
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
世界经济展the world economic outlook
世界经济展world economic outlook
中期展medium outlook
为了符合我们扩大业务的愿,我们已决定接受你方为代理人In conformity with our desire to enlarge business, we have decided to accept you as our agent
买主已对原料价格大幅下降不再抱有希The buyers have relinquish-ed their hope for a sharp fall in the price of material
买方的偿付能力应得到有声的银行的认可The solvency of the purchaser should be subject to approval by a reputable bank
人类的欲human wants
他们可以指他们的总公司予以支持They can reckon om the support of their head office
他们委托你方安排保险事宜,但他们希该货保综合险They leave the insurance arrangement to you but they wish to have the goods covered against All Risks
他们希你方认真考虑质量,执行合同They hope you will seriously take the quality into account and execute the contract
他们希我们与你方合作销售这种新产品They hope we will cooperate with you in selling this new product
他们希我们紧密合作制造这种产品They hope we will have a close cooperation in manufacturing this product
他们希我们经常光顾They look forward to our constant custom
他们希我方的继续合作They look forward to our continued cooperation
他们希能得到我公司的大笔定单They hope that they can got large orders from our corporation
他们希这批货物能完好无损抵达目的地They hope that the goods arrive at the destination in perfect condition
他们渴政府采取措施促进贸易复苏They keenly expect the government to introduce measures to revive trade
他们渴贸易早日恢复They keenly expect an early revival of trade
他们盼你对此事立即办理They expect you to give this matter your immediate attention
他在羊毛行业方面颇有名He is very well known in the wool trade
令人而却步的高价prohibitive price
令人失的财政结果the pessimistic financial outcome (财务成果)
你们在首批订货时的友好态度可带来多次续订You can expect your friendliness in this initial order will bring about many repeats
你方提供货物的质量低于我们所期的样品标准You have supplied goods inferior to the standard we expected from the samples
你方10日电传费解,你方用较清楚的措词重述Your telefax of the 10th is unintelligible We would like you to repeat in clearer terms
你方第27号订单的货物可在下月初装运Your Indent No. 27 is expected to be shipped at the beginning of next month
保险事宜由你方办理,但他们希这些物品保综合险The insurance arrangements are done by you, but they look forward to the articles covered against all risks
信息完整的期expected value of perfect information
全体职工的愿要服从公司的目标The wishes of the personnel are subordinate to the company's aims
公共交通设施可以被每一个希旅行的人所利用Public facilities for communication can be utilized by everyone who wants to travel
信贷分析5要素公司管理人和股权人、借款目的、还款能力、还款保障、贷款前景展People, Purpose, Payment, Protection, Perspective
共同愿common aspiration
关于这笔定货,我方希这批货尽快装运With reference to the order we hope to have the goods shipped as soon as possible
几家最有声的银行the most prestigious banks
发言人不希把他议论审计员的话收入会议记录The speaker wanted his remarks about the auditor not to be minuted
可满足欲satiable want
合理的期rational expectations
因这些空调器都相当昂贵,我希你在为家里选购时要很慎重As these air conditioners are very expensive, I wish you choose for your family with much discretion
刊名国际能源政策展International Energy Policy Perspectives
美国《国际销售展International Market Insights
在过去两个月中我厂生产的真空吸尘器销售额急剧下降,我们对此颇感失We are rather disappointed that the sale of the vacuum cleaners made by our factory has shown a sharp decrease for the past two months
城市规划愿prospects for urban planning
城市规划愿prospect for urban planning
角路线Cape route
如果双方有良好的愿,签定提供成套设备的合同是可能的Given mutual goodwill n., it is possible to sign a contract for the supply of complete equipment
完整信息的期expected value with perfect information
客户切得到你方的报价和样品The clients are very anxious to get your offers and samples
对于这个已接近成交的买主,他盼尽快恢复与之谈判He is looking forward to reinstating negotiations as soon as possible with such purchaser which has ripen into a transaction
国际市场形势envisage the international market situation
已经找到一个销售我们产品的有希的门路A prospective avenue for the sale of our products has been located
市场继续处于不稳定状态,我们最好持观态度We'd better wait and see during the continuance of the unstable market
你们在这方面的努力会有收获We hope your endeavours in this respect will prove fruitful
你方不遗余力地延长租借期限It is hoped that you will spare no efforts to renew the lease
你方给我们一个即期装运的报盘We hope you will make us an offer for prompt shipment
利润the aspired profit
厂方在如此短的时间内把我方的订货装船是不合理的It is unreasonable to expect the factory to get our order shipped in so short a time
对新产品进行宣传推广,使人们愿意购买It's desired to promote the acceptance of the new products by means of advertising
情势desired state of affairs
的特性desirable features
贵方调査机器故障原因You are expected to look into the cause of the breakdown of the machine
贵方这次采取主动,弥补差距We hope you will take the initiative to bridge the gap
平均期损失average expected loss
年度期损失annual expected loss
年度期损失费用annual expected loss cost
年度能源展annual energy outlook
很遗憾,这位代表的答复令人失I regret to say that the representative's reply is disappointing
得悉运到我方的瓷砖中有相当数量已损坏,令人失It was disappointing to learn that quite a few ceramic tiles sent to us were damaged
效用prospective utility
will (或意愿)
路线desire lines
我们从不指这种异常的繁荣We never depend on any return of such unusual boom
我们写此信是希与你方建立业务关系We are writing you with the view to establishing business relations
我们希以后能以较低价格购进棉花We are hopeful of being able to buy the cotton at lower price later
我们希你们考虑我们对恢复这个报盘的请求We hope you will consider our request for a renewal of the offer
我们希你们能认识到这种双方妥协的方案是解决困难的切实可行的办法We hope you will realize that this compromise on both parties is a practicable solution of the difficulty
我们希你方在促进国际贸易中起带头作用We hope you will take the lead in promoting international trade
我们希你方按如此变动重新报盘We hope you will renew your offer subject to such alterations
我们希你方继续努力使业务成交We hope that you will continue your efforts in pushing the business through
我们希你方能抓住这次投资机遇We hope you will be able to catch this investment opportunity
我们希你的报盘能被接受We are hopeful about getting your offer accepted
我们希其质量和数量都符合合同规定We hope that their quality and quantity should be in conformity with the contract stipulations
我们希利用中东的石油资源We hope to exploit the oil resources in the Middle East
我们希在今后的业务交往中继续与你方保持友好的关系We wish to enjoy friendly relations with you in future business intercourse
我们希市场很快会好转We hope that the market will soon take a favourable turn
我们希成为新式医疗器械的首批大规模生产者之一We hope to be among the first to produce the new medical appliances on a great scale
我们希我们所做的能有助于加强我们的关系We hope what we have done will help to strengthen our relations
我们希明年在我们之间能做成一笔更大的买卖We hope that we will do a larger dealing between us next year
我们希有幸与你方合作We hope to have the privilege of cooperating with you
我们希本公司的新产品系列会增加我们的市场份额We hope our new product range will boost our market share
我们希此次延误不会影响你方安装机器We hope that this delay will not influence your installing the machines
我们希此货将及早到达你处We hope the goods will reach you in good time
我们希物价大涨之风就快结束It is our hope that the big bulge in price is about over
我们希能与你们建立长期的业务关系We hope that we can establish business relations with you on a long-term basis
我们希能很快回收我们的保值投资We hope our safe investments can be recouped quickly
我们希能看到你方在报上登广告宣传的那种车床的操作演示We should be pleased to see a demonstration of the lathe advertised by you on the newspapers
我们希该控股公司的股票很快会反弹We hope shares of the holding company will rally soon
我们希迅速办理手头的询盘We hope to dispatch the inquiries at hand
我们希这一建议你方能接受,并期待早日答复We hope that this proposal will be acceptable to you, and await your early reply
我们希这一措施将有助于你方的推销We hope this measure will facilitate your efforts in sales
我们希这些货一次运送We hope that these cargoes are delivered in one shipment
我们希,这笔首次交易将带来今后的大宗买卖This initial transaction, we hope, will lead to future volume business
我们希这项投标应附有一份投标保证书We expect the bid to be accompanied by a bid guarantee
我们希通过空邮获悉你方指示We hope to your instructions by airmail
我们指你方能维护我们股东利益We look to you to safeguard the interest of our shareholders
我们是信誉卓著的会计公司,希你们充分利用我们的服务As a reputable firm of accountants, we wish you to avail yourselves of our service
我们有希在最近把这件事搞清楚,所以希望你方暂不作最后决定As we have hopes of getting this matter cleared up in the near future we would ask you to do nothing final yet
我们有幸自荐,盼能与你们建立业务关系We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope of entering into business relations with you
我们期从电视广告中得到良好反响We are counting on getting a good response from TV advertising
我们期圣诞节后重新开始大规模的购货We expect a resumption of large-scale purchase after Christmas
我们注意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希与你方继续发展经常的关系We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you
我们渴寻求一位代理商来处理我们对贵国的出口贸易事宜We are earnestly looking for an agent to handle our export trade with your country
我们盼下月将得到我方代理人的支票We are expecting a check from our agent next month
我们盼你在不久的将来能向我们报此货We look forward to your ability to offer us this article in not too distant future
我们盼完全回收投资的款项We look forward to the complete recovery of the money invested
我们盼能有机会同你方合作,扩展你方业务We hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension
我们真诚希30天展期有助于你摆脱当前困境We earnestly hope that the extension of 30 days will help you out of your present embarrassment
我们认为结局不会违反我们的愿We dont think the end will be contrary to our wish
我们非常盼和你们开始建立业务关系We are looking forward to inaugurating business relations with you
我地区最近受台风严重危害,希你们充分体谅我们的处境Our area was badly damaged by recent typhoon and we hope you will understand our situation fully
我方一直在考虑代理问题,希贵方继续努力推销我方的产品We are considering the question of agency and hope you continue to use your efforts in pushing the sale of our products
我方希你方用书面通知阐明你们的意向We hope you will express your intention in written notice
我方希你方能根据我方的能力考虑给我们独家经销你方产品的权利We hope you will consider giving us exclusive selling right for your products according to our ability
所收订单数量超过我们的希The quantity of the orders received exceeds our hopes
count on (upon)
中的in expectation
控制期参数control anticipation parameter
无形欲immaterial want
无恢复希without redemption
既然合并已经结束,我方希尽快恢复正常生产Since the amalgamation is over, we hope to resume normal production as soon as possible
最低期报酬率minimum attractive rate of return
最大期利润maximizing expected profit
最小期亏损minimizes expected loss
最小期报酬率minimum attractive return rate
有几分希将积压的货物马上售出There is a little prospect for the immediate disposal of the overstock
有希in prospect
有希good prospect
有希的销售途径the prospective avenue for the sale
有指获得最大利益promise the best yield
有条件期conditional expectation
服从的期expectation of obedience
促进赊销,为协议期满后续订协议铺平道路We hope you will promote credit sales so as to pave the way for a renewal of the agreement, when it expires
ancient house
早日回复我方询函Our enquiry shall be given your prompt attention
速告please inform immediately
亏损密度density expected loss
亏损最小minimizes expected loss
保存值expected value saved
expectation value
值基准expected value basis
净现值expected net present value
净现值expected NPV
利润aspired profit
利润率expected rate of profit
利益aspired profit
完成the aspiration achievement
实用值expected utility value
expected form
总成本the total expected cost
成功风险expected success risk
机会损失expected opportunity loss
机会的损失expected opportunity loss
水平an aspiration level
消费the expected consumption
消费expected consumption
现值expected present value
的年脱销费用expected annual stockout cost
的质量水平expected quality level
的边际利润expected marginal profit
的边际损失expected marginal loss
结果expected result
股票下跌的股票市场经纪人a bearish stock market operator
货币值expected monetary values
间隔时间expected elapsed time
未来市场展future market expectations
本拟提交仲裁,唯通过双方友好协商解决,故作罢We could submit it for arbitration but restrained from doing so because we wished it could be settled through friendly negotiation of both sides
从属律law of subordination of want
强度递减率law of diminishing intensity of want
曲线want curve
满足satisfaction of want
满足律law of satiable want
满足性satiability of want
满足的最大化maximization of want satisfaction
理论drive theory
此事很明显是你方的疏忽造成的,你方尽早解决此事It seems a very clear case of negligence on your part and your early settlement is requested
表示贸易政策要点注意、兴趣、愿、行动attention, interest, desire, action
消费者之欲wants and desires
消费者之欲want and desire
消费者希的购买额consumer buying expectations
消费者的欲want and desire
keen to (purchase, 购买)
sigh for
hungry for
渺茫的希a slender hope
满足某人的愿grant one's wish
物质欲material want
牵引欲entrained want
用户期user expectation approach
由于他们宁可暂时观,目前业务活动甚少As they prefer to wait and see, there is little business activity at present
由于许可证临近期满,我们希你方从速发运我方货物We'd like you to deliver our goods promptly because of the imminence of the licence expiry
目前试图出售仿珠宝项链是没有希To try to sell imitation pearl necklace at present is hopeless
看来他采取了观态度It seems that he has adopted a wait-and-see attitude
经济展economic prospect
经济展economic outlook
经济欲economic want
结果与愿相违背The consequence is cross to the desire
被指in view
该代理商希从银行获得一笔大额贷款,公司给他作了担保The company stood surety for his agent who wanted to obtain a big loan from the bank
该企业希通过自然减员如辞职、退休,等等来缩减工作人员The enterprise is hoping to cut down its staff by natural wastage (e. g., resigning, retiring, etc.)
该公司希接到你方信用证后能有足够的时间赶上这艘船The company hopes to receive your L/C in ample time to ca tch this steamer
请观,等到价格涨定时再说Please wait and see until the price rises and hardens
请观,等到有利时机再开始Please wait and see until the situation is favourable for the start
负荷期值损失loss of load expectation
购买愿willingness to purchase
这家工厂渴获得生产空气压缩机的专营权利This factory is desirous of acquiring the exclusive right for manufacturing of air compressors
适应性期adaptive expectations
那些在因风暴损坏的沉船上的旅客陷入了绝The passengers on the sinking ship damaged by a storm abandoned themselves to despair
银行给我们的贷款超过我们所期的数目The loan given us by the bank surpass-ed the sum we expected
附寄剪样,希你方大量提供我们按样仿制的货品You are expected to provide us with a large quantity of goods patterned on the enclosed sample cutting
项目期投资利润expected project return on investment
顾客对价格满意,但对质量有些失Customers are satisfied with the price but somewhat disappointed in the quality
预先期和意向企图的资料anticipations and intentions data
预先期资料anticipation data