
Terms for subject Economy containing 有动 | all forms
他提到他没有任何义务及不动产负债He mentioned that he was free from any obligations and encumbrances
你们提供的有关你方市场的最新动态,我们深表谢意We are grateful for your up-to-date 作表语时写作 up to date information concerning your market
具体的有用劳动concrete useful labor
农村动产的所有者owners of rural real estate
剩余劳动的占有appropriation of surplus-labour
剩余劳动的占有appropriation of surplus-labor
务请注意,由于市场价格频繁波动,所有报价有效期仅一周Please note that these quotations are open for a week only because there are frequent fluctuations in the market price
双方之间的整个合同如有变动,需有双方共同签署的备忘录,方可生效The whole contract between the parties may be altered only by memorandum signed by both parties
所有不动产,如无具体的处理办法,则应提交法院判决All real estate, the disposition of which is not specifically provided for, shall be submitted to the court
投资有价证券的变动fluctuations in investment securities
无条件继承的不动产,不限制具有一定身份的人才能继承的土地fee simple
有体动产corporeal moveables
有偿劳动paid labour
有劳动能力的人口able-bodied population
有劳动能力的居民死亡率统计表labour force life table
有形动产corporeal moveables
有形的流动资产current tangible assets
有报酬的活动the gainful activity
有效国际行动the viable international action
资金的有效流动性effective liquidity
资金的有效流动水平effective liquidity level
有日期的劳动投入dated labour input
有时工程的一项变动会导致增加或缩减工程服务Sometimes a change in a project requires addition or diminution in engineering services
有条件的流动性conditional liquidity
有条件的流动能力condition liquidity
有用劳动useful labor
有管理的浮动汇率managed floating exchange rate
有行动自由have a free hand
有规则的移动steady shift
有足够吸引力但流动性较小的金融资产sufficiently attractive but less liquid financial assets
有限制的不动产权estate upon limitation
有限动力程序设计finite dynamic programming
有限浮动limited flexibility
没有设计人的书面同意,不允许对既定的设计做任何变动It is not permissible to deviate from the set design without the written consent of the designer
现在证券交易所有大量的业务活动There is a lot of activity on the Stock Exchange now
生产过程中有偿劳动消耗compensate the labour expended in the production process
由欠税公卖取得的不动产所有权tax title
社会所拥有的劳动量amount of labour available to society
能动的有机体dynamic organism
自有流动资金the self-owned current fund
质量不动产所有权的范围quality identification function
这两台机器差别很大一台配有电动机,另一台靠燃油驱动The two machines differ greatly: one has an electric motor, the other runs on oil
这家公司在破产前拥有大量不动产This company possessed lots of immovable property before its bankruptcy
这家外资公司有钱,能以大规模的广告活动推出其新产品This foreign-funded company has the means to launch its new products with a big advertising compaign