
Terms for subject Securities containing 有效 | all forms | in specified order only
一般授权的有效life of a general mandate
交易方法的有效性检验validating of trade methods
促使及时、公平、真实、准确、完整、透明和有效地进行信息披露boost the timely, fair, truthful, accurate, complete, transparent and effective information disclosure
先售有效subject to prior sale
再融资的有效成本effective cost of refinancing
有效收人net effective income
到期前有效指令good-till-date order
到期前始终有效的指令good through until date order
削减低效率的国有企业curtailing the number of inefficient state enterprises
半强势有效市场假说semistrong-form efficient market hypothesis
卖方撤回前有效要价offer good until withdrawn by seller
卖方确认后有效报价offer subject to seller's confirmation
即日有效指令good-for-day order
发行当日有效valid on date of issue
只在发行当日有效的报价ticker available on day of issue only
期货合同有效life of contract
在证件的有效期内within the validity of that certificate
契约有效hold good
定价有效pricing efficiency
定时有效指令order good until a specified time
对于上市公司有效透明的监管机制effective transparent regulatory mechanism for listed companies.
平均有效期收益yield to average life
平均方差有效组合mean variance efficient portfolio
强势有效市场strong form market
强势有效市场strong-form efficiency market
强势有效strong-form efficiency
强势市场有效strong-form of market efficiency
当天有效good for the day
当日有效订单good-for-day order
当月有效指令month order
总的有效需求aggregate effective demand
所有权向内生效计划毒丸反收购措施作为翻转计划的一部分ownership flip-in plan
执照有效范围ambit of licensing
执行委托之前有效good-till-executed order
投标的有效validity of tender
有效ownership utility
持久有效信用证evergreen clause credit
持续有效的客户指示standing client instruction
撤销前有效good till canceled
撤销前有效指令good till cancelled order
收购要约有效effective term of takeover offer
最后转移有效good to the last drop (清算所成员有责任向当日未完成债务转移的其他成员提供帮助(交易规则))
最短要约有效minimum duration (收购中)
有效交易eligible transaction
有效关联收人effectively connected income
有效分公司注册证valid branch registration certificate
有效利率real rate of interest
有效利率real interest rate
有效利率成本effective interest cost
有效制裁effective sanction
有效前沿efficient frontier
有效及现有的汇票valid and subsisting bill
有效双边净额结算协议valid bilateral netting arrangement
有效发行when distributed
有效商业注册证valid business registration certificate
有效存续期effective duration
有效影响新股发行对市场上股价所造成的影响effective spread
有效待收款eligible receivables
有效总收人effective gross income
有效扩散effective spread
有效投票权effective voting power
有效报价standing offer
有效披露efficient disclosure
有效控制仓量,股份持有量working control
有效控制权effective control
有效收人revenue outturn
有效收益effective yield
有效方式virtual way
有效effective life
有效期指令good through
有效杠杆比率effective gearing
有效正式会议valid formal meeting
有效汇率real exchange rate
有效汇率指数effective exchange rate index
有效浮动availability float
有效特点knock-in features
有效申购人efficient applicant
有效申购户数efficient applicant
有效的信息披露effective information disclosure
有效的定价机制effective price-setting mechanism
有效的投资组合efficient portfolio
有效的组合effective portfolio
有效的经济权益effective economic interest
有效的董事评估机制effective director assessment mechanism
有效股东大会、董事会投票valid ballot
有效纳税投资tax efficient investing
有效背书valid endorsement
有效要约standing offer
有效规避hedge effectiveness
有效货币资本virtual money-capital
有效购进good buying
有效资本市场efficient capital market
有效转换溢价effective conversion premium
有效避险hedge effectiveness
有效配置efficient allocation
有效集合efficient set
有效集合协议valid pooling agreement
有效面值effective par
有追溯效力的ex post facto
期限内有效委托good through
未售时有效报价offer subject to being unsold
本周有效委托good-this-week order
本周有效指令good-this-week order
证券交易本周有效指令good-this-week order
本月有效委托good-this-month order
本月有效指令good-this-month order
权益有效period of benefit
某时间后有效指令good after time order
法律有效和确定的文本authentic and definite text
法律上有效的解释authentic interpretation
监管有效手段regulatory teeth
直至卖方取消前要价一直有效offer good until withdrawn by seller
短期有效证券short-lived securities
穿透趋势线的有效validity of trendline penetration
立即回复才有效subject to immediate reply
经济有效economic efficiency
经营有效的市场operationally efficient market
菲舍尔一威尔有效期限Fisher-Weil duration
衡平法债务的有效转让equitable assignment of debt
资本组合有效前沿efficient frontier of asset portfolio
资本配置的有效场所efficient place for capital allocation
赔偿继续有效survival of indemnification
部分有效指市场并非完全有效somewhat efficient
限制有效期的期权restricted life option
风险有效投资组合risk efficient portfolio
马科威茨有效组合Markowitz efficient portfolio
马科威茨有效组合集Markowitz efficient set of portfolios
马科威茨有效边界Markowitz efficient frontier