
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
亚洲低成本温室气体排放计划Least-Cost Greenhouse Gas Emission Plan in Asia
《决定》是否为后决定并有约束力final and binding was the Decision
冻原气候:温度——气温低的5个月中每月的日平均温度均低于零下10摄氏度tundra climate: temperature — average daily low under minus 10 degree celsius for each of the coldest five months
《刚果人政治谈判 后文件》Final Act of the inter-Congolese political negotiations
变动大一点maximum maximorum
需要的地区送交目标?援助target assistance where it is most needed
国际环境领域杰出贡献奖International Prize for the Most Outstanding Contribution in the Field of the Environment
地面铺面和后修整floor coverings and finishes
坡度变动之处有多个局部变动大之点local maxima in the change of the gradient
大陆坡坡底坡度变动大之点point of maximum change in the gradient at its base
1990年代联合国非洲发展新议程执行情况后审查大会特设全体委员会Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole of the General Assembly for the Final Review and Appraisal of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s
援助小岛屿发展中国家和不发达国家参加全球小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展会议及其筹备过程的自愿基金Voluntary Fund for Assisting Small Island Developing States and the Least Developed Countries to Participate in the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and its Preparatory Process
不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家特别方案Special Programme on the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表High Rep. for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States
不发达国家、内陆和岛屿发展中国家特别协调员Special Coordinator for Least Developed, Landlocked and Island Developing Countries
不发达国家、内陆和过境发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家和结构薄弱、易受损和规模小的经济体特别方案Special Programme for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries, Small Island Developing States and Structurally Weak, Vulnerable and Small Economies
不发达国家协调股Least Developed Countries Coordination Unit
不发达国家协调股LDS Coordination Unit
不发达国家和内陆发展中国家问题特别小组Special Body on Least Developed and Landlocked Developing Countries
不发达国家支助和协调股LDC Support and Coordination Unit
不发达国家特别措施基金Special Measures Fund for the Least Developed Countries
不发达国家科Least Developed Countries Section
不发达国家融入全球经济综合性新行动纲领Comprehensive New Plan of Action for Integrating LDCs into the Global Economy
低天文潮位lowest astronomic tide
低天文潮位lowest tidal level
低天文潮位lowest astronomical tide
低意外做法risk aversion approach
低意外做法minimum surprise approach
低綱領做法minimalist approach
佳做法best practices
佳可得技术best available technologies
佳可得技术best available techniques
佳环保做法best environmental practice
后一次有效检查last validated inspection
后业绩报告final performance report
后确定案文阶段finalization process
外缘定点outermost fixed points
大坡度变化maximum change in gradient
惠国地位most-favoured-nation status
有成功机会的方法best-shot technology
短海洋托运路线shortest sea consignment route
老的老人oldest old 80 years or more
高协调理事会Supreme Coordination Council
水处理厂ROWPU 或同类,装备、水槽和水囊,高7 000公升每小时,储存42 000公升水water treatment plant ROWPU or equivalent, equipment, tanks and bladders, over 7,000 liquid pounds per hour, storage up to 42,000 litres
爆炸物处理是指在部队处理爆炸物的背景下,对未爆炸弹药的探测、查明、现场评估、安全拆卸、回收和后处理explosive ordnance disposal EOD means, in the context of force EOD, the detection, identification, onsite evaluation, rendering safe, recovery and final disposal of unexploded ammunition
电路装置以及连接终用户的电缆wiring harnesses, and cabling to connect end users
病毒载量低点viral load nadir
病毒载量低点plasma HIV nadir
血浆病毒载量低点viral load nadir
血浆病毒载量低点plasma HIV nadir
降水量——多有3个月月平均降水量超过50毫米。precipitation — a maximum of three months with over 50 millimetres average monthly precipitation
非洲和不发达国家特别协调员办公室Office of the Special Coordinator for Africa and the Least Developed Countries