
Terms for subject Securities containing 有关 的 | all forms | in specified order only
与业务有关的风险risk relating to business
与债券的清偿和付息有关的业务business relating to servicing of bonds
与全球售股有关的风险risk relating to global offering
与发行有关的issues in connection with
与投资有关的人寿保险计划investment-linked assurance schemes
与指定项目有关的贷款project-linked borrowing
与收人赢利有关的措施earnings-related measure
与收人有关的津贴earnings-related benefit
与……有关的卖方立场seller's position with respect to...
与股利有关的财务政策financial policy with respect to dividend
与计划有关联的资金funds linked to a scheme
与证券上市有关的非经营性活动non-operating activities related to the securities listing
与贷款组合有关的风险risk relating to loan portfolio
与重组及合并有关的风险risk relating to the restructuring and merger
与银行有关的经纪人bank-related broker
以前和持照公司有关联的实体former associated entity of a licensed corporation
内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排一一与证券与期货人员资格有关的安排Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement-Arrangements Relating to Qualifications of Securities and Futures Industry Practitioners
应有的关注义务duty of due care
披露有关禁止交易的信息disclosure of information about prohibited transactions
搜集有关市场罪行的证据gather evidence related to market crime
操纵有关证券的价格manipulate prices of relevant securities
有关上市规则执行的公告Listing Enforcement Announcements
有关个人利益的议案private bill
有关恐怖主义活动资金的行政命令Terrorism Finance United States Executive Order
有关摘牌程序及停牌公司的报告status report on delisting proceedings and suspensions
有关期货交易限制的立法legislation concerning futures trading restriction
有关联的实体associated entity
有关股份权益过分集中的公告announcements concerning high concentration of shareholdings
有关股市的最直率的言论outspoken comments on stock market
有关证券犯罪的定罪和判刑标准standard for conviction and sentencing of relevant securities crimes
有关证券犯罪的调查与取证investigation and evidence collection of relevant securities crimes
有关购人/出让交易权的资讯服务Notification Service of Purchase/Sale of Trading Rights
有利害关系的一方party at interest
未获有关机构批准的风险risk in uncertainty of approval by relevant authorities
特有的三边关系distinctive triangular relationship
要求出示有关上市公司记录和文件的权力power to require production of records and documents concerning listed corporations
说明有关债权的事项specify the relevant items of the claim
通过手机短信提醒投资者有关股市的风险short message of mobile for reminding investors risks of stocks market