工reasonable time limit for construction
吉尔伯特倒转Gilbert reversed epoch
吉尔伯特反向Gilbert reversed epoch
三角洲-海底扇对contemporaneous delta-submarine fan couples
侵蚀contemporaneous erosion
冰川作用contemporaneous glaciation
冰蚀contemporaneous glaciation
isochron layer
异相contemporaneous difference facies
断裂作用simultaneous faulting
显微共生结构implication texture
沉积synchronous deposit
沉积contemporaneous deposit
深成岩体synchronous pluton
界线synchronous boundary
运移synchronous migration
同构造剪切带syntectonic shear zone
同构造碎屑楔状体syntectonic clastic wedge
同构造结晶作用syntectonic crystallization
同沉积断层synsedimentary fault
同沉积断裂作用synsedimentary faulting
同相异allochron-coeval facies
同相异same facies difference time
同造山synorogenic period
同造山岩浆活动synorogenic magmatism
同造山深成岩体synorogenic pluton
同造山盆地synorogenic basin
强度later strength
形成孔隙度telogenetic porosity (专指碳酸盐岩在地下水面之上所成的孔隙性)
形成期telogenetic stage
数据late time data
火山epigenetic volcano
火山作用epigenetic volcanism
upper (地层)
蚀变paulopost alteration
裸眼完井final open hole completion
后休伦造山epi-Huronian orogenic period
后冰late glacial
后阿尔冈造山epi-Algonkian orogenic period
含水采油water-cut oil production period
吸入周imbibition cycle
吹灰周blowing period
元素period element
冰荷载cyclic ice load
函数频率frequency of periodic function
变化彩色顺序oscillating colour sequence
图表cyclographic diagram
定时装置cycle timer
序列periodic sequence
再生式反应器cyclic reactor
性下沉periodic settling
性刻度误差periodic calibration error
性开采法cyclic recovery process
性微生物釆油法cyclic microbial recovery
性断层作用intermittent faulting
性注入cyclic injection
性注采cyclic injection-production
性计量periodic metering
性计量periodic measurement
性误差periodic error
性除泥periodic desilting
性零值误差cyclic zero error
抽样periodic sampling
振动periodic oscillation
振荡periodic oscillation
时间cycling time
时间periodic time
时间cycle length
格值误差periodic calibration error
注水cyclic waterflooding
注汽量cyclic steam injection volume
注蒸汽cyclic steam stimulation
注蒸汽cyclic steam injection
润滑periodic lubrication
cycle ratio
瞬变现象periodic transient
periodic family
系数periodic coefficient
脉冲序列periodic pulse train
脉冲群periodic pulse train
periodic chart
试井periodic well test
谐振periodic resonance
载荷cyclic loading
边界条件periodic boundary condition
钻速periodic drilling rate
随机过程periodic random process
地壳运动orocratic period
地形幼年topographic infancy
地槽后沉降post-geosynclinal subsidence
地槽后海沟post-geosynclinal trench
地磁极性geomagnetic polarity epoch
地质同geologic synchronism
地质时geologic time
地质时geologic epoch
堆积accumulational stage
堪萨斯冰Kansan period
复位周reset cycle
外汇futures exchange
构造活动multiphase tectonic activity
运移multistage migration
多日摄影术multidate photography
大冰great glacial epoch
大冰great ice age
大干燥great interpluvial period
大间冰great interglacial period
大间雨great interpluvial period
大陆扩展geocratic phase
大雨great pluvial period
天文时pregeologic time
天然气货合同natural gas futures contract
威斯康星冰Wisconsin period
存储周memory cycle
存档周grandfather cycle
school term
小冰medithermal age
小冰little ice age
少壮adolescence stage
少雨brief rain period
exhibition period
布吕克讷周Bruckner cycle
布吕根Bruggen age
布容正向Brunhes normal epoch
干温Xerothermic period
干热气候xerothermal period
干燥dry epoch
干燥周drying cycle
平台使用分析in-place analysis of platform
幼年juvenile stage
开发development phase
开发development period
开发后production tail
开工on-stream period
开工间维修on-stream maintenance
开工周on-stream time
开拓development stage
开釆production life
开釆productive life
开釆初early production period
开釆周production cycle
开钻日spud date
引发induction period
引导lead time
收益current yield
收益率current yield
费用period charge
形变前沉积物pre-deformational sediment
恒等周identity period
成岩早孔隙eogenetic porosity
成岩早阶段eogenetic stage
成煤coal forming period
成熟mature phase
成熟maturity stage
成矿时mineralization period
成长growth stage
截标bid due date
持续extended period
指数生长exponential phase
生产serial production
振幅周比率amplitude to period ratio
振荡周duration of oscillation
换油oil change interval
换油drain intervals
换油oil draining period
换油周drain period
摆动周roll period
显生phanerozoic age
不稳态流动阶段late-transient period
强度later strength
形成late formation
成岩作用late diagenesis
效应paulopost effect
late-time regime
late-time portion
生物气late bacterial gas
造山幕late-orogenic phase
晚冰late glacial period
晚冰kataglacial period
晚地槽构造作用late-geosynclinal tectogenesis
晚地槽运动late-geosynclinal movement
晚岩浆蚀变late-magmatic alteration
晚成熟late mature stage
晚旋回地槽late-cycle geosyncline
晚构造花岗岩serokinematic granite
晚泥盆纪前时pre-Late Devonian age
晚近冰late glaciation period
晚近地质时late geological time
晚造山late-orogenic stage
晚造山花岗岩serorogenic granite
景气周prosperity period
最低望收益率hurdle rate
最低望收益率minimum desired rate of return
最低预服役温度lowest anticipated service temperature
最后冰last glaciation period
最短承约minimum commitment time
月运周lunar cycle
有效expiry date
有效valid period
有效使用effective service life
有效日availability date
中损益表interim income statement
中财务报表interim financial statement
初余额opening balance
初库存opening inventory
望值内部收益率expected internal rate of return
望值准则expectation criterion
望值方差expectation variance
望后悔值expected regret value
望容许度desired tolerance
望效用值expected utility
望曲线expectation curve
望正态频数expected normal frequency
望水平expectancy level
望生产量desired output
望的均方值expected mean square
望算子expectation operator
望输出值deseed output
望边际利润expected marginal profit
望边际损失expected marginal loss
望限度desired tolerance
望风险expected risk
末审计final audit
末库存ending inventory
租合同time charter party
租船time charter
货汇兑市场forward exchange market
未到债务unmatured debt
未到负债unmatured liabilities
未熟immature phase
产量tail production
末冰kataglacial period
产量production of current period
生产成本production cost of current period
本年到长期债务current maturity of long-term debt
机器工作周machine cycle
松山倒转Matsuyama reversed epoch
松山反向Matsuyama reversed epoch
标定周calibration interval
桑加门间冰Sangamon period
模塑周moulding cycle
横摇周roll period
横摇周period of roll
民德一里斯间冰Mindel-Riss period
民德冰Mindel period
气举周gas lift cycle
气候恶劣climatic pessimum
气化周gas-marking period
水位上升rising water stage
水气交替注入周WAG cycle
水洗采油flushed production period
汽油gasoline futures
汽油可储存storage life of gasoline
汽油氧化诱导gasoline breakdown time
洗井周purge period
洪水overflow stage
洪积时Pluvial age
贷款money at call
活化稳定性pot stability
测压早资料early pressure information
海洋thalassocratic period
海洋扩张海面thalassocratic sea level
海西造山运动Hercynian orogeny
海进transgression phase
清扫scavenging period
清算日date of settlement
温暖Megathermal period
潜伏incubation period
潮浸period of covering
潮退period of uncovering
生产production phase
生产production period
生产后production tail
生物早警告biological early warning
生长活跃时active growing period
破裂breakup phase
稳产plateau production period
稳产stable production period
稳产period of stabilized production
稳定产量plateau production rate
稳定产量settled production
稳态周振荡steady periodic oscillation
等半周信号波equal-alternation wave
等周线equivalent periodic line
等额分付款equal instalment payment
筹备lead time
米兰科维奇周Milankovitch cycles
索赔claim period
老化周digestion period
老化周aging period
老年old age
老年old stage
聚煤coal forming period
聚集accumulative phase
脉冲周recurrence interval
脉冲重复周pulse repetition cycle
营养vegetation period
萧条slack period
董事任term of office of direc tors
衣阿华冰Iowan glacial stage
表观波周apparent wave period
衰化周aging period
衰老senescence phase
褶皱folding period
贡兹Gunzian age (第四纪初期)
贡兹一民德间冰Gunz-Mindel interglacial period
贷款credit period
起伏周cycle of fluctuation
起算日zero date
适用Pot Hfe
递减depletion period
递减decline period
债务overdue debt
罚款delay penalty
贷款overdue loans
上升secular rise
使用特性long-life performance
债券long period bond
停产long shutdown
合同委托加工contract third-party processing
平均成本曲线long-run average cost curve
平衡secular equilibrium
开采long-term production
战略long-range strategy
掉格long-term drift
沉降secular sinking
活动断层long-lived fault
测试long-term test
生产long-term production
生产能力long-term productivity
缓慢上升secular upheaval
缓慢沉降secular subsidence
贷款long term loan
趋势long-term tendency
防砂有效sand control life
阶地Terraci an
阶地Terrace epoch
阿勒罗德间冰Allerod stage
阿夫顿间冰Aftonian age
阿尔卑斯造山运动alpine age orogeny
阿尔岗后造山阶段epi-Algonkian orogenic period
阿尔戈夫Argovian age
阿布维尔Abbevillian age
阿森特过渡Assyntic transition
陈化周aging period
降压周depressure cycle
限制日limiting date
静态投资回收static payback time
静止repose period
静测死stationary dead period
望信号undesired signal
非同叠加弧形构造nonsynchronous superposed arcuate structure
非周信号nonperiodic signal
非周函数nonperiodic function
非周性变化non-cyclic variation
非周放电dead-beat discharge
非周aperiodic wave
非运行inoperative period
非造山anorogenic time
魏克塞尔冰Weichselian period
魏克塞尔冰Weichsel period
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