
Terms for subject Business containing 期望 | all forms | in specified order only
不确定条件下的期望expected value under uncertainty
个人期望几率individual expectancy probability
个人期望几率图individual expectancy probability diagram
个人期望几率图individual expectancy probability graph
个人期望几率图individual expectancy probability chart
中期展望medium-term outlook
中期经济展望medium-term economic outlook
中期经济展望medium-range economic outlook
修正概率后的期望利润矩阵expected profit matrix with revised probabilities
先前期望利润率prior expected profit
期望收益net expected gain
卡根适应性期望模式Cagan's adaptive expectation model
厂商销储期望manufacturer's sales and inventory expectations
合理而殷切的期望justified and anxious expectation
完备信息期望expected value of perfect information
市场调查净期望expected net gain of the survey
期望total expected value
技术接受者的期望expectations by the technology recipient
技术经济期望值法method for anticipating value of technological economy
效用期望值与货币期望值expected value of utility and money
效用数学期望原则principle of mathematical expectation for utility
旅客期望traveler's desire
无条件期望unconditional expectation
无条件期望unconditional expected value
最大期望maximizing expected value
最大期望maximum expected value
最大期望利润maximum expected profit
最大化期望利润maximizing expected profit
最小期望损失minimize expected loss
最小期望机会损失minimum EOL
有限期望finite expectation
期望价值算子expected value operator
期望价格expected cost
期望使用时间service-time expected
期望expectant value
企业破产期望列入资产抵债expected to rank
期望利润保险expected profit insurance
期望利润准则expected profit criterion
期望利润最大化expected profit maximization
期望利润矩阵expected profit matrix
期望利率expected rate of interest
期望利率expected interest rate
期望到期价值expected terminal value
期望变速箱性能mission expected worth
期望合格批量expected number of lots to qualification
期望向量expected vector
期望因子expectation factor
期望定律law of expectation
期望平均数expected mean
期望平均数估计estimate of expected mean
期望弹性elasticity of expectation
期望影响desired impact
期望成绩aspiration achievement
期望投资收益率expected rate of return on investment
期望报酬expected reward
期望收入平均数average of expected incomes
期望收益率expected rate of return
期望效用最大化expected utility maximization
期望服务率expected service rate
期望标准成本expected standard cost
期望正常成绩expected normal scores
期望状态expectation states
期望expected rate
期望结果expected results
期望缺货expected shortage
期望股市下跌的经纪人bearish stock market operator
期望能力expected capacity
期望节约expected saving
期望获利能力expected profitability
期望质量水平expected quality level
期望项目desire lines
未确定条件下的期望盈利expected profit under uncertainty
本系统内期望expected number in the system
机构期望几率图institutional expectancy chart
消费者购买期望consumer buying expectation
渐进期望asymptotic expectation
短期展望short-range prospect
短期展望short-range outlook
确定条件下的期望expected value under certainty
确定条件下的期望盈利expected profit under certainty
自我实现期望self-realizing expectation
自适应期望模型adaptive expectation model
调查信息期望expected value of the survey information
较长期市场展望longer-term market outlook
边际期望marginal waiting
迹的期望expectation of a trace
适应期望adaptive expectation
适应期望假设adaptive expectation hypothesis
适应期望回归方程adaptive expectation regression equation
通货膨胀期望inflationary expectation
期望扰动zero expected disturbance
期望变差unexpected variation
非零期望nonzero expectation
高层角色期望high-level role expectation