
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing 服务器 | all forms
一般公共服务general public services
中介服务费intermediary service fees
为住户服务的非营利机构nonprofit institutions serving households
人力资源服务处HR Services
人力资源服务处Human Resources Services Division
伊斯兰金融服务委员会Islamic Financial Services Board
住房和社区服务设施housing and community amenities
信息技术服务部IT Services
信息技术服务部Information Technology Services
信息服务处Information Services Division
《全部商品与服务的国际标准分类》International Standard Classification of all Goods and Services
公共服务public utility
公共服务public service corporation
公共服务government service
公共服务public service
公共服务企业public service corporation
公共服务企业public utility
农业推广服务extension services
农业推广服务agricultural extension
农业推广服务agricultural extension services
出版服务科Publication Services Section
前台服务部门front office
办公室特别辅助服务人员组Special Office Support Group
口译服务处Interpretation Services
银行或券商后勤服务部门back office
商业服务business services
商品服务services on merchandise
国际服务交易分类的结构和编码系统structure and coding system of international transactions in services classification
国际服务交易的分类international transactions in services classification
国际服务贸易统计工作组Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services
《国际服务贸易统计手册》Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services
国际服务贸易统计跨机构工作组Interagency Task Force on Statistics of International Trade in Services
娱乐、文化和宗教事务和服务recreational, cultural, and religious affairs and services
安全服务处Security Services Division
客户服务处Client Services Division
客运服务passenger services
家属咨询和引荐服务处Family Consultation and Referral Service
批发金融服务wholesale financial services
技术与综合服务部Technology and General Services Department
投资服务提供者Investment Services Providers
抵押贷款服务权mortgage servicing rights
按目的划分的为住户服务的非营利机构的分类Classification of the Purposes of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households
政府服务government service
政府服务public service
服务 〔附加〕费cover charge
服务出口国和私人转移接受国exporters of services and recipients of private transfers
服务商service provider
服务型经济tertiary economy
服务型经济service economy
服务的提供者service provider
服务贸易总协定General Agreement on Trade in Services
服务费service fee
服务费service charge
机构服务与设施部Corporate Services and Facilities Department
港口服务port services
特别服务部门special services departments
综合服务处General Services Division
职能和特别服务部门functional and special services departments
获得金融服务的渠道能力financial access
行政服务Administrative Services
语言服务部Language Services
语言服务部图书馆Language Services Library
货物和服务的国内税domestic taxes on goods and services
货物和服务税taxes on goods and services
货物、服务与收入交易transactions in goods, services, and income
货物、服务和收入goods, services, and income
辅助服务auxiliary services
辅助服务support services
辅助服务ancillary services
部门辅助服务Departmental Support Services
间接衡量的金融中介服务financial intermediation services indirectly measured
非要素服务nonfactor services