
Terms for subject Securities containing 有动 | all forms
一次完成所有变动once for all change
不动产和个人财产所有权证书title documents to real estate and personal property
不动产有限合伙关系real estate limited partnership
与证券上市有关的非经营性活动non-operating activities related to the securities listing
个人有形动产tangible personal property
持有不动产real estate holdings
有上下限的浮动利率票据collared floating-rate note
有关恐怖主义活动资金的行政命令Terrorism Finance United States Executive Order
有利率上限的浮动利率票据capped floating-rate note
有形动产corporeal chattels
有效浮动availability float
有期限不动产投资信托finite life real estate investment trust
有权转换为固定利率的浮动利率票据floating rate note with fixed rate conversion option
有足够的资源在金融动荡中生存adequate resources to survive in the turmoil
有限浮动盯住汇率crawling peg
终止拥有不动产产权close the title
被动持有证券passive holding security
速动资金持有量liquidity position
非不动产信托投资所有者Non-REIT owners