
Terms containing 有机质土 | all forms | in specified order only
plast.亲有机物质的改性膨润土organophilic bentonite
oil亲有机质膨润土organophilic bentonite
tech.低塑性有机质粉土organic silt of low plasticity
tech.低塑性有机质黏土organic clay of low plasticity
earth.sc.半腐有机土壤物质hemic soil material
tech.含粗粒有机质土organic soil containing coarse grains
desert.土壤原有机质native soil organic matter
UN, ecol.土壤圈丧失有机物质肥沃的土壤loss of organic matter fertile soil in the pedosphere
agric.土壤有机矿质复合体organic-mineral soil complex
ecol.土壤有机矿质复合体soil organo-mineral complex
hydroel.st.土壤有机质soil organic mater
environ.土壤有机质soil organism Organisms which live in the soil (生活在土壤中的有机物。)
soil.土壤有机质soil organic matter
earth.sc.土壤有机质分解率decomposition rate of soil organic matter
earth.sc.土壤有机质半衰期half-life of soil organic matter
ecol.土壤有机质周转turnover of soil organic matter
tech.土壤有机质层organic soil horizons
earth.sc.土壤有机质平均停留时间mean residence time of soil organic matter
earth.sc.土壤有机质平衡soil organic matter balance
tech.土壤有机质部分soil organic matter fractions
tech.土壤的有机质含量organic content of soils
tech.有机质土highly organic soil
tech.微含粗粒有机质土organic soil containing lightly coarse grains
construct., tech.斗轮挖掘机是连续切割机器,能切割质地柔软及半硬的材料,如黏土、沙子、砾石、泥灰及它们的混合物,还有褐煤、硬煤等Bucket-heel excavators are continuous cutting machines for soft to semi-hard materials like clay, sand, gravel, marl and their blending as well as lignite and hard coal
soil.有机土壤物质organic soil material
eng.geol.有机矿质土organic mineral soil
tech.有机矿质土organic mineral soil (壤)
tech.有机质含量高的土highly organic soil
bridg.constr.有机质土organic soil
desert.有机质土organic silt
agric.有机质土取样器organic soil sampler
tech.有机质粉土organic silt
tech.有机质粘性土sticky soil
oil有机质膨润土organophilic bentonite
tech.有机质膨润土矿石organic bentonite ore
tech.有机质高岭石高岭土矿石kaolin ore of organic-kaolinite type
dril.有机质黏土organophilic clay
tech.灰化土有机质organic matter of a podzol
soil.矿质底层的有机土terric histosol
desert.有机质土raw organic soil
soil.纤维质有机土fibric histosol
desert.腐殖化有机质土humified organic soil
tech.高塑性有机质土organic clay of high plasticity
earth.sc.高腐有机土壤物质sapric soil material