
Terms for subject Securities containing 有限的 | all forms | in specified order only
以持有的股份数量为限extent of their respective shareholdings
以有限合伙人的身份as limited partner
以有限责任合伙人的身份投资investing as common partner
其他所有权的限制other ownership restrictions
具有利率上下限的抵押贷款cap and collar mortgage
外商投资的有限责任公司limited liability companies with foreign investment
对国外投资者持有股份的限制limit on foreign investors' holding of stocks
对接收或持有客户资产的限制restriction on receiving or holding of client assets
有上下限的浮动利率票据collared floating-rate note
有关期货交易限制的立法legislation concerning futures trading restriction
有利率上限的浮动利率票据capped floating-rate note
有期限的担保time-limited guarantee
有期限的有价证券dated securities
有限制期的期权restricted life option
有限制的保管人limited depositary
有限制的参与者restricted participant
有限制的所有人limited owner
有限期的应付汇票款项bills and accounts payable with terms
有限期的资产limited life assets
有限的支付期限limited payment life
有限的第三债务人扣押令limited garnishee order
有限表决权的股票拥有多种股票的企业中,投票权受限制的股票restricted vote stock
限制有效期的期权restricted life option