
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
愈合primary healing
一过性周性巩膜外层炎episcleritis periodica fugax
分裂metaphase of cell division
引产induction of labour in second trimester
染色体metaphase chromosome
中年心理卫生adult mental health
乳癌分stages of breast cancer
愈合secondary healing
愈合前庭成形术secondary epithelization vestibuloplasty
产褥出血puerperal bleeding
产褥精神病puerperal psychosis
传染infection period
侵袭invasive stage
健康预寿命active life expectancy
儿童疾病childhood disease
全收缩杂音pansystolic murmur
全收缩杂音holosystolic murmur
全麻分stage of general anesthesia
全麻分depth of general anesthesia
兴奋stage of excitation
农药安全间隔safety interval of pesticide pollution
减数分裂reduction division phase
分娩护理nursing care during delivery
有丝分裂mitotic phase
有丝分裂M phase
前列腺癌分stages of prostate cancer
前驱prodromal period
半衰half-life time (Tl/2)
卡内基分Streeter developmental horizons
卡内基分Carnegie stages
合成synthetic phase DNA
合线synaptene stage
分裂anaphase of cell division
反应late phase reaction
内线intraperiod line
性动眼神经麻痹cyclic oculomotor nerve palsy
性流行periodic epidemicity
性瘫痪periodic paralysis
性精神病periodic psychosis
正中性出血mid-cycle bleeding
rhythm method
器官发生organogenetic period
围产保健perinatal care
围产孕妇管理perinatal maternal management
围产心脏病perinatal heart disease
围产死亡率perinatal mortality
围产监护perinatal monitoring
围生perinatal period
围生心脏病perinatal heart disease
围生死亡率perinatal mortality
均等分裂equational division phase
外科麻醉stage of surgical anesthesia
多尿diuresis stage
女性更年female climacteric
妇女健康分教育education by period of woman health
妊娠trimester of pregnancy
妊娠中的子宫无痛性收缩Braxton Hicks contraction
妊娠肝损害hepatic lesion in pregnancy
妊娠中second trimester of pregnancy
妊娠中mid trimester of pregnancy
妊娠早early trimester of pregnancy
妊娠晚third trimester of pregnancy
妊娠晚late trimester of pregnancy
婴儿infancy stage
子宫内膜癌分stages of endometrial cancer
子宫颈癌分stages of cervical cancer
胎儿宫内监护fetal monitoring
孕早产前诊断first trimester prenatal diagnosis
学步toddler stage
学龄school age stage
学龄前preschool stage
安全计算法calendar rhythm method
射血前preejection phase, PEP
幼儿toddler stage
康复护理nursing care of convalescence
心房早收缩atrial premature contraction
急性进行acute progressive period
性反应周sex reaction cycle
恢复convalescent period
恢复病原携带者carrier in convalescent period
憩室前prediverticular stage
成串前收缩salvo premature beat
成对前收缩couplets premature beat
抗体半衰antibody half life
手术elective operation
排卵出血ovulation bleeding
控制周controlled cycle
收缩前向活动systolic anterior motion
收缩前奔马律presystolic gallop
收缩前杂音presystolic murmur
收缩喀喇音systolic click
收缩喷射喀喇音systolic ejection click
收缩末压end-systolic pressure
收缩末容积end-systolic volume
收缩末容积指数end-systolic volume index
收缩高血压systolic hypertension
收缩中杂音、mid-systolic murmur
收缩早喷射音early systolic ejection sound
收缩早杂音early systolic murmur
收缩时间间systolic time interval
放射性同位素有效半衰radioisotope effective halflife
放射性同位素生物半衰radioisotope biological halflife
放射性核素半衰radionuclide halflife
敏感时sensitive period
斯特里特发育分Streeter developmental horizons
斯特里特发育分Carnegie stages
新生耐受neonatal tolerance
下床活动early ambulation
充盈early filling
减速early deceleration
后除极early after-depolarization
妊娠胎盘placenta of early pregnancy
尿毒症early stage uremia
教育early education
核辐射early nuclear radiation
流产early abortion
产后出血late postpartum hemorrhage
减速late deceleration
妊娠胎盘placenta of late pregnancy
尿毒症late-stage uremia
流产late abortion
更年保健climacteric hygiene
最大加速maximum acceleration phase
月经保健教育education of health during menstruation
分裂telophase of cell division
桑葚胚morula stage
活跃停滞protracted active phase
活跃宫口扩张停滞protracted active phase dilatation
活跃延长prolonged active phase
潜伏病原携带者carrier incubation period
濒死护理care of the dying
烧伤后代谢分phases of metabolism after burn
焦痂分离stage of eschar separation
生物半减biological half life
生精上皮周cycle of seminiferous epithelium
男性更年male climacteric
男性更年障碍male climacteric disturbance
病变活动active pathological process period
症状明显period of apparent manifestation
癌症早发现法early discovering method of cancer
睡眠周sleep cycle
培养short term culture
神经胚neurula stage
移行migratory stage
等容舒张isovolumic relaxation phase
终末固缩肾end-stage-contracted kidney
终末囊泡terminal sac period
经前premenstrual phase
经前紧张premenstrual tension
结肠、直肠癌分stages of colon and rectal cancer
绝对青光眼absolute glaucoma
绝经综合征menopausal syndrome
老年精神病senile psychosis
老年前痴呆presenile dementia
老年前精神病presenile psychosis
昏迷前hepatic precoma
育龄child-bearing period
肺动脉瓣区柔和舒张杂音Graham-Steell murmur
肺癌分stages of lung cancer
肿瘤病理分pathologic stages of tumour
fetal stage
fetal period
胎儿大小不足妊娠small for gestational age
胎儿大小与妊娠相符appropriate for gestational age
胎儿大小超过妊娠LGA large for gestational age
胎儿大小超过妊娠large for gestational age
胎盘早剥离abruption placentae
胎盘早剥离护理nursing care of placenta abruptio
自发性舒张除极spontaneous diastolic depolarization
致畸临界critical period to teratogenic agent
致畸危险critical period to teratogenic agent
致畸敏感sensitive period to teratogenic agent
舒张奔马律diastolic gallop rhythm
舒张心包叩击音diastolic pericardial knock
舒张末压end-diastolic pressure
舒张末容积指数end-diastolic volume index
舒张中杂音mid-diastolic murmur
舒张早奔马律protodiastolic gallop
舒张早奔马律early diastolic gallop rhythm
舒张早杂音early diastolic murmur
萌出囊肿eruption cyst
蕾状bud stage
诱导stage of induction
诱导stage of analgesia
谵妄stage of excitation
产儿post-term infant
妊娠prolonged pregnancy
妊娠postterm pregnancy
远端潜伏distal latency
避孕安全safety period for contraception
配对间coupling interval
醒睡周sleep-wake cycle
钟状bell stage
镇痛stage of induction
镇痛stage of analgesia
护理模式long term nursing model
照料long term care
长 Q-T 间综合征long Q-T syndrome
Q-T 间Q-T interval
手术limited operation
青春adolescent stage
青春修饰美graceful dressing of puberty
青春功能性子宫出血pubertal dysfunctional uterine bleeding
青春妊娠teenage pregnancy
青春妊娠adolescent pregnancy
青春性意识pubertal consciousness
青春pubertal diseases
青春龈炎puberty gingivitis
青春龈炎pubertal gingivitis
青春前牙周炎prepuberty periodontitis
预产expected date of confinement
高尔基Golgi phase
过短short luteal phase
鼻周nasal cycle