
Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology containing 有用的 | all forms
从香茅和其他特定精油中提取或人工制成的一种无色、有芳香气味的液体被用于制作香水A colorless aromatic liquid, obtained from citronella and certain other essential oil or produced synthetically, is used in making perfumes
如果你是非常油性的发质或者喜好用一些包含蜡的发胶,你就需要每两周使用一些有清洁作用的洗发剂来清除残留物If you have very oily hair or favor a particularly sticky styling product that contains wax, it does pay to use a clarifying shampoo once every two weeks to wash away residue
护肤产品、护发产品、除臭剂和香水,还有清洁用品都是用天然材料制成的Skin care products, hair care products, deodorizers and perfumes, and cleansing products of our company are all made naturally
白天工作时用运动古龙水。晚上用具有异国情调的东方树木香型香水Sporty colognes are for the day while working, exotic, oriental and woody fragrances for the evenings
这些哺乳动物分泌的黏稠、淡黄色、有麝香味的液体,可用于香水的制作The thick, yellowish, musky fluid secreted by these mammals is used in the manufacture of perfumes
针对粉刺的产生机理,设计了具有消炎、保湿、护肤作用的祛痘化妆品The anti-acne cosmetics with the characteristics of diminishing inflammation, moisturizing and skin-protection were designed, according to the mechanism of acne production