
Terms for subject Consulting containing | all forms
发展规划interim development plan
人权问题定报告特设委员会Ad hoc Committee on Periodic Reports on Human Rights
仿制落后imitation lag
先前报价和日previous quotation and date
土地费recurring land charges
切断日cut-off date
创办日date of incorporation
固定投资initial fixed investment costs
总投资total initial investment
询价preliminary enquiry
询问preliminary enquiry
资金投资initial capital investment
基本日base date
维修routine maintenance
付款期deferred-credit terms
建筑周building cycles
德意志联邦共和国赫尔梅公司Hermes of Federal Republic of Germany
投产前时preproduction phase
投标tender period
整个项目使用the lifespan of the projects
施工拖construction delays
最初的市场渗透时initial market-penetration period
合伙公司joint association
合伙公司joint venture
放款利率Lombard rate
赎回redemption period
锤还repayment period
除去星deduct sundays
项目使用the lifetime of the project
项目发展周project development cycle
项目周the project cycle
项目总工project duration