
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
从常规向机转换transition from conventional to organic
企业平均废气害物排放量corporate average emission figure
协同作用的毒物质synergistic effect of toxic substances 1. A state in which the combined effect of two or more substances is greater than the sum of the separate effects. 2. An effect whereby two toxic substance together have more of an impact than anticipated (1. 在一个国家里,两个或两个以上的物质结合效果总和比单独作用的效果强。 2. 作用,使两种有毒物质具有一个共同的影响比预期的更强。)
可吸附机卤素值AOX value Organic halogens subject to absorption. This is a measure of the amount of chlorine (and other halogens) combined with organic compounds, adsorbable organic halogens value (可吸附性的有机卤素。 该数值用以表示与有机化合物结合之氯(及其他卤素)的含量。)
nationalisation The transfer of ownership of a private business or other private property to a national government, either through uncompensated seizure (expropriation) or through forced sale at a government-determined price (私人业务或其他私有财产的所有权转让给一个国家的政府,或者通过无偿扣押(没收)或通过按政府确定的价格被迫出售。)
土壤机质soil organism Organisms which live in the soil (生活在土壤中的有机物。)
工作区害物质信息系统Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
机碳total organic carbon The amount of carbon covalently bound in organic compounds in a water sample (大量碳共价键束缚于有机物的水样中。)
ownership Collection of rights to use and enjoy property, including right to transmit it to others. The complete dominion, title, or proprietary right in a thing or claim (使用权,包括对财产的使用和传递给他人。)
持久性机污染物persistent organic pollutant (在环境中不能降解且保持原状的有机污染物。更强的持久性污染物也许会导致更有害的环境效果。 (Organic pollutants that do not break down chemically and remain in the environment. Pollutants with higher persistence may produce more harmful environmental effects))
持久的机污染物质简写为POPpersistent organic pollutant
挥发性机化合物volatile organic compound Organic compound readily passing off by evaporation (容易蒸发的有机化合物。)
害场址old hazardous site Abandoned or disused dumps and refuse tips, stockpiles and landfill sites, disused petrol service stations, closed-down coking plants and former industrial and commercial premises, etc., from which considerable risks not only to the soil and to the groundwater, but also to humans and nature, can arise (废弃的或不再使用的垃圾堆放场、贮藏堆和垃圾填埋场、废弃加油站、关闭的焦化厂及旧工业及商业楼宇等,不仅对土壤和地下水有相当大的风险,而且还可能会出现对人类与自然的危害。)
严重灭绝危险的简写为CRcritically endangered
保残木的矮林coppice with standards A traditional system of woodland management whereby timber trees are grown above a coppiced woodland. It is used in particular as a method of exploiting oakwoods, in which all the trees except a rather open network of tall, well-formed oaks - the standards at about fifty per hectare - are felled, leaving plenty of space for hazels and other underwood to grow and be coppiced at intervals of ten to fifteen years (林地管理的统系统,其中可用作木材的树木生长在矮林上。特别可用作采伐橡树林的方法:除了相当开阔而网状分布的良构的高橡木(每公顷大约50棵树木)外,所有的树都被砍倒,留下大量空间给榛树和其他的矮树生长,以便以10到15年的时间间隔形成矮林。)
关节类;关节海百合类亚纲Articulata Animals characterized by the repetition of similar segments (metameres), exhibited especially by arthropods, annelids, and vertebrates in early embryonic stages and in certain specialized adult structures (相似组成部分重复出现的动物,主要包括节肢动物,环节动物,以及胚胎期的脊椎动物和某些专门的成年结构。)
利生境propitious habitat
危险化学品出口hazardous chemical export Transporting substances capable of producing adverse health effects, fires or explosions to other countries or areas for the conduct of foreign trade (利用外贸手段将对健康有负面作用、易燃或易爆的物质运送到其他国家和地区。)
危险物质hazardous substance Any material that poses a threat to human health and/or the environment. Typical hazardous substances are toxic, corrosive, ignitable, explosive, or chemically reactive (指能对人类健康或环境产生威胁的物质,典型的有害物质通常是有毒、具腐蚀性、易燃、易爆炸或具化学反应性的物品。)
害作业物质hazardous working material A poison, corrosive agent, flammable substance, explosive, radioactive chemical, or any other material which can endanger human health or well-being if handled improperly (一种有毒的、有腐蚀性的介质、易燃物、易爆物、放射性化学品或其他任何若处理不当则可危及人类健康或福祉的物质。)
害固体废物修正案Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment
害废弃物hazardous waste Any waste or combination of wastes with the potential to damage human health, living organisms or the environment. Hazardous wastes usually require special handling and disposal procedures which are regulated by national and international laws (对人类健康、生物体或环境具有潜在危害作用的任何废弃物或废弃物的混合。有害废弃物通常需要特殊的处理与处置程序,而这些程序由国家或国际性法律所管制。)
害废弃物弃置场hazardous waste dump Disposal facilities where hazardous waste is placed in or on land. Properly designed and operated landfills are lined to prevent leakage and contain systems to collect potentially contaminated surface water run-off (地面或地下的有害废弃物处置场所。经由适当设计和操作的掩埋场,其底部舖设防水布以防止泄漏,并设置污水收集系统以防止有可能被污染的地表水溢流。)
害废物作业和应急对策Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
美国害有机污染物国家排放标准Hazardous Organic National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
美国害有机污染物国家排放标准Hazardous Organic Neshap
害液体管道安全条例Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act
害烟雾toxic fumes
害烟雾noxious fumes
害物质立法hazardous substances legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the production, use or clean-up of materials that pose a threat to human health and the environment, particularly materials that are toxic, corrosive, ignitable, explosive or chemically reactive (政府为管制对人体健康及环境具有威胁物质的生产、使用或清除,所规定必须遵守的规则或法体,特别是指具有毒性、腐蚀性、可燃性、爆炸性或化学反应性的物质。)
害物质阈值threshold of harmfulness
害物质阈值threshold of noxiousness
害空气污染hazardous air pollution
害空气污染物hazardous air pollutants
害空气污染物hazardous air pollutant
序撤退orderly withdrawal
效性策略efficiency strategy
效湿度降雨量available moisture
无机 物质inorganic substance
无机 物质organic substance
机体释放release of organisms The release of organisms in the environment creates the risk that once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteria (在环境中有机体的释放造成的风险。一旦释放,可能出现一些以前未知的致病性,可能会借助一些自然产生的细菌,或对原有的细菌增加某些不需要的特性。)
机农业organic farming Farming without the use of industrially made fertilizers or pesticides (没有使用工业制造化肥和农药的农业。)
机化学organic chemistry A branch of chemistry dealing with the study of composition, reaction, properties, etc. of organic compounds (化学的一个分支,处理有机化合物的组成、反应、性质等的研究。)
机卤素化合物organohalogen compound Organic compounds containing a C-halogen bond (含碳和卤素的化合物。)
机废料organic waste Waste containing carbon compounds; derived from animal and plant materials (包含碳化合物的废料,来自于动物和植物机体。)
机教育农场bio-educational farm
机死被物organic litter
机氧化合物organooxygen compound Compounds, both aliphatic and aromatic, which have a C-O bond, including alcohols, aldehydes, etc. (化合物,脂肪族和芳香族,包括酒精、醋醛等。)
机氮organic nitrogen Essential nutrient of the food supply of plants and the diets of animals. Animals obtain it in nitrogen-containing compounds, particularly aminoacids. Although the atmosphere is nearly 80% gaseous nitrogen, very few organisms have the ability to use it in this form. The higher plants normally obtain it from the soil after microorganisms have converted the nitrogen into ammonia or nitrates, which they can then absorb. This conversion of nitrogen, known as nitrogen fixation, is essential for the formation of amino acids which, in turn, are the building blocks of proteins (动植物食品供给的基本养分。动物获取含氮化合物,特别氨基酸。虽然空气含有接近80%的气体氮,但很少有生物有能力以此形式使用它。通常在微生物已将氮转化成氨水或硝酸盐后,高等植物从土壤中获得它并能吸收。氮的这种转换,称为固氮,对形成氨基酸即蛋白质的构件,起着至关重要的作用。)
机氮化合物organonitrogen compound Organic compounds having a C-N bond (含碳和氮的化合物。)
机氯类化合物organochlorine compound Organic compounds containing a C-Cl bond (含碳和氯的化合物。)
机污染organic pollution Pollution caused by animal or plant material derived from living and dead organisms that may contain pathogenic bacteria and negatively influences the environment (来源于活的和死亡的动物或植物生物体而引成的污染,可能包含致病菌和对环境的负面影响。)
机污染指数saprobic index Indication or measure of the level of organic pollution (有机污染的指数或测量值。)
机污染物organic pollutant A plant- or animal-produced pollutant containing mainly carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (植物或动物产生的污染物,主要含碳、氢和氧。)
机污染物的持久性persistence of pesticides The ability of a chemical to retain its molecular integrity and hence its physical, chemical, and functional characteristics in the environment through which such a chemical may be transported and distributed for a considerable period of time (具备这种能力的化学物质,能保持其分子完整性的物理、化学和功能特点。在环境中,这样的化学物质可能被保持一段时间。)
机溶剂organic solvent Organic materials, including diluents and thinners, which are liquids at standard conditions and which are used as dissolvers, viscosity reducers, or cleaning agents (有机材料,包括稀释剂和冲淡剂,它在标准条件是液体并被用作溶解装置、粘度还原剂或清洗剂。)
机物organism An individual constituted to carry out all life functions (具有所有生命功能的个体)
机物材料organic substance
机物organic matter Plant and animal residue that decomposes and becomes a part of the soil (植物和动物的残留物,分解并成为土壤的一部分。)
机物质organic substance Chemical compounds, based on carbon chains or rings and also containing hydrogen with or without oxygen, nitrogen, or other elements (含碳原子的化合物,通常还包含氢原子,可以包含氧、氮及其它元素。)
机硅化合物organosilicon compound Any natural substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds and containing silicon, a non-metallic element often found in rocks or minerals (由两个或多个化学键构成且包含硅的原子,该非金属元素在岩石或矿物中经常被发现。)
机硫化合物organosulphur compound One of a group of substances which contain both carbon and sulfur (含碳和硫的化合物。)
机碳organic carbon Carbon which comes from an animal or plant (来自于动物或植物的碳。)
机磷化合物organophosphorous compound Pesticides that contain phosphorous; short-lived, but some can be toxic when first applied (包含亚磷的杀虫剂;一些是有毒性的。)
机肥料池manured pond
机草场organic grassland
机金属化合物organometallic compound Molecules containing carbon-metal linkage; a compound containing an alkyl or aryl radical bonded to a metal (分子化合物含碳和金属链;或者含有烷基芳的粘结金属。)
机锡化合物organotin compound Chemical compounds used in anti-foulant paints to protect the hulls of boats and ships, buoys and pilings from marine organisms such as barnacles (用于油漆的化合物,可以保护小船的船身和船体、浮体和打桩免受海洋有机物的破坏,包括眼镜薄膜。)
毒废料toxic waste Refuse posing a significant hazard to the environment or to human health when improperly handled; includes carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic or phytotoxic wastes, or wastes harmful to aquatic species, or poisonous wastes (未被正确处理时会对环境或人体健康产生重大危险的废物,包括致癌的、致突变的、致畸的或药害的废物,或对水生物有害的废物或毒物的废弃物。)
毒污染toxic pollution Pollution by toxic substances that produce a harmful effect on living organisms by physical contact, ingestion, or inhalation (通过物理接触、摄取或吸入而对活生物体产生有害影响的有毒物质的污染)
毒注人污染noxious immissions
毒混合物toxic compound
毒烟雾toxic fumes
毒烟雾noxious fumes
毒物质toxic substance
毒物质阈值threshold of toxicity
毒物质阈值threshold of poisonousness
氧状态aerobic condition Life common to the majority of animal and plants species requiring the presence of oxygen (绝大部分动物和植物物种的生存需要氧气。)
益生物beneficial organism Any pollinating insect, or any pest predator, parasite, pathogen or other biological control agent which functions naturally or as part of an integrated pest management program to control another pest (任何有自然功能或者作为综合虫害管理方案的一部分来控制另外一种害虫的授粉昆虫,或任何害虫捕食者,寄生虫,病原体或其他生物控制剂。)
花植物phanerogam Plants that produce seeds. The group comprises the Gymnospermae and the Angiospermae (植物产生种子。这类植物包括裸子植物门和被子植物门。)
螯角的动物chelicerate A subphylum of the phylum Artrophoda; chelicerae are characteristically modified as pincers (Artrophoda亚门,螯角的特点就是像钳子。)
袋目哺乳动物marsupial Type of Australian mammal with a pouch in which the young are carried. Marsupials give birth to young at a much earlier stage of development than other mammals so that the young need to be protected in the mother's pouch for some months until they become able to look after themselves (澳大利亚哺乳动物种类,其长有承载幼子的袋子。有袋动物幼崽生在一个比其他动物早很多的早期发育阶段,使得其需要在母亲的保护袋中被保护数月直至其能够照顾自己。)
限值limit value A workplace exposure criterion or standard that determines if a facility or building has a concentration of a substance to which most workers can be exposed without harmful or adverse effects (极限值 工作场所公示的标准或规范,以确定某设施或建筑物中含某物质的浓度是否可以使大多数在其中工作的工人可以不受危害或对其产生不利影响。)
限区域中期预报系统limited area mesoscale prediction system
美国限面积的细网目limited area fine mesh
欧洲共同体关于现化学品的规定EC regulation on existing chemicals Regulation designed to identify and control of risks deriving from existing chemicals. According to this program the main goal is the collection of basic information about existing chemicals including their uses and characteristics, environmental fate and pathways, toxicity and ecotoxicity (规定旨在确定和控制现有化学品所产生的风险。根据这一方案,主要目标是对现有化学品的基本信息进行收集,包括其用途和特点,环境归宿和途径,毒性和生态毒性。)
水生机体aquatic organism Organisms which live in water (在水中生存的有机组织。)
得到控制的残留燃烧火苗debris burning fire
消耗臭氧的害物质ozone depleter
消耗臭氧的害物质ozone-depleting substance
溶解性机碳dissolved organic carbon The fraction of total organic carbon (all carbon atoms covalently bonded in organic molecules) in water that passes through a 0.45 micron pore-diameter filter (水中全部有机碳(即所有碳原子以共价键联结成的有机分子)能通过0.45微米孔径滤纸所占的比例。)
植物种类分布模式characteristic floristic distribution pattern
化学物质existing chemical Chemical products existing before 18-09-1981, chemicals traded or introduced in the EC defore 18.09.1981 concerning Chemikaliengesetz (在1981年9月18日之前就存在的化学品。)
生物效性bio-availability The extent to which a drug or other substance is taken up by a specific tissue or organ after administration (药物或其他物质在实施后被特定组织或者有机体吸收的程度。)
privatisation The transfer of ownership or control of a government enterprise or other governmental property to a non-public, non-official company, organization or individual, either through sale or through the establishment of a special enterprise outside direct government control (政府或其它政府财产控制的非公开、非官方的所有制企业,通过出售或通过政府直接控制的境外企业来运营。)
private forest No definition needed (无需定义。)
物种rare species Species which have a restricted world range (世界上种群数量有限的物种。)
空中毒性物质和机物研究airborne toxic element and organic substances study
美国空气害污染物国家排放标准National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
高度害化学品highly hazardous chemicals