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可供选择的信用卡种类很多,其中有些信用卡很流行,如美国运通卡、维萨卡及万事达卡,等等There are many credit cards available: American Express, VISA, and Master Charge are some of the most popular ones
我们有很多低脂点心。菠萝塔就不含脂肪,还是新推出的We serve a wide range of low-fat desserts. Pineapple tart is low in fat. It's new on the menu
我猜想这卡萨布兰卡有很多破碎的心I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca
有很多类似不起眼的传统,从装饰圣诞树到槲寄生树下亲吻,然后交换礼物,这一切都是如此有趣There are lots of little traditions like this, from decorating the Christmas tree to kissing under the mistletoe, to exchanging gifts. That is a lot of fun
附近有很多不错的商店和时装店There are a lot of shops and boutiques around