
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing 有用 | all forms | in specified order only
交通规则适用于所有车辆和行人Traffic rules apply to all vehicles and pedestrians
他们成功地采用了超声波技术把鱼赶走、有效避免爆破对珍贵鱼类和其他水生物的不利影响、因而体现了工程建设与生态保护的和谐They have successfully adopted ultrasonic technology to drive away fish, which effectively avoided the impact of blasting on such valuable fish and other aquatic organisms, thus reflecting the harmony of engineering construction and ecological protection
使用有效期term of validity of use
只有一些规则可以用于这种情况Only some rules can be applied to this case
合成应力爆破模型在长时间内具有具体描述爆破过程的潜力、但目前只应用在研究中In the long term, a hybrid stress blasting model has the potential to provide a practical description of the blasting process but is currently limited to research applications
在炸药爆炸过程中、合成能量转化为破岩和位移这些有益的实用能量。振动、冲击波和飞石这些不利的负面效应也是由合成能量产生的In the detonation of explosives, the resultant energy is converted into beneficial applications such as fragmentation and displacement. It is also responsible for adverse side effects such as vibration, airblast and flyrock
大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大一部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by aftercombustion during the expansion phase
大多数民用炸药在爆炸时、只有部分在爆轰波阵面起反应、尚有很大一部分在膨胀阶段进行二次燃烧时才消耗掉In most commercial explosives, only part of the ingredients react immediately at the detonation front, leaving a considerable part to be consumed by afterburning during the expansion phase
应由双方分担的各种费用是个有争议的事项Different kinds of costs to be shared by the two parties are an explosive matter
所有能用的手段all available means
有人建议、用炸药里碳的总含量来作为确定爆炸时的温室气体排量的基础It is proposed that the total carbon content of the explosive should be used as the basis for GHG determinations from detonation
有人证明使用这种破碎带模型、遇到各种岩石和爆破环境时、能可靠地估算过筛直径为1mm 碎岩的比例The crushed zone model has been shown to provide a realistic estimate of the proportion of fragments passing 1 mm for a wide variety of materials and blasting situations
有安全意识的立法人员久久期盼不用炸药的采矿环境Safety conscious legislators have long held a vision of an explosives-free mining environment
有用成分valid component
有限水域中的爆破作用有限水域中的爆破是指爆破具有自由面的水质。此时的爆破作用称为有限水域中的爆破作用explosion in finite water
特种电雷管具有特种性能与用途的工业电雷管special electric detonator
生命周期在过去的十年、是用以量化所有环境影响的标准方法、涉及产品的整个生命周期和过程L-Cycle Assessment LCA has been the standard methodology far quantifying all environmental impacts associated with the entire life cycle of products and processes for over a decade
由于有降低成本的需要、重视矿工的健康和安全的问题以及随着毕业生技术水平的日渐提高、导致我们在20世纪的80年代末和90年代初越来越关注炸药技术的应用An ongoing need to reduce costs, and an increasing emphasis on the health and safety of mineworkers,together with the growing influence of technically skilled graduates resulted in increased attention being paid to explosives technologies during the late eighties and early nineties of the previous century
由于造价降低幅度大、用震动管代替装有雷管的导火线点火索则名正言顺Costs fell to a level which made it justifiable to replace capped fuse-igniter cords with shock tubes
装有嵌人式延时雷管的连接器早在20世纪50年代已付诸使用、借此进行程序复杂的延时爆破设计Connectors with built-in delay detonators, allowing the design of complex delay shots, became available as early as the 1950s
重要的是合理地实现了炸药及其辅助商品一揽子计划、相应地节省股票持有费用、致使包装简便、并达到库存要求Significant rationalization of the explosives and accessories commodity basket has been achieved with concomitant savings in costs of stock holding and simplification of packaging, transport and storage requirements
镀铜的铁质脚线绝缘和识别条码有彩色标记、用以辨别每个延迟时段The copper-clad iron leg wire insulation and identifying bands are color-coded for identification of each delay period